CARBO VEGETABILIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy CARBO VEGETABILIS…


CARB.V. Vegetable Charcoal. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases.” Vol.III. Duration of Action: forty days.


Ant., Arsenicum, Calcarea, Carb. a., China, Coffea, Ferrum, Graphites, Kali, Lachesis, Lyc, Mercurius, Natr. v., Phosphorus c., Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Sepia, Stramonium, Zincum met. Carb., v is frequently indicted after: Kali, Lachesis, Nux.v., Sepia After Carb. v are frequently indicated: Arsenicum, Kali, Mercurius, Phosph-ac.


Arsenicum, Camp., Coffea, Lachesis, Nitr. spir. It antidotes: China, Lach, Mercurius, Vinum.


Drawing pain in the limbs, and in almost every part of the body.. Rheumatic drawing in the whole body, with coldness of the hands and feet. Lacerating in different parts of the body, at night when in bed, and in the morning when waking. Great anguish, heat and feeling of unhappiness during the pains. Pains as if sprained or strained by lifting. Great lassitude after the pains. Seething of the blood. Tingling in the whole body. The limbs go to sleep. All the limbs feel bruised. The joints feel bruised, relieved by stretching thee limbs, in thee morning when waking. Great heaviness in the left arm and leg, like paralysis. Want of energy of the muscular motion. The joints feel too weak to support the body. Tremulousness of the body, attended with great feeling of strength. Languor, especially in thee lower extremities. General physical depression towards noon, with emptiness of the head and sensation of hunger. Feeling of great lassitude, early in the morning, as after drinking much wine, attended with trembling of the limbs and stomach. He feels exhausted and languid, as if he had recovered from a severe illness. Languor after a short walk in the open air. Attacks of sudden weakness, like fainting. Attack of vertigo, in the forenoon, with nausea nd obscuration of sight, tingling before the ears, tremor, warm sweat over the whole body, drops of sweat over the whole body, drops of sweat on the forehead; shortly before the attack some drops of blood come out of the nose. Fit when looking out of the window, with nausea and vertigo; he falls down and remains without consciousness for several minutes; upon recovering his senses he feels as if he had been in deep sleep. Beating in the body here and there. Want of nervous irritability and susceptibility to medicine. Most of the pains come on in the open air.


Itching over the whole body, day and night. Burning in deferent places of the skin, at night when in bed. Burning in the skin as of sinapisms. Nettle-rash. Aneurisms. Varices. Chilblains. Glandular swellings, indurated. Lymphatic swellings, with suppuration and burning pain. Jaundice. Fine blotches like dry itch; dry, rash-like itch; herpes. Reddish-brown moles. Bright-red, round, flat, elevated aneurisms by anastomosis, bleeding violently when wounded in the least. Pressure and tension around the ulcer on the leg. An ulcer, which had been cured breaks open again, and, instead of pus, emits bloody lymph; the place is hard and painful to the touch. The ulcer occasioned by the tissues emits a corrosive humor. The pus of the ulcer emits a cadaverous smell.


Drowsiness, which goes off by motion, in the forenoon, when sitting or reading. Great drowsiness in the daytime. Excessive drowsiness after a meal, in the evening. Sopor with snoring. No sleep, win inability to open her eyes. Sleeplessness, on account of uneasiness in the body. Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep. Uneasy sleep, frequently interrupted by waking, with headache in the morning, and burning in different parts of the body. Anguish in the evening, after lying down, as from oppression of the chest, with heat in the head, heat in the hands, and sweat on the forehead. Uneasiness in the evening when in bed. Nightly pulsations in the head, as if he would be attacked with apoplexy, waking him with anxiety. He wakes several times at night, with sensation of congestion of blood to the head. Violent pain in the occiput, at night, and boring in the fore part of the head, accompanied by sweat, paleness of the face, cold and trembling hands, and nausea at the stomach. Continual sneezing, at night. A very vivid lewd dream; frightful dreams. Dreams with fanciful ravings.


