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Homeopathy medicine Cantharis from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Ardor urinae

3 Cutting and contracting pains from ureters down to penis; pressure on glans relieves a little.

5 Dull, pressing pain in region of kidneys, with urging to urinate.

7 Frequent, painful urination, preceded by violent pains in glans-penis.

9 Violent pains in bladder, with frequent urging; intolerable urging.

11 Tenesmus of bladder (Merc-cor.), and strangury.

13 Catarrh of bladder.

15 Violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to navicular fossa of urethra.

17 Constant burning in urethra.

19 Violent burning, cutting pains in urethra, before, during and after micturition (Can-sat., Tart-em.).

21 Urine scalds and passes drop by drop (Aconite).

31 Dribbling of reddish discharge, sometimes mixed with blood.

33 Retention of urine causing pain.

35 Before, during and after urination dreadful cutting pains in urethra.

37 Urine:-

(a) Red, as if mixed with blood.

(b) Bloody (Millef.).

(c) Scanty and turbid.

(d) Cloudy, like mealy water, with white sediment.

(e) Contained albumen and was almost black.

(f) Cloudy at night, like mealy water, with white sediment.

(g) Dark-colored.

(h) Deposits grayish-white granules.

(i) Deposits a fine, white sediment which adheres to glass.

39 Pain in bladder increased by drinking even small quantity of water.

23 Persistent, violent urging to urinate, with burning sensation in urethra.

25 Smallest quantity of urine in bladder causes urging to urinate.

27 Fruitless effort to urinate (Nux-v.).

29 Urine passes in thin, divided stream (Can-sat.).

31 Dribbling of reddish discharge, sometimes mixed with blood.

33 Retention of urine causing pain.

35 Before, during and after urination dreadful cutting pains in urethra.

37 Urine :-

(a) Red, as if mixed with blood.

(b) Bloody (Millef).

(c) Scanty and turbid.

(d) Cloudy, like mealy water, with white sediment.

(e) Contained albumen and was almost black.

(f) Cloudy at night, like mealy water, with white sediment.

(g) Dark-colored.

(h) Deposits grayish-white granules.

(i) Deposits a fine, white sediment which adheres to glass.

39 Pain in bladder increased by drinking even small quantity of water.

41 Dull, aching pain in region of kidneys, or violent burning, cutting pains from kidney to urethra.

43 Pain in kidneys extending into abdomen, axilla and along ureters into bladder.

45 Cutting and burning pains in region of both kidneys; very sensitive to slightest touch, alternating with pain in tip of penis; urging to urinate; painful micturition by drops of bloody urine and sometimes of pure blood.

47 Cutting and contracting pains from ureters down toward penis; at times pains pass from without inward; pressure on glans somewhat relieves pain.

49 Heaviness in bladder; feels sore on slightest motion.

51 Stitching pain in neck of bladder, with urging to urinate, but only a few drops pass.

53 Violent, burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to fossa navicularis, with frequent urging and intolerable tenesmus, worse before and after urinating.

55 Urging, worse when standing, and still more when walking; better when sitting.

57 Atony of bladder (after long retention of urine).

59 Albuminous urine, containing cylindrical casts, mucus and shreds; looks jelly-like.

61 Pains often extend to spermatic cords and tests, drawing them


63 Irritation so great that he cannot bear even a spoonful of urine in bladder without urging to urinate.

65 Spasm of bladder and urethra.

67 Contraction, with urging, sticking and burning in neck of bladder, then passage of a few drops of scalding urine.

69 Ischuria.

71 Paralysis of neck of bladder.

73 Tenesmus, with constant urging and passage of a few drops of bloody urine, causing severe, sharp pain, smarting and burning, as if a red-hot iron were passed along urethra; especially near fossa navicularis; convulsive tremor of whole body; cold sweat on forehead and chest, and