Bitter, slimy taste. Putrid taste. Metallic taste. No appetite. Canine hunger. Loathing of all nourishment. Excessive thirst. Weakness of digestion in persons who have taken much Mercurius or China


After a meal; hot regurgitation of the ingesta; fullness in the abdomen; great weakness; hot feeling in the abdomen; violent palpitation of the heart, with oppression of the chest, and desire to take a deep breath. Frequent eructations, without smell or taste. Eructations, with burning in the throat. Frequent and momentary attacks of nausea, with coldness and paleness. Nausea, early in the morning. Qualmishness, with inclination to vomit. Water-brash. Vomiting of green, acrid water, and tenacious mucus, accompanied by continued nausea. Vomiting of mucus, mixed with coagulated blood.


The stomach is painful when walking. Pressure in the stomach, after moderate eating. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, every morning on waking. Swelling of the region of the stomach, with pressure. Tension across the pit of the stomach. Uneasiness, weight, and acrid sensation in the pit of the stomach during the period of digestion.


Stitches in the region of the liver, when walking. Painful congestion of blood to the hypochondria.


Bloatedness and painful sensitiveness of the abdomen, more when walking than when sitting. Aching in the abdomen, near and around the hips. Cramp-like pinching tension in the abdomen. Spasms in the abdomen. Contractive pain in the abdomen. Griping, lacerating in the umbilical region. Pinching pain in the abdomen, as from cold. Colic, stitches, cuttings, and pinchings in different parts of the abdomen. Cutting pain in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Sticking pain in the abdomen. Violent stitches in the left side of the abdomen, below the ribs. Splenetic stitches when walking. Sore pain above the umbilicus. Drawing pain in the abdomen. The inguinal glands become painful. Suppuration of the inguinal glands, buboes. Rumbling in the abdomen. Incarceration of flatulence.


Sluggishness of the rectum, the stools are hard and insufficient, the rectum is swollen. A good deal of tenesmus, the stools are hard, and are passed with difficulty. Frequent stools, at night, with bearing down, tenesmus, and weakness. Diarrhoea, with colic, inclination to lie down, hot hands and cheeks, also with qualms of nausea, and rumbling in the abdomen. Sour- smelling, whitish diarrhoea in children. Dysenteric diarrhoea. Evacuation of bloody mucus. Clay-colored stool. Greenish stool. Blood during stool. Haemorrhage from the rectum, with soft stool. Soreness of the rectum after stool. Protrusion of the varices. Creeping in the rectum, as of ascarides. Burning at the rectum.


Weakness of the bladder. Frequent desire to urinate. Wetting the bed at night. The urine looks flocculent and turbid. Dark, yellow urine, burning while passing. Brown-red urine. The last drops of urine are mixed with blood. Greasy pellicle on the urine. Sharp, burning urine, corroding the internal surface of the prepuce and causing ulceration. Burning urine during the emission. Intense soreness in the urethra during the emission of urine. The orifice of the urethra is red and inflamed. Discharge of mucus from the urethra.


Ulcers on the prepuce, resembling chancre. Itching of the scrotum. Weakness of the sexual organs. Diminished sexual instinct. Excited condition of the sexual organs. Feeble erections. Occasional discharge of the prostatic juice with stool, or after stool. Soreness of the pudendum and between the thighs.


Haemorrhage from the uterus, preceded by bloatedness of the abdomen. The menses delay ten days, the discharge being diminished. Contractive headache previous to the menses. Congestion of blood to the womb. Leucorrhoea, with smarting of the pudendum. Scirrhous ulcer on the mamma, with stinging burning of the edges.


