Water-brash. Qualmishness in the stomach. Loathing, with ill- humor, inclination to vomit. Nausea, while eating, with loathing of food. Vomiting, sometimes with violent retching or fierce colic. Vomiting of everything he eats, sometimes with gagging up of bile and mucus. Vomiting of blood, with constant gagging.


Sensitiveness of the stomach, also externally. Feeling of weakness in the stomach. Violent pains with heat in the stomach, tossing about in despair, sometimes with pains in the abdomen, kidneys, and bladder. Drawing in the stomach. Heat in the stomach, with pain. Violent burning in the stomach. Burning in the region of the pylorus. Inflammation of the stomach.


Inflammation of the liver and diaphragm. Violent pains in the abdomen and intestines, particularly at night. Violent colic. Pinching in the abdomen, early in the morning, violent, or with bearing-down towards the genital organs; around the umbilicus after dinner. Cutting in the abdomen; stinging; gnawing. Heat and burning in the abdomen and bowels. Inflammation and mortification of the bowels. Sensitiveness of the abdominal walls to the touch. Peritonitis. Pains in the groin. Immovable, firm hard tumor directly above the symphysis-pubis, in the region of the bladder, with peculiar, tensive, and burning pains in the loins. John Howslip, in his “Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs.” observes: “This tumor had been occasioned by a blister of Cantharides which was applied to the lumbar region of a female suffering with haematurias Compare Pathological Anatomy.


Constipation, with retention of urine or emission of flatulence. Frequent or constant urging; ineffectual urging or with scanty relief. Increased and painful evacuations. Diarrhoea. Dysenteric diarrhoea. Diarrhoea during dentition. Frothy liquid, or diarrhoeic evacuations; yellow, brown, watery stools. Stools consisting of white mucus, looking like scraping from the bowels, and streaked with blood. Evacuations consisting of blood or bloody mucus. Before stool: colic, urging, pinching below the umbilicus (the latter also during stool). During stool: colic, pain in the anus and intestinal canal; pressing, extorting cries; cutting or burning in the anus; prolapsus of the rectum. After stool: alleviation of the colic; cutting colic; burning, biting, and stinging in the anus; tenesmus; shuddering; violent chilliness, as if cold water were poured over one, with internal warmth.


Pain in the region of the kidneys, extending into the abdomen, with severe pain during urination. Stitches in the region of the kidneys. Cutting in the region of the kidneys, extending to the axillae. Pains along the ureters, lacerating cutting and contraction, relieved by pressing upon the glans. Pressing from the kidneys to the bladder. Inflammation of the kidneys. Enlargement of the kidneys. Pains in the bladder, violent excessive. Pressure, stinging, pressing, and lacerating pain in the neck of the bladder. Heat and burning in the bladder. Suppuration of the bladder. Gangrene of the inner coat of the bladder. Distention of the bladder. Paralysis of the neck of the bladder. Violent pains in the urethra, with icy coldness of the hands and feet. Violent cutting in the urethra, obliging one to bend double and scream, before, during, and after micturition. Burning, tension, sticking, or itching in the urethra. Inflammation, enlargement, and suppuration of the urethra. Suppression of urine. Retention of urine, with retention of stool. Retention of urine from over-distention of the bladder. Painful retention of urine, with difficult emission of a few drops. Desire to urinate, constant, violent, with inability to urinate, or with scanty emission, or discharge of a few drops only, with great pains, and sometimes streaks of blood, or with discharge of tenacious mucus, attended with cutting; inability to retain the least quantity of urine without occasioning a pressure on the bladder. Tenesmus of the bladder, strangury, also with burning, pain in the back, or discharge of drops of blood. Frequent micturition, with scanty watery discharge; with profuse discharge. Nocturnal enuresis. Enuresis, sometimes painful, irresistible, bloody; involuntary flow of urine from paralysis of the neck of the bladder. Urine white; red or reddish; turbid, like-loam water, with white sedimented, at night; full of mucus, which is sometimes filamentous, or mixed with sand, or clots of blood; bloody urine, or hot, with painful emission of the urine in drops. Haemorrhage of the urethra, haematuria, with convulsions. Painful haemorrhage from thee urethra, with tenesmus. Haemorrhage from the urethra during an erection, attended with haemorrhage from the rectum. During micturition: dysuria, burning; biting, burning, jerking; tension as if the urine would be arrested in its course; violent cutting. After micturition: burning; tingling in the urethra. Discharge of a dirty, purulent fluid from the urethra; discharge of a yellow fluid from the urethra, like gonorrhoea, also bloody. Painful gonorrhoea, with chordee and painful erections. Jelly-like urine, almost looking like hydatids. Albuminous urine.


