MAGNESIA CARBONICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MAGNESIA CARBONICA…


MAG. CAR. Carbonate of Magnesia. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases.” Vol. IV. Duration of Action: forty to fifty days.


Aconite, Arsenicum, Baryta, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Causticum, Chamomilla, Croc., Cyclamen, Ferrum, Graphites, Hyoscyamus, Jod., Kali., Lycopodium, Mag.-mur., Nitr.-ac., Nux.-v., Nux.-mos., Petrol., Phosph., Platina, Plumb., Rhus., Silicea, Spigelia, Spongia, Squil., Staphysagria, Sulphur, Sulphur-ac., Veratrum


Chamomilla Pulsatilla Mercurius-sol., Nux.-v.


Pains over the whole body. Stiffness of the whole body, early in the morning, when rising. Dartings in the nates, the thighs, the shoulders, and frequently the face. Parts become easily strained and sprained. Relaxed condition of the body. Sudden depression of strength when walking in the open air. Weak feeling, early in the morning, when in bed. Great weakness of the lower limbs. Languid and weary in the whole body, especially the feet. HAnds and feet feel as if they had been broken and crushed. Great weakness of the whole body, with wretched appearance and inclination to vomit. A kind of paralysis of the left lower limb, with pain in the hip and knee-joint. Frequent sudden falling, with consciousness, when standing or walking. Epileptic attacks. Emaciation of children.


Great sensitiveness, especially to cold. Violent itching of the whole body. Burning prickings in different parts of the body. Vesicle and pimples, sometimes itching violently. Large nodosities, with stinging pain under the skin, in the axilla, and above the elbow-joint. Small, red, little elevated, smooth herpes, scaling off afterwards. Small boils on the forehead, neck, and chest, and especially the thighs.


Frequent yawning, with sneezing. Sleeplessness the whole night. Sleeplessness from oppression of the abdomen. Restless sleep, with frequent waking. Anxiety at night, with sleeplessness, and heaviness in the whole body. Great internal heat at night. Toothache, at night, the tooth feels elongated, the pain being more lacerating than throbbing. Throbbing and drawing toothache, the whole night. Wetting the bed at night. Anxious dreams at night. Anxious dream, with shrieks, weeping and sobbing.


Coldness in the evening, and chills, with shaking. Chilliness from morning till evening. Feverish shuddering down the back, with some nausea, without any subsequent heat. Thirst after dinner, afterwards chilliness, in the evening burning heat in the face, with cold feet and violent mental excitation. Profuse night-sweat. Fetid night-sweat.


Trembling, anguish, and fear. Internal uneasiness, with trembling of the hands and absence of mind. Vexed. Ill-humor. Sad mood.


Dullness of the head from mental exertions. Reeling sensation in the head. Vertigo. Fainting vertigo.


Headache, as if brought on by stiffness of the neck. Violent headache, early in the morning; in the afternoon, worse towards evening. Heaviness and dizziness of the head. Heaviness of the head, with yawning and nausea. Great pressure ion the fore part of the head, with pain in the eyes. Drawing pain in the head. Violent darting headache. Lacerating and throbbing, deep in the forehead. Lacerating in the forehead, with stupefaction and heaviness in the brain. Deep dull stitch through the brain. Pulsative sensation in the region of the forehead. Congestion of blood to the head. Itching of the hairy scalp. Increased falling off of the hair.


Pressure around the eyes, towards evening. Lacerating in the eyes, followed by lachrymation. Burning and stinging in the eyes, which look injected. Inflammation and swelling of the lower eye- lid. Swelling of the eye-ball, as if dropsy of the eye would set in. Dryness and burning of the eyes. Agglutination of the eye- lids, early in the morning. Gum in the eyes, early in the morning on waking, with burning and dim-sightedness. Obscuration of the cornea. Obscuration of the crystalline lens. Mist before the eyes, especially the right. Photophobia, with burning in the eyes. Black motes before the eyes.


Lacerating of the ears. Great sensitiveness to noise. Tingling of the ears. Whizzing and ringing in the ear, with diminution of hearing. Roaring in the ears.


Redness of the nose and swelling. Scurfy formation in the nose. Bleeding from the nose and mouth. Violent tickling in the nose, followed by sneezing. Dry coryza, and obscuration of the nose, waking her at night. Obscuration of the nose, frequently alternating with fluent coryza.


