The inside of the nose is painful. Tight feeling in the nose. Sore feeling in the nose. when painful. Tight feeling in the pores on the nose. Painful scabs in the nose. Swelling of the nose. Dry scabs in the nose. Sore, cracked, ulcerated nostrils. Expulsion of bloody mucus from the nose. Bleeding at the nose, with palpitation of the heart. Smell. art night, as of burnt hair mixed with the vapor of sulphur. smell in the nose, early in the morning as of soot. Sneezing. Obstruction of the nose. Coryza, with sneezing and dullness in the head Dry coryza, with dullness of he head, oppression of the chest, heat in the foe part of he head and face. Violent dry coryza, a with great nausea and headache without vomiting. Coryza, with catarrh and frequent sneezing, with an aching in the submaxillary gland.


Paleness of he face Yellowness of he face, with weak eyes.. Flushes of heat in the face. Erysipelas on both sides of the face, burning and stinging. Incipient paralysis of the left side of of he face, after toothache. Muscles of the face distorted. Continual feeling as of cobweb in the face. Pain in all the bone of the face. Pain in the malar bones. Lipomatous swelling on the cheek. Freckles. Eruption in he face, as if he skin were raw. Falling off the whisker. Ulcers on the inner surface of the lips. Eruptions on the lip. Ulcerated corner of the mouth. The chin is covered with eruptions, also scruff, around the mouth and on the cheek.


Aching in the submaxillary glands. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with pain to touch and stiffness of the throat. Selling of he parotid gland, with a tight pain. toothache, especially at night, with heat in the face, or in the evening, accompanied by a sore pain in the palate and swelling for he cheeks. Painful dartings in the teeth. Sore pain of the teeth during a meal, increasing after it. Aching of he teeth, aggravated by contact. DRawing toothache, Lacerating pain in all the teeth, made worse by warmth. Stinging toothache. Gnawing in the sockets. burning toothache, as if owing too looseness of the teeth, aggravated by masticating. Pain in the lower teeth, as if they were loose, when mastication. Pain in the lower teeth, as if they were loose, when masticating. Sore pain of the gums. Ulcerated pain of the gums. Itching corrosion in the gums. Swelling of the gums and dryness in the mouth.


Bad smell from the mouth. White tongue. Burning vesicles note lower surface and on the lip of the tongue. Painful tubercles and vesicles on the back part of the tongue.


Sore throat during deglutition in the throat, when swallowing, as if a plug had lodged in it. Spasm in the throat, with nauseas. Intolerable scraping and rawness of he throat. Roughness and raw soreness of the throat. Stitches in the throat, between the acts of deglutition. Swelling of the tonsils, with pain when swallowing. Spitting of blood,. with great sensitiveness of the palate and tongue.


Bitter taste in the mouth, the tongue being much coated. Acidity in the stomach, with canine hunger. Canine hunger, after eating, nausea and vertigo. Little appetite for warm food. Loathing of food. Unusual thirst.


Headache during and after a meal. Empty and confused condition of the head after a meal. Rancid heartburn after a meal. Sudden and violent groupings after a meal. Shortly after a meal, burning in the stomach. Somnolence after dinner. Continual eructations, with nausea Sour regurgitation and of food. Heartburn. Rancid heartburn. Hiccough. Great qualmishness and nausea and colic, the whole day, without Diarrhoea. Vomiting of all the stomach. Cold feeling and feeling of great emptiness in the stomach. Burning in the stomach, afterwards heat in the whole body, and then seat.


Tightness as from from a firm band in the hypochondria, with oppression f he chest. Stitches in both hypochondria. Intensely painful stitches in the region of the liver. Aching in the region of the spleen.


Pain in the right side of the abdomen. Violent colic, early in the morning, a few seconds, after ears diarrhoea. Weight in the abdomen, with bearing down. Fullness and heaviness of the abdomen. Fullness and hardness of the abdomen, with a feeling as of incarcerated flatulence, especially in the evening and night. inflation of the abdomen, with congestion of blood to the head, heaviness in the head, vertigo, a nd drowsy dizziness. Distended abdomen,. with Diarrhoea. jerking griping in the abdomen. Spasmodic colic at night. Cramp-pain in the intestines. Pinching in the abdomen, especially in the region of the coecum. Spasmodic stitches in the abdomen,. Drawing colic, a t night, with urgent desire for stool, but without diarrhoea. Twitching in the abdomen. Grinding (digging) pain in the abdomen. Violent pains in the right groin, a burning and bearing down. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Flatulence with gripings in the stomach, Inflammation uneasiness, and pinching in the abdomen, after stool. Erysipelatous inflammation, with large vesicles near the umbilicus.