Itching, heat, and burning of the sexual organs. Swelling of the scrotum, penis, fraenulum-praeputii. Inflammation of the penis. Mortification of the penis. Feeling of weakness in the sexual organs. Increased sexual desire. Frightful satyriasis. Violent priapism, with excessive pains. Frequent erections, continuous; particularly at night, with contraction and soreness in the urethra. Painful erections, with chordee. Frequent involuntary emissions. Spermatorrhoea from a relaxed penis, early in the morning, in bed, without sensation. Discharge of blood in the place of semen.


Burning in the pudendum; violent itching in the vagina. Swelling of the neck of the uterus, attended with burning in the bladder, pain in the abdomen, constant vomiting, and acute fever. Pressing towards the genital organs. Inflammation of the ovaries. Menses too early, profuse, with black blood. Retarded menses. Before the menses: burning during micturition, with white sediment in the urine. After micturition: discharge of bloody mucus. Cantharides promote fecundity, expel moles, dead foetuses, and the placenta.


Burning heat in the larynx. Contraction and constriction of the larynx, even unto suffocation. Roughness and hoarseness of the throat and chest. Cough, early on rising, with difficult expectoration. Short turns of cough, from irritation in the larynx, with hurried breathing and asthma, or with pain in the abdomen. Bloody expectoration, after short cough.


Difficult breathing, owing to contraction of the larynx and trachea, or to dryness of the nose. Feeling of weakness in the air-passages, with feeble, timid voice. Want of breath when ascending a mountain, with orgasm in the chest and nausea. Sticking pain and stitches in the chest, sometimes during an inspiration. Violent lancinations in the sternum. Stitches in the left side, at night, during an inspiration, not permitting him to lie on one side, or when turning the body quickly, or when breathing rapidly, with arrest of breathing. Lacerating in the chest, particularly in the region of the heart; feeling of dryness in the chest. Heat and burning in the chest, with pinching in the abdomen, and constipation, or with rising of little clots of blood into the mouth (early in the morning, also with dartings in the chest and the cartilages of the chest. Drawing pain in the region of the heart; pain of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heat. Great sensitiveness of the chest to contact.


Pressure in the small of the back. Gnawing in the small of the back, particularly in the evening, also corrosive gnawing, or as if in the bone, with stinging. Pain during movement, as if sprained. Violent pains in the back. Lancination between the shoulders at every movement, as if the parts were sprained. Lacerating between the scapulae. Stitches or lancinations in the scapulae, attended with burning of the skin. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with tension when bending it over. Lacerating or drawing in the muscles of the neck.


Drawing pain in the shoulder-joint. Gnawing, drawing, and sticking after dinner, apparently in the bone. Painful boring. Pain as if bruised. Lacerating pain in the arms. Drawing in the bones, also in the metacarpal bones. Burning of the palms of the hands like fire.


Lancinations in the hip. Coxagra. Lacerating in the thigh, down to the bend of the knee. Gnawing in the bones of the lower limb, extending down to the calves. Going to sleep, now of one, then of the other limb. Painful sensation of swelling in both knees. Boring in the knees, with contraction of the lower limb. Tottering of the knees when going down-stairs. Violent lacerating in the calves, as if the flesh were torn loose. Pain in the tibia, above the tarsal joint, as if the flesh were loose. Violent ulcerative pain in the soles. Burning of the soles, particularly in bed.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.