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HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM…


HEP. S. Sulphuret of Lime. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” III. Duration of Action: eight weeks.


Am., Ant., Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, China, Cin., Cuprum, Drosera, Ferrum, Iodium, Lachesis, Mercurius, Nitr-ac., Plumb., Spongia, Silicea, Zincum met. Hepar-s. is particularly suitable after: Belladonna, Lachesis, Silicea, Spongia, Zincum met. Afterwards are frequently indicated: Belladonna, Mercurius, Nitr.-ac., Spongia, Silicea


Belladonna and Chamomilla against the colic and diarrhoea. Vinegar.


Great nervous irritability, every impression on the body or mind excites the nervous system even to tremulousness. Drawing pain in the limbs, particularly on waking, with sense of paralysis, especially in the thighs and legs. Drawing pain in the shoulder- joints, those of the hips, and especially the knees. Drawing pain in the region of the stomach and back. Lacerating in the limbs. Stitches in the joints, when at rest and in motion. The pains are greatest, or excited, at night. Increase of pains during his nightly fever, especially the cold stage. Sensitiveness to the open air, with chilliness and frequent nausea. When walking in the open air the knees tremble, with anxiousness, heat of the whole body, and burning of the soles of the feet. Emaciation, with chilliness in the back, red cheeks, sleeplessness, affected larynx, hoarse, faint voice, anguish and excessive irritability, as in consumptive fever. She feels in all her limbs as if she had taken cold. Weakness of all the limbs, and feeling as if they were bruised by blows. Weakness, early in the morning after rising, she was scarcely able to stand. Weariness, early in the morning when in bed, uneasiness in the legs, and obstruction of the nose. Great weakness and palpitation of the heart, early in the morning on waking; in the evening with nervous depression. Weakness when walking in the open air, after a meal, with stretching of the limbs as previous to an attack of the fever and ague. Tremulous languor after smoking.


Fine, stinging itching. Burning itching of the body Nettle-rash. Chapped skin and rhagades of the hands and feet. Unhealthy skin, even sight injuries produce suppuration and ulceration. Corrosive pain in the ulcer. Burning and throbbing in the ulcer, at night. Inflammation of the affected part. Sour-smelling pus from the ulcer. The ulcer bleeds, even when slightly wiped. Yellow skin and complexion. Attack of jaundice, with blood-red urine and yellow color of the white of the eye.


Great drowsiness towards evening, with frequent, violent, almost convulsive yawning. Sleeplessness after midnight. The sleep is too long and dull, followed by a sense of dullness, fullness, and giddiness in the head, with pressure in the temples. Anxious and frightful dreams. Starting from sleep as with fright. Great anxiety and uneasiness in the whole body. Nightly nausea and vomiting. Seething of the blood prevents him from sleeping in the night. Sleeplessness at night, and feverish chilliness.


Chilliness of the upper and lower limbs, early in the morning. Chilliness, with frequent nausea, and sensitiveness to the open air. Frequent shudderings, extending to the top of the head, the hair was painful to the touch. Violently chilliness with chattering of the teeth, in the evening. Nightly feverish chills, without any subsequent heat. Chilliness in the back, with red cheeks, sleeplessness, affected larynx, hoarse, weak voice, anguish, apprehensiveness, extreme irritability, and emaciation as in consumptive fever. Fever, alternate chilliness and heat, the latter with photophobia. Burning feverish heat, with an almost unquenchable thirst, red face, torturing headache, and muttering delirium, from four o’clock in the afternoon through the night. At night, dry heat of the body with sweaty hands. Fever, with violent, frequent vomiting of green acrid water and tenacious mucus, and nausea. Slight sweat at every little motion. Profuse sweat day and night. Night-sweat. Sweat, immediately after lying down, especially about the head. Sour-smelling, profuse sweat, at night.


Hypochondriac. Dejected, sad, fearful. Frightful anguish in the evening. Repulsive mood. Irritable mood. Impatient and out of humor. The slightest cause irritated him.


Weak memory when out of humor. Vertigo as in a fainting fit, or vanishing of sight, as if absorbed in a revery. Vertigo. Short attacks of stupidity, dullness of mind, and want of memory.


