LACHESIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LACHESIS…


LACH. Trigonocephalus Lachesis. See Hering “On the Poison of Serpents.” Duration of Action: from four to five weeks.


Alum, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Caps., Carb.-v., Causticum, Chamomilla, China, Cocc., Conium, dulcamara, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natr.-mur., Nitr.- ac., Nux-mos., Nux.-v., Phosph.-ac., Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sambucus, Sele., Sulphur, Veratrum Is frequently suitable after: Arsenicum, Hp., Mercurius, nitr.-ac., Nux-v., Afterward are frequently suitable: alum., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Carb.-v., Causticum, Conium, Dulcamara, Mercurius, Nux-v., Phosph.-ac.


Alumina, Arsenicum, Belladonna, cham., Caps., China, Cocc., Hepar, Mercurius, Natr., Murex, Nux-mos., Nux-v.,, rhus., Sambucus, veratrum, For the bite of the Serpent; Arsenicum, Bell, Caps., Natr-mur., samb.


Lachesis appears to act principally on the left side, particularly in apoplectic paralysis, sore throat, eruptions, and pain in the limbs. Aggravation of the symptoms in dams weather. Exhaustion and weariness from excessively cold or warm weather. Aggravation of thee symptoms during rest, amelioration during motion, except thee intense inflammatory rheumatic pain. Evening exacerbation. Exacerbation after every sleep, in the day or night. Thee curative action is disturbed by acids, wine, or been, particularly, however, by emotions, fright, mortification, listening to tales of murder,. Typical recurrence of the aggravation. A number of the pain terminate in catarrh.


Gnawing heaviness, lameness of the limbs, or as if bruised. Aching wandering pains. Lacerating in the limbs, also with contraction and stiffness of the affected joints, with aggravation of the pains early in the morning. Paralysis. Hemiplegia, particularly of one arm, or of the whole left side (also in alternation with Rhus). Emaciation during sickness. Emaciation and Exhaustion after abuse of Quinine in intermittent fever. Weariness, with bodily languor and mental excitement. Great Weariness in walking, with languor. Dread of motion, and laziness, also with languor and stiffness. Great weakness, with other complaint, particularly with pain in the stomach. Frequent fainting fits, particularly during breakfast, with nausea, vertigo, failure of sight, and frequent recurrence of the fainting turns in the daytime. Frequent attacks of fainting every day, with nausea, difficult breathing, palpitation of the heat, and most skin with cold sweat. Trembling of the whole body, with feeling of ennui. Sensation of internal trembling, as from anguish. Trembling of the limbs in the evening, followed by internal trembling, with fever and sensation of fainting. Sudden attacks of vertigo, every part of the boy appearing trembling and palpitating, preceded by palpitation of the heart, with heat, anguish, and shuddering nd trembling of the lower limbs. Convulsions, particularly of the hands and lower limbs. Sudden convulsive starting of the whole body, proceeding from the lower extremities, when sitting. Violent convulsions of thee limbs and face, with rigid stretching of thee body. Convulsions and other spasms, with violent shriek, particularly about midnight, waking the patient. rigid stretching of thee limbs, with bending the head backward and destitution of the eyes. Threatening lock-jaw.


Itching of the whole body, as form ants. Pustules. Rash over the whole body, small smooth sport of the size of the point of needle. Small reddish sport on the face, neck and arms. Warts (on the hands). Warts of horses. Gangrenous blisters. Erysipelas, particularly in the face. Scarlet-like eruptions. Scarlet fever, with swelling of the cervical glands, black lip and tongue, nd constipation. Swelling over the whole body. Small ulcers are scattered about. pin in old cicatrices. Aneurysms..


Drowsiness, with lassitude in all thee limbs, particularly morning nd forenoon. Constant sopor, after cessation of the pains. Difficulty of falling asleep, weeks, also with great drowsiness in the evening. No sleep before midnight. Constant exhausting sleeplessness. Disturbed by ever little noise. Symptoms during sleep: tossing about, particularly in children, with morning. Starting when on the point of falling asleep. Symptoms at night, in bed: Swelling of the face, or itching and erysipelas. Pains in the nasal bone. Constant coryza. Stinging in the throat or sensation as if closed. Amelioration of the sore throat. Bitterness of the mouth. Nausea. Weakness in the pit of the stomach. Diarrhoea. Urging to urinate. Emissions. Erection. Cough. Huskiness of the chest. Difficulty of breathing. Pain in the chest, particularly also burning. Aggravation of the rheumatic and mercurial pains in the limbs. Heat in the head, arms &e. Constant dreams the whole night, with frequent waking. Symptoms on waking in the morning: dullness of the head. Headache. Horrid toothache. Inclination to vomit, cramp in the knees. General illness, with vertigo, heaviness in the occiput, sensation as if sprained in all the joints, pressure in the small of the back, and fullness in the abdomen. Roaring in the ear. Pressure on the eyes. Feeling as if bruised and scarcely able to rise. Languor, particularly in the arms and feet. Sexual excitement, with pain in the loins and bruised feeling. Erections. Disappearance of the existing catarrh. symptoms after sleeping generally: increase of the number and intensity of the pains stiff and as if bruised.


