LAUROCERASUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LAUROCERASUS…


LAUROC.Prunus Laurocerasus, Cherry Laurel. See Hartlaub and Trinks, I “Archiv,” XII.


Ammonium, Cantharis, China,Cocc., Coffea, Hydr-ac., Ipecac., Kali., Lachesis, Mercurius, Nux vomica, Opium, Rhus., See-c., Spigelia, Veratrum


Of large doses: alkalies, particularly Ammonium Soap-water. Strong Coffee (Moench, Orfila). Milk. Mucilaginous substance. Oil of Turpentine. Solution of Tartar-emetic (Bergonzi. according to whose observations. Lauroc, neutralized the excessive action of Tartar-emetic). Chlorine, internally and externally. Cold affusions. Antidotes of small doses: Camph., Coffea, Ipecac., Opium


Pinching burning. Laming pains in the heads of bones, here and there. Sensation as if the joints were put loosely together. Great depression of sensibility of the irritable organs. Deficient vital energy and reaction against remedial agents. Great languor of the whole body, particularly of the lower extremities. The feet feel faint, as if paralyzed or bruised. Excessive weakness and prostration. Great prostration, also (particularly towards evening) with irresistible drowsiness, lassitude, and feeling of weakness, sometimes accompanied with ill-humor and dread of work. Nervous weakness. Fainting fit, Falls down suddenly. Catalepsy. Paroxysm as if dead, paralyzed, with scarcely perceptible pulse (30). Convulsions, with subsequent paralysis of the muscles. Convulsions, with twitching about the head, and in the dorsal and cervical muscles, which soon became paralyzed. Convulsions, with staring eyes, lock-jaw, foam at the mouth. Slight convulsions. Spasms of the back. Titanic spasms, also general. sudden falling down, with spasms and foam at the mouth. Epileptic spasms, with foam at the mouth. Trembling of the limbs loss of sensation. Paralysis. Apoplexy. Falls down stupefied.


The pains seem to be less in the open air, except the roughness of the throat, which is worse. Evening exacerbation. Amelioration at night.


Itching stitches in different parts. Rough, scaly skin between the fingers, with burning of the part when touched by water. Dry skin.


Frequent yawning without drowsiness. Yawning, with drowsiness; chilliness; shuddering. Irresistible drowsiness. like sopor, with excessive languor. Sopor. Deep, snoring sleep. Soporous condition between sleeping and walking. Sleeplessness. Sad confused or frightful dreams. p73.


Coldness of the extremities. Internal coldness through the whole body. Coldness, with flushes of heat in the face. Deficiency of natural heat. Chilliness, with coldness of the skin to the touch. Chilliness of the whole body, with pains in the back. fever, first a shuddering, afterwards burning heat with stupor, vertigo, and subsequent languor of the limbs. Alternation of violent chilliness and burning heat, with stupor and vertigo. Fever, lasting twelve hours. Flushes of heat in the head, in the afternoon. Heat with thirst, also flushes of heat, in the afternoon. Heat with thirst, also flushes of heat, or in the evening, going off in bed or on falling asleep. Violent thirst, with dryness of the mouth, evening or afternoon. Pulse small and slow, also contracted. Pulse of unequal strength. Pulse quick and feeble. Pulse slow, full hard. Pulse feeble and slow.


Sadness with ill-humor. Melancholy oppression of spirits. Laziness. Nervous irritability, with indisposition to do any mental work. Vexed mood.


Dullness of the senses. Insensibility and complete loss of sensation, Loss of consciousness, with loss of speech and motion. Dullness of the head. Sensation in the head as if the brain were cloudy. Dullness of the head, with dimness and mistiness before the eyes. Dizziness. Stupefaction, also with vertigo. Vertigo.


Violent aching over the whole head. Headache with vertigo. Stupefying pain in the whole head, with sensation on stooping as if the brain were striking against the skull. Heaviness of the head, with dullness. Fullness in the forehead. Oppressive pain on the top of the head, as from a weight. Aching pain above the orbits. Frequent periodical paroxysms of aching pain under the frontal bone. Tension in the forehead and left side of the face. Dragging pain, always accompanied with drowsiness. The brain feels contracted and painful. Lacerating headache, in the even- ing, in bed. Boring headache, particularly above the eye-lids. Beating in the head, worse on stooping. Rush of blood and stupefaction of the head. Violent tingling and stinging in the brain.