Stool frequently intermitting. Inaction of the rectum. Hard stool, with much tenesmus and stitches in the rectum. Hard, knotty stool. Knotty stool, the lumps being united by mucous threads. Stool of the size of a lumbricus. Constipation. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, almost without any colic. Diarrhoea, with burning at the rectum. Mucous diarrhoea. A quantity of white mucus is expelled with the stool. Reddish mucus is expelled with the stool. Sour smelling stool, with burning at the rectum. Blood is discharged with the soft stool. Lumbrici are expelled with the stool. Discharge of ascarides, with itching of the rectum. Tenesmus during stool. Burning at the rectum during stool. Violent bearing down in the rectum, as in hemorrhoids. Bearing down and burning in the rectum and anus. Sticking pain in the rectum, as if it had become indurated. Itching of the anus. Smarting sore feeling of the anus, when wiping it. Swelling of the anus. Varices of the rectum, causing a burning sensation. The varices feel sore after an evacuation. Painful burning cracks (rhagades) between the varices. Discharge of blood from the rectum. Prolapsus recti.


Anxious pressure on the bladder, at night, with cutting in the abdomen. Sudden desire to urinate, but scanty emission. Frequent

micturition. Nightly desire to urinate. Wetting the bed at night. Acrid, sourish smell of the urine. The urine becomes very turbid, with a reddish sediment. Micturition is preceded by a cutting pressing from both kidneys.


Tension and disagreeable feeling about the genital organs. Cramp-pain in the penis. Eruptions on the penis. Drawing pain in the glans. Swelling of the prepuce. Drawing sensation in both testes. Swelling in the scrotum. Voluptuous irritation of the genital organs. Increase or decrease of the sexual instinct. Violent erection. Pollution almost every night. Almost involuntary emission of semen, during an embrace.


Painful bearing down towards the genital organs. Smarting in the vagina. Pimples on the labia, somewhat itching. Soreness of the pudendum. The left ovarian swells and is painful. The menses delay. Suppression of the menses, with weight in the arms and lower limbs. The menses appear too soon. The menses are too scanty and pale. Violent itching in the genital organs. Aching in the abdomen, with feeling of heat in this part, a few days previous to, and during the menses. Cough, previous to, and during the menses, fatiguing the chest. Violent headache during the menses, with eructation and nausea. Morning sickness during the menses, with weakness and trembling in the day-time. Pain in the abdomen and back during the menses, bearing down and pressing, resembling labor-pains. Soreness between the limbs, near the pudendum, during the menses. Hoarseness, violent coryza, and catarrhal fever during the menses. Swelling of the feet, and painless swelling of the cheeks. Leucorrhoea. Profuse leucorrhoea. Profuse discharge of white mucus from the vagina. Profuse leucorrhoea, with weakness in the back and small of the back, when walking or sitting. Thin leucorrhoea, with distended abdomen.


Catarrhal roughness and hoarseness of the chest and trachea. Catarrh and coryza, accompanied with a feeling of exhaustion and headache, and a tickling roughness exciting a cough. Rawness of the chest. Scraping of the trachea. Rough throat. Frequent tickling in the throat, causing a short cough.


Cough fatiguing the chest, with pains deep in the chest. Dry and hacking cough wakes him at night. Oppressed breathing, owing to an oppressed condition of the chest. Asthma in the evening when lying in bed, cough is excited by deep inspiration. Sudden asthma, with difficult, short breathing. Violent asthma, as if she would suffocate, when walking in the open air. Oppression of the chest. Pressure in the region of the heart when breathing. Pressure in the chest. Pleuritic stitches at every trifling motion. Stitches in the region of the heart. Violent throbbing about the heart and in the rest of the body, at every little motion. Violent pulsations of the heart, causing the arm and hand to move. Violent palpitation of the heart, resembling an electric shock, from the heart to the neck. Burning and tight feeling in the outer and middle part of the chest during an inspiration.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.