Icy coldness of the hand, with burning sensation. General coldness, with desire to bee near the warm stove. Chilliness, with laziness, lowness of spirits, and amelioration when lying near the fire. Severe chilliness, with chattering of teeth and a kind of lockjaw, in the evening. Chilliness every other day. Continual fever with dry skin mouth, dry, coated tongue, constant thirst, small, quick pulse, and faint eyes. Fever of a child, with heat of the head, cold feet, moaning. Frequent paroxysms every day, particularly morning hand evening, first a good deal of thirst, then shuddering, afterwards slow heat, without thirst and dread of being uncovered. shuddering at ten o’ clock in the evening, afterwards alternation of heat hand coldness, accompanied with lacerating in the temple and burning in the pit of the stomach. At time chilliness, at times icy coldness, at times heat. Frequent chill along the back, mingled with heat, blackness before the eyes, and failure of thought. Heat with shivering, also as if arising from a cold, with dread of every little current of air. Chilliness and heat, afterwards chilliness, with unquenchable thirst, head and toothache. Attack of inveterate fever and ague, every evening, first chills with drawing in the back and lower limbs, afterwards dry heat at night, with loss of appetite and exhaustion. fever every morning on rising, commencing with restlessness, hurriedness, and anxious motions as if from fear, afterwards headache, deep breathing, morning, and hot sweat all over, towards evening vomiting and hiccough. Tertian fevers Inveterate quartan fever. Typhus on the tenth and eleventh days, with vertigo on sitting up in bed, paralysis of the eyelids with difficulty of opening them, bitterness of mouth, loss of appetite, subdued pain in the chest and dry cough, lacerating in the left thing and in the back. Typhus on the seventeenth, nineteenth day, with sopor, puls 70, soft, of irregular volume, some sweat, with coolness of the legs and feet, red, yellowish, smooth, dry tongue (parched in front only), with difficulty of protruding it. Sort of catarrhal fever, with heat, fullness of the head, drawing in the teeth and facial bones. Burning in the palms of the hands and soles particularly at night. Intolerable heat at night, with sweat and thirst. Small, weak, and irregular pulse. Small and quick pulse, with hot skin. Small, soft pulse, of unequal volume. Intermittent and small pulse, during an apoplectic fit. Full and hard pulse. Disposed to sweat. Profuse sweat accompanying other complaints.


Despondency, also with shortness of breath, of with indolence and chilliness, or with discouragement, in gastric affections. Melancholy of pregnant females. Taciturn and indolent, also in children. Great disposition to feel sad. Discouragement and loathing of life. Restlessness. Anguish, also with trembling Attacks of nightly fear. Mistrust and suspicion. Doubts every thing. Ennui, with trembling. Indolent, taciturn, brooding, and melancholy, he considers himself too feeble to do anything, with aggravation of the symptoms every other day. Indolence of the mind, with bodily weakness and languor. Peevish, fault-finding. Malice. Hurriedness and uneasiness. great nervous irritability. Excessive moaning and complaining of one’s pain. Great tendency to start, particularly in the evening. Morbid talkativeness.


Mental languor preceded by excitement. Absence of thought, with weakness off memory. Vanishing of thought, with blankness before the eyes, in paroxysms. Complete loss of sense, with cold feet. Inability to think intently. Mental Exertion affect him unpleasantly. Great weakness of memory. Delirium at night. Mental derangement: after vexation; after excessive study; in drunkards. Religious craziness. Dullness of the head: with heat and violent congestion. Frequent momentary vertigo, particularly on closing the eyes. Giddiness in the sinciput, with dullness of vision, as if a mist were before the eyes. Giddiness with headache, particularly before the menses. Apoplectic fits: with distortion of the head, fail muscles, nd mouth to the left side, dark redness of the face and violent convulsions of the muscles, violent jactitation of the upper and lower limbs. Apoplectic fit in hydrothorax, with paralysis of one arm nd of there tongue, imperfect consciousness, and unintelligible muttering. Apoplectic fit, with paralysis of the left side, coldness of the hennaed as if dead, moaning, complaining about pain and debility, dread of death, lacerating in the head with heat nd radons of the faze, weakness and tightness of the chest. Cerebral affection of children. Acute dropsy of the brain (?) accompanying chronic helminthiasis.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.