Chilliness and coldness of the body. Fever, with thirst during the cold stage only. Shuddering in the evening, with weariness, followed by flushes of heat. Chilliness with great thirst, followed by heat with slight thirst. Symptoms before the chilly stage; beating in the temples; lacerating in the bones of the limbs and in the teeth; cold feet; stretching of the limbs. During the chilly stage: languor. During the hot stage: headache, vertigo, redness of the face, obscuration of sight, nausea, pains in the stomach, abdomen, or chest, oppression of the chest, pain in the lower limbs. After the fever: headache. Quotidian, tertian, and quartan intermittent fevers, also after abuse of Cinchona. A good deal of heat: frequent attacks of flying heat; in the evening, burning, with great weariness and nightly delirium, or only internal heat, with great anguish, with coldness externally, which is perceptible to the touch. Typhus and typhoid fevers, particularly in the last stage, with sopor and rattling, cold sweat on the face and limbs, hippocratic countenance, and small pulse. Pulse: frequent; feeble and depressed; collapse of pulse (in the cholera). Great disposition to sweat, copious and frequent sweat in the face (of a child); sweat with a sour smell; morning sweats, warm; night-sweats, with putrid smell.


i Anxious, a sort of oppression of the chest Very much oppressed and full. Indescribable anguish, every after noon, from to six o’clock. Increasing anguish in the evening with heat in the face. Uneasiness in the evening. Every after noon he trembled with uneasiness and anguish over the whole body Whining mood, everything appeared terrible to him, he felt desperate. Very peevish, irritable, and disposed to be angry. Indolent mind, not disposed to think. Dread of ghosts, particularly at night.


Periodical want of memory. Sudden want of memory. Muddled condition of the head, with heaviness in all the limbs as in a cold. Dullness of the head. Giddiness in the head, with pressure in the forehead. Vertigo from the slightest motion. Vertigo in bed, after waking from sleep. Giddiness in the evening, after sleeping, when sitting, with trembling and quivering in the whole body. Vertigo only when sitting, as if the head were balancing to and fro.


Headache, as is felt in the beginning of a cold. Headache affecting the whole of the right side of the head and face, with chilliness, coldness, and tremor of the body and jaws. Headache brought on by a sudden change from warmth to cold. Headache from getting heated. Dull headache, with heaviness, in the forehead. Dull headache in the occiput. Heaviness in the head. Spasmodic tightness in the brain. Aching in the nape of the neck, afterwards in the forehead, followed by lachrymation and closing of the lids. Continued aching on the top of the head, and in the occiput, with painfulness of the hair when touched. Aching in the forehead, close above the eyes. Aching over and in the eyes. Pressure in both temples and on the top of the head. Pressure and drawing in the head in paroxysms. Compressive headache, as if the integuments of the head became contracted Contractive pain in the head, especially during motion. Drawing pain in the head. Dull lacerating headache, in the vertex, temples, and brain, in paroxysms. Erratic stitches in the head, from without inwards, with general painfulness of the surface of the brain. Boring headache in the fore part of the head. Violent throbbing pain in the occiput, as from subcutaneous ulceration, from morning till evening. Beating in the temples and fullness of brain, when waking from a deep and long siesta. Beating headache, in the afternoon. Pulsating pain in the forehead, after a meal, with pressure in the occiput, heat in the head, and eructations. Congestion of blood to the head, with hot forehead and muddled feeling in the head. Burning in the forehead and heat in the mouth, with in the eyes. Buzzing in the head as of bees. Violent noise in the head from reading. Lacerating in the bones of the head. Headache over the whole vertex, in the morning when in bed, with painfulness of the hair when touched, going off after rising. Great falling off the hair on the head, particularly after severe illness. Susceptibility of the head to take cold. Pimples on the temples.


Pain in the left eye from sharp looking. Pressure in the eyes, with dullness of the head. Pressure in the eyes, as of a grain of sand, with a feeling of soreness, especially in the canthi. Pain in the eyes, as if torn out, with headache. Violent stitches in both eyes. Itching around the eyes. Biting in the eye-lids, with redness of the margin of the lids. Burning in the eyes, particularly in the canthi, with pressure. Inflammation of the right eye. Swelling of the left eye. Profuse lachrymation and smarting in the right eye. Morning-agglutination of the eyes. Haemorrhage from the eyes, with congestion of blood to the head. Great shortsightedness. Black, flying spots before the eyes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.