Weakness of the organs of speech and of the chest, Titillation in the throat. Seated pain in the spot of the larynx, aggravated by pressure, speech, cough, and breathing. Cough, from scraping and rawness of the throat. Subdued cough, from oppression of the chest. Deep, dry cough, from oppression of the chest during an inspiration, with soreness of the chest at every fit of cough. Violent fits of cough, from time to time, as if one would suffocate or vomit. Violent deep cough in the larynx, a few turns only, causing retching. Violent cough, from irritation in the upper part of the throat. Short and hacking cough, immediately after a meal. Fit of cough, as if brought on by a cold, and excessive sensitiveness of the nervous system, coming on when any part of the body gets very cool. Cough, in the evening and early in the morning. Fits of dry cough in the evening. Dry, paleness, short cough. Violent cough, at night. Cough, day and night. Cough, with expectoration of mucus, excited by scraping in the larynx, especially in the throat. Expectoration of sourish mucus, at night, almost without cough. Tenacious mucus in the chest. Bloody expectoration from the chest, with ill-humor and weakness. Haemoptysis, preceded by a sensation in the pit of the stomach as if there were a hard body. The whole head is affected by the cough, with throbbing in the forehead and temples. When coughing, sense as of violent groaning in the head ( a vibratory feeling). When coughing, stitches in the throat and pain in the head, as if the contents of the head would issue from the forehead. Burning in the stomach, when coughing. Sneezing or crying after the fits of cough.


Short breath. Frequent and deep breathing. Hoarse, anxious wheezing breathing, with danger of suffocation in a recumbent posture. Suffocative fits. Stitches in the sternum, when breathing or walking. Sticking pain in the side of the chest in the direction of the back. Spasmodic constriction of the chest. Stitches in the region of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heart, with fine stitches in the heart and left chest.


Frequent attacks of pain in the small of the back. Violent pain in the small of the back, as if the parts were being cut through, when at rest, or in motion. Pain as from bruises in the small of the back when walking, Sharp pressure and pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back and the lumbar vertebrae. Tensive pain in the back, at night, worse when turning the body. Drawing in the whole back and in the small of the back. Stitches in the back, in the region of the kidney. Great weakness in the whole spine. Pain as from bruises of the cervical muscles.


Ulceration and suppuration of the axillary glands. Fetid sweat in the axilla. Pain in the shoulder, as if a weight were resting on it. Pain in the shoulder when raising the arm. Drawing pain in the shoulders. Pain, as from bruises, in the shoulder. Lacerating in the arm, in the direction of the scirrhous ulcer. Pain, as from bruises, in both arms. Great weariness of both arms. Pain, as from bruises, in the humeri. Steatoma at the point of the elbow. The wrist is painful. Feeling of heat in the palm of the hand and the wrist. Frequent burning of the hands. Heat, redness, and swelling of one hand, with an insufferable contusive pain extending into the arm, during motion. Unsteadiness of the hands. Itching of the hands, with a rough, dry, grating skin. Nettle-rash on the hands and fingers. Deadness of the fingers. Swelling of the fingers. Swelling of the finger-joints, with arthritic pains. Hepar-s. is a specific against panaritia.


When walking in the open air the hip-joint is painful as if it were sprained. Coxagra, with throbbing pain and disposition to suppurate. Soreness of the fold between the scrotum and the thighs. Painful tension in the lower limbs, at night, which hinders sleep. Weight of the lower limbs. Lacerating in the thigh, when sitting, with a numb, tingling sensation, as if gone to sleep. Pain as from bruises in the anterior muscles of the thigh. Cramp in the knee. Aching in the bend of the knee, during motion. Pain as from bruises in the knee. Pain in the knee as if broken. Swelling of the knee. Cramp-pain in all the muscles of the leg, when walking. Great weariness in the legs, especially when ascending an eminence, Erysipelas of the sick leg. Cramp in the feet. Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, in the tarsal joint. Paroxysms of pain in the tarsal joint, when walking, as from a sprain. Drawing and burning pain in the feet. Swelling of the feet around the ankles, with difficult breathing. Chilblains on the feet. Rhagades of the feet. Tingling in the toes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.