Greatly diminished emission of urine. Great desire to urinate, the urine passing off very slowly. Frequent desire to urinate, also with anxiety, day and night. Diabetes.? Nocturnal Dark-red urine, as if mixed with blood. Reddish, turbid urine. The urine. deposits gravel, or a red sediment. Acrid smell of the urine. Burning or smarting in the urethra when urinating. Lacerating and drawing in the urethra after urinating, early in the morning.


Violent aching, soreness, and a blister on the inner side of the prepuce. Swelling of the scrotum, which is hard to the touch. Pressing in the testicles; smooth, red, humid spots on the glans. Frequent, pollutions without much sensation. Excessive pollution, followed by pain and burning in the urethra. Rapid discharge of semen during an embrace, followed by roaring of the blood in the head.


Itching of the pudendum and the anus. Burning and soreness in the pudendum. Pain, as from excoriation, of the pudendum, with leucorrhoea; afterwards appearance of the menses which had been suppressed for months. The menses appear too soon. The menses are too profuse, or too scanty, with pale blood. The menstrual blood is thick, corrosive, and has an acrid smell. Before the menses: leucorrhoea; headache; colic, like spasms, from morning ill veining. During the menses: cutting pain in the abdomen, pain in the back, and pain as from bruises in all the bones. Violent contractive. Leucorrhoea after micturition. Discharge of white mucus from the vagina Thin leucorrhoea, in the morning when rising; disappearing the remainder of the day. Milk-colored leucorrhoea the parts. Thick, yellowish white leucorrhoea. Bloody mucus from the vagina. Soreness and rawness in the pudendum during the leucorrhoea. Disposition to miscarriage, with varices of the pudendum.?? Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae.


Hoarseness in the evening, worse after talking or in damp and cold weather; with asthma. Loss of voice in the morning. Catarrh, which almost brought on a complete loss of voice. Hoarseness and roughness of the larynx. Roughness in the chest irritation as one would cough; with dry cough evening and morning. Violent tingling in the throat. Tingling and itching in the larynx, wheezing breathing and tightness of the chest. Catarrh and sore throat after the measles. Grippe.? Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis.?.? Frequent irritation in the back part of the throat, bringing on a short cough. Violent tickling and cough, with whitish discharge, in the morning after waking. Irritation as from the vapor of sulphur, exciting a cough, with retching. Dry cough after expiration, accompanied by a flush of warmth and sweat. Cough after the slightest cold, in the morning when rising from bed, or when leaving a warm room and entering a cold one. Repeated fits of nightly cough, with a constantly returning irritation to cough. Short cough in the evening. Every day there or four turns of a spasmodic cough. Fatiguing cough, with asthma and burning in the chest. Cough causing vomiting and retching, in the evening. Discharge of mucus from the larynx, occasioned by a short and hacking cough. Discharge of pieces of green mucus. Violent cough, with discharge of a quantity of yellowish pus, accompanied by stitches in the left hypochondrium when breathing, succeed by violent stitches in the upper part of the left side of the chest. Pain in the chest, like rawness, when coughing. Pain in the larynx like ulceration or coughing. Painful stitches through the head when coughing. Cough, with profuse expectoration of mucus, and occasional vomiting of mucus, particularly in the morning. Tuberculous phthisis.? Tabes-mucosa of old people. Whooping cough (after Drosera).


Desire for deep breathing, with moaning. Difficult breathing in the evening, when lying down, with throbbing in the head Difficult breathing, fullness of the chest, and palpitation of the heart evening during little exercise, mostly towards evening. Tightness of the chest and short breathing, as from flatulence pressing upwards Frequent attacks of constriction of the chest, with impeded respiration. Suffocative catarrh and paralysis of the lungs of old people.? Cold breath. Painful throbbing in the head and teeth when breathing. Pain in the chest as from incarcerated flatulence. Rheumatic pain from the left ribs to the hip. Oppressive aching in the chest. Painful drawing in the chest, shoulders, and arms, especially on the left side, with feeling of heat and congestion of blood to the head; the body feeling cold to the touch. Painful stitches in the region of the heart. Intensely-painful stitches through the chest, arresting respiration; when going to bed. Sensation of weakness and fatigue of the chest. Soreness and smarting in the chest. Seething of the blood, with congestion to the chest, with hoarseness and hawking. Violent burning in the chest, as of red-hot coal, almost uninterruptedly. Hydrothorax.? Chronic inflammation of the lungs.? Palpitation of the heart, especially when sitting. Frequent palpitation of the heart, a few quick beats at a time. Pulsation in the chest, with anxiety and uneasiness.


Sensation of coldness, numbness, and tightness in the small of the back. Tight pain and stiffness in the small of the back. Violent pain the small of the back. Laceration and pressure in the small of the back. Continuous sticking, particularly when making a false step. Violent burning on the outer side of the right hip. Pain in the side of the back, as from bruises. Weakness in the back. Heaviness in the back and oppression of the chest. Painful stiffness of the back, in the morning when rising. Aching near the lowest of the back. Drawing pain in the back, principally when sitting down. Rheumatic drawing in the back, especially when stooping. Itching pimples on the back. Dull, burning pain in the muscles of nape of the neck. Intense aching in the muscles of the nape of the neck. Swelling and pain of the cervical glands.


Drawing pain in the shoulder. Rheumatic drawing in the shoulder. Paralytic weakness of the right shoulder and the right arm. When moving the arms they feel heavy and exhausted. Heaviness in the arms with drawing in the back. Pain in the right arm as from a bruise. Cramp in the arms. Laceration in the arm. Drawing pain in the upper arm, with burning. Pain as from contusions in the elbow-joints, early in the morning when in bed. Burning in the outer parts of the right elbow. Drawing pain in the lower arm, along the radius, towards the wrist-joint. Drawing laceration in the fore-arm, from the elbow to the hand. Drawing in the metacarpal bone. Lacerating in the palm of the hand. Lacerating in the wrists. Throbbing pain in the hand. Icy cold hands. The hand go to sleep. Paralytic pain in the wrist, when moving it Fine, itching eruption on the hands. Lacerating in the fingers Stitches in the fingers. Pulsating and throbbing in the hands. The tips of the fingers are ulcerated.


Drawing pain in the hip-joint, extending down the thigh, aggravated by walking, also accompanied with burning and lacerating. The lower extremities, especially the legs, are painful, when sitting or lying. Lacerating in the thighs and legs. Great lameness, with drawing pain, extending from the abdomen into the lower extremities. Uneasy feeling in the thigh and leg. The legs go to sleep. Numbness and insensibility in the lower extremities. Lameness in both lower extremities. Rigid feeling in the lower extremities, after the evening sleep, with vacillating gait. Heaviness in the lower extremities. Contractive pain in the thigh. Burning about the thigh, in the evening. Numbness of the thighs when walking. Stiffness and weakness in the knee. Drawing pain in the knees, when standing. Aching and lacerating in both knees and legs. Burning about the knee. Lameness in the knee-joints, after walking. Herpes on the knee. Aneurism in the bend of the knee, with tension and throbbing. The knees go to sleep. Violent cramp in the leg, especially the sole of the foot, when walking in the open air, or at night, when in bed. Rheumatic drawing in both legs Fetid and readily-bleeding ulcers on the legs. Itching blotches on the calves. Cramp in the soles of the feet, in the evening when lying down. Pain in the metatarsal bones, as if rent asunder, when setting the foot down. Chronic numbness of the feet. Burning in the soles of the feet. Profuse sweat of the feet. The soles of the feet are painful in walking. Redness and swelling of the toes, as if frozen, with stitches; ulcerated tips of the toes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.