Wretched, pale, earthy complexion. Nightly lacerating, digging, and boring in the malar bone. Throbbing pain in the antrum. Redness and burning of the face. Heat in the face and hands, with redness, burning, and thirst, at noon. Hard nodosity on the right temple, painful when touched. Diminution of the nodous tumors in leprous patients. Burning and tension of the lip. Fine, painful laceratings in the lip. Fine eruption about the mouth Hard, little nodosities in both corners of the mouth.


Toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Toothache every day, especially at night. Nightly toothache, with ulcerative pain in the teeth when touched. Toothache, with drawing (lacerating) in the direction of the temples, and in the whole side of the face, which is swollen, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Drawing in all the teeth, with swelling and redness of the gums. Darting toothache. Throbbing toothache, with single stitches. Burning toothache, in the evening when in bed, with pain as if the teeth were loose. The teeth feel elongated and very sensitive. Looseness of the teeth, with swelling of the gums.


A number of miliary eruptions in the mouth, on the tongue and cheeks, bleeding when touched, and burning when eating anything sour. Numbness of the whole inner mouth. Burning sensation of the palate, as if the skin were off. Burning saliva.


Sore throat, with burning and retching. Pain in the throat when swallowing. Burning and roughness in the throat. Roughness in the throat, with desire to vomit. Frequent rising of mucus in the throat, with roughness and dryness of the fauces. Soft fetid tubercles, of the color of green peas. Discharge of tenacious mucus, streaked with blood.


Bitter taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Little or no appetite or hunger. Desire for fruit and acid things. Thirst. Violent thirst.


After a meal, weakness, pale face, nausea, and dark-colored vomiting of the nausea. Colic and distention of the abdomen, after a meal. Unsuccessful eructations. Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Frequent eructations, with pain in the stomach. Sour eructations. Frequent hiccough. Loathing, without any desire to vomit. Loathing and inclination to vomit, in the evening. Loathing, with pain and coldness of the stomach. Nausea and desire to vomit, with constipation. Inclination to vomit, and accumulation of water in the mouth. Vomiting of bitter water.


Pain in the stomach, with nausea, heaviness of the head, and ill-humor, without aversion to food. Pain in the stomach in the forenoon, resembling a feeling of emptiness and qualmishness. Pressure in the stomach. Contractive pain in the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the stomach, with great sensitiveness to pressure. Violent stitch in the pit of the stomach.


Pinching and contractive sensation, extending from both hypochondria towards the umbilicus. Dull stitches in the right hypochondrium. Sensation as of something hard in the region of the liver, with frequent pinching in the abdomen.


Colic, followed by watery leucorrhoea, occasionally. Violent colic, early in the morning, especially around the umbilicus. Great heaviness in the abdomen. Feeling of repletion in the abdomen. Great bloatedness of the abdomen. Spasmodic contractive pain in the abdomen, afterwards diarrhoea. Constriction and pinching in the right iliac region, very painful. Griping and digging in the abdomen, as if the menses would set in, with emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence. Painful griping in the abdomen, below the umbilicus, frequently intermitting, and afterwards reaching to the stomach. Colicky pains in the whole abdomen, with pressing towards the genital organs, accompanied by discharge of blood from the vagina. Colicky pains in the abdomen, more violent in the evening. Violent pinching around the umbilicus. Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen, followed by green diarrhoea. Painful cutting and pressing in the abdomen and both groins. Violent colic, extending from the small of the back towards the public bones. Inguinal hernia.


Inclines to be constipated. Retention of stool. Stool hard as a stone, with pain in the anus. Hard stool in the afternoon, followed by burning at the anus. Soft stool, preceded by pinching in the abdomen. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with violent cutting in the abdomen and pressing. Liquid stool, followed by burning at the anus. Discharge of a liver-colored fluid, followed by tenesmus and burning. Diarrhoea, with great weakness. Green diarrhoeic stools. A quantity of ascarides with stool. Discharge of ascarides between the stools. Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, previous to stool. Faintness after stool. Desire for stool, with violent prickings in the rectum. Pressure in the rectum, between the stools. Sore pain in the anus, or as if ulcerated, when sitting or walking. Painful varices of the rectum.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.