The fore part of the head feels stupefied and heavy. Headache when shaking the head, with vertigo. Headache every morning, brought on by the least concussion. Dull headache early in the morning when in bed, abating after rising. Aching in the forehead, as if bruised. Aching in the forehead, like a boil. Headache early in the morning, on waking. Aching in the vertex, with palpitation of the heart, in the evening. Pressure and drawing in the temples by day. Tensive aching pain above the nose. Violent headache, at night, as if the forehead would be torn out, with general heat, without thirst. Stitches in the head, when stooping, and sensation as if the skull would burst, waking him at night. Early in the morning, after a sound sleep, lancinating headache, disappearing when walking in the open air. Pulsative stitches in the occiput. Boring pain in the root of the nose, every morning. Searching (grinding) headache. Painful throbbing in the right temple. Hammering sensation in the head. Pimples, like blotches, on the hairy scalp, and in the nape of the neck, sore when touched. Humid scald-head. Great falling off of the hair, particularly after abuse of Mercury after severe illness, or in consequences of frequent attacks of hysteric headache.


Aching in the eye-balls, and as if bruised, when touched. Pressure in the eyes, especially when moving them, with redness. Violent pain in the eyes, as if pulled into the head. Dull stitch in the eye. Boring pain in the upper bones of the orbit. Redness, inflammation, and swelling of the upper eye-lid, with aching and stinging. Inflammation and swelling of the eye, with redness of the white. Erysipelatous inflammation of the eyes, with soreness and bruised pain of the lids on touching them. Lachrymation. Nightly agglutination of the eye-lids, the eyes become dim. Specks and ulcers on the cornea. Protruded eyes. Nightly spasm of the lids. Obscuration of sight when reading. Twinkling before the eyes. The eyes ache from the bright light of day, when moving them.


Darting pain in the ear. Itching in the ears. Scurfs on and behind the ears. Inflammation of the ears. Discharge of pus, also fetid, from the ear. Hardness of hearing, with whizzing in the ears, going off after a report in the head following upon blowing the nose. Whizzing and throbbing in the ears, in the evening.


The bones of the nose are painful to the touch. Contractive sensations in the nose. Itching in the nose. Burning in the nose. Pain in the tip of the nose as if bruised. Ulcerative pain in the nostrils. Nasitis. Scurfy formation. Congestion of blood to the nose. Bleeding at the nose. Loss of smell. Frequent sneezing. Dry coryza. Coryza and scraping in the throat. Coryza, with chills and fever, ill-humor, and weakness of the limbs. Coryza, with inflammatory swelling of the nose, painful like a boil, accompanied by cough.


Yellow complexion, with blue borders around the eyes. Heat in the face, at night, and early in the morning, on waking. Flushes of heat in the face and head. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks early in the morning. Erysipelas of the face, with prickling and tension. Vesicular erysipelas. Pain of the bones of the face, when touching them. Drawing lacerating from the cheeks into the ear and temple. Eruption of rash in the face. Crusty pimples in the faces of young people. Swelling of the lips. Itching around the mouth. Eruption about the mouth and on the lips. Itching pimples on the chin. Vesicles and ulcers on the chin, with a burning sensation.


Toothache, especially during a meal. Toothache, aggravated by cold or in a warm room, or on pressing them together. Jerking toothache, extending into the ear. Stitches in the teeth Looseness of the teeth. The gums bleed readily. Jerkings in the gums. inflammation and swelling of the anterior and inner portion of the gums. Ulcer on the gums.


Burning pain on the tip of the tongue. Ulcer in the mouth. Ptyalism, also after abuse of Mercury.


In the pharynx, sensation as of a clot of mucus or internal swelling when swallowing. Violent pressure in the throat. Difficult deglutition, without any sore throat. Smarting roughness and rawness of the fauces, most violent when swallowing solid food. Roughness and scraping sensation in the throat. Stinging in the throat, when taking a deep inspiration, or when coughing. Stitches in the throat, when swallowing, as if caused by a splinter. Stitches in the throat, extending to the ear, when swallowing or when turning the head. Expectoration mixed with blood. Swelling of the tonsils. Dry throat.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.