Frequent short attacks of pain on the vertex. Itching of the hairy scalp.


Sensation as of a band around the eye-balls, mingled with stitches. Pressure in the eyes. Diminution of the pains in cancer of the eyes. Itching in the eye. Smarting in the eyes, as from salt. Burning of the eyes, with weakness and dim-sightedness. Burning in the lids. The congested vessels spread, like the branches of a tree, from the inner canthus towards the pupils. Dryness of the eyes, also with sensation of warmth, or with burning. Distorted eyes. Eyes open and staring. Pupils contracted p73 or immovable. Optical illusion, every object looks larger until touched. Darkness before the eyes, the objects look dim. Amaurosis.


Dragging pressure, burning, boring, itching in the ear. Hardness of hearing.


Distensive pressing in the nasal bones. Itching in both nostrils. Frequent sneezing. Feeling of fullness in the nose. Catarrhal sensation in the nose.


Sunken countenance. Livid, gray-yellow complexion. Yellow spots on the face. Bloated, swollen face. Convulsions of the facial muscles. Prosopalgia. Bruised pain in the whole lower jaw, in the evening. Sensation as if the jaw would become dislocated. Titillation in the face. Eruption around the mouth. Lock-jaw.


Darting toothache. Sensation as if the teeth would be raised, with stinging and choking sensation as if the oesophagus.


Dry mouth. Increased flow of saliva. Accumulation of acidulated saliva. Coated tongue. the tongue feels burnt and numb. Soreness of the border of the tongue. Loss of speech, also after apoplexy.


Dull pain in the pharynx (also in the chest, region of the heart, and stomach, and in the region of the right scapula). Frequent paroxysms of painful feeling in the throat. Burning in the throat, also with roughness. Spasm, heat, and pain in the pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach.


Acrid, pungent taste. Fetid taste on the tongue. Diminished appetite and digestion. Aversion to food. Great hunger. Violent thirst with dry mouth. After dinner: pain in the stomach with nausea.


Hiccough. Ineffectual eructations. Bitter eructations. Attacks of nausea, particularly early in the morning. Desire to vomit, with a feeling of hunger in the stomach. Vomiting and loathing.


Pain in the stomach with nausea, particularly after dinner. Feeling of weakness in the stomach. Violent pain in the stomach, with rapid loss of speech. Pressure in the stomach, also violent or with nausea. Contractive feeling in the region of the stomach. Burning in the stomach and abdomen. Oppressive anxiety or anguish in the pit of the stomach, alternating with beating pains.


p73 Pinching, extending from the hypochondria to the umbilicus. Sticking pains in the liver with pressure. Beating and throbbing in the liver as from an abscess. Lame, bruised pain from the liver to the shoulder, at every inspiration. Distention of the region of the liver, with pain as from subcutaneous ulceration. or as of an abscess would burst. Inflammation with induration of the liver.


Malaise as if proceeding from epigastrium. Colicky pains in the abdomen, with subsequent diarrhoea stools. Pinching in the abdomen. Cutting in the whole abdomen. Contractive pain from both sides of the abdomen, with pinching. Burning in the abdomen. Hard tympanitic distention of the abdomen. Stinging in the groin, particularly on stooping or bending forward. Contractive pain in the groin. Inguinal and femoral hernia.


Hard, firm, delayed stool. sometimes succeeded by burning at the anus. Costiveness and constipation. Stool first hard soft, with colic as from a cold and ineffectual tenesmus by burning at the anus. Discharge of green, liquid mucus, in the afternoon. Discharge of faces without being conscious of it complete paralysis of the sphincter-ani. Stinging lacerating or creeping in the rectum. Constriction of the rectum.


Retention of urine. Diminished secretion of urine. Emission of a quantity of watery urine, with burning during the emission. Urine yellow, scanty, pale. Pale-yellow urine; acrid, depositing a thick, reddish sediment, when standing. Pain about the region of the stomach when urinating. Burning in the urethra and pressing after urinating.


Gangrene of the penis. Increased sexual desire. Erections evening and night.


Menses too early, also with profuse, painful discharge of liquid blood for eight days, and nightly lacerating on the vertex. Stinging and burning in and below the mammae.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.