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NATRUM SULPHURICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy NATRUM SULPHURICUM…


NATR SULPH. Sulphate of Soda. See Hartlaub and Trinks’ ” Annals, ” III.


Jerking in the limbs. Prickings here and there, with burning. Great languor and exhaustion, particularly in the afternoon. Languor, weariness, and prostration, as if a severe illness would set in. Trembling in the whole body, with spasmodic movements of the muscles, particularly on the left side of the chest.


The majority of the symptoms set in during rest and disappear during motion. Amelioration in the open air. Cessation of many of the morning symptoms after dinner.


Drowsiness, Symptoms at night, in bed; violent headache. Starting, as if in affright, soon after falling asleep. Sleep full of dream.


Internal coldness, with yawning and stretching. Cold chilliness, with a shuddering, with thirst. Chilliness, particularly in the evening, also as if fever would set in. Chilliness after rising, with external coldness.


Weeping mood, inducing in sad thoughts. Low-spirited and tired of life.


Vertigo with dullness of the head.


Headache while reading. Heaviness of the head, with bleeding at the nose. Periodical attacks of pressure in the right side of the forehead. Lacerating in the right temple, also extending to the bones of the face or to the vertex. Boring in the occiput. Boring in the forehead. Griping pain in the forehead. Pain in the forehead as if it would burst, immediately after a meal, followed by great drowsiness. Beating pain in the head. Painful beating in the temples, in the walking, with violent pain in the vertex as if ulcerated. Feeling of looseness of the brain. Sensitiveness of the scalp.


Bursting pain around the eye. Pressure in the eyes Burning and dryness of the eyes, with redness. The eye-balls feel hot. Nightly agglutination, with sensitiveness to light. Photophobia, with burning of the eyes. Dimness of sight, from weakness of the eyes. Mistiness and moisture of the eyes, early in the morning. Small, yellow, sparkling stars before the eyes, after blowing the nose.


Pressure in the ears from within outwards. Ringing in the ears.


Bleeding of the nose during the menses, particularly in the afternoon. Coryza, with obstruction of the nose.


Pale face on waking, as after nightly revelry, with ill-humor. Lacerating in the right side of the face, succeeded by beating on the neck. Lacerating in the malar-bone. Frequent itching of the



Great pain and stiffness of the joint, with difficulty of opening the mouth. Beating toothache. The gums burn like fire. Blister on the gums, suppurating and then drying up.


Feeling of numbness and roughness in the mouth. Burning in the mouth as from spice. Dryness, with redness of the gums and thirst. Slimy coating of the tongue, with slimy taste in the mouth. Burning blisters at the tip of the tongue. Burning of the palate, as if sore and raw, during the menses. Blisters on the palate, with painful sensitiveness, relieved by cold.


Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils and uvula, with difficulty of swallowing. Dryness of the throat, extending to the oesophagus.


Want of appetite, with frequent yawning and thirst. Great thirst. Absence of thirst.


Constant gulping up of sour water. Exhausting hiccough. Vomiting of sour mucus, in the evening, preceded by giddiness. Great languor and burning pain in the head after the vomiting.


Feeling of repletion in the stomach, extending to the chest. Qualmishness, before eating. Trembling and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with want of breath. Beating in the stomach, with nausea.


Great sensitiveness of the region of the liver, in walking, with painfulness to the touch.


Colic, as previous to diarrhoea. Griping in the abdomen, before breakfast. Contractive pain in the abdomen, extending to the chest, with tightness of breath and subsequent diarrhoea. Pain as if bruised in the abdomen and small of the back. Pinching in the abdomen, with sensation as if the bowels were distended. Pinching, extended to the groin, succeeded by diarrhoea.


Hard stool with pressure, sometimes streaked with blood. Looseness of the bowels. Half-liquid stools with tenesmus of the anus. Diarrhoea, preceded by pain in the groins and hypogastrium. Constant urging to stool. Burning at the anus. Itching of the anus.


Copious micturition with brick-dust sediment. Urine with yellow- reddish sediment.


Itching of the scrotum. Excited sexual instinct.


Scanty, retarded menses, with colic and costiveness. Profuse menses. Acrid corrosive menses. Leucorrhoea.


Dry cough, particularly at night, with soreness of the chest and roughness of the throat. Frequent loose cough with expectoration.


Shortness of breath when walking. Pressure on the chest, from a heavy load. Stitches on the left side of the chest.


Pain in the small of the back, the whole night, as if ulcerated. Pain as if bruised in the small of the back. Lacerating in the back, along the bones. Violent pain in the nape of the neck.


Lacerating in the upper arm. Burning at the elbow Trembling of the hands. Burning and redness on the dorsum of the hand.


Violent pain in the hips. Burning and sore feeling in the bends of the hips. The thighs and legs feel weary and exhausted. Great languor of the feet at night, with uneasiness. Lancinations and laceratings in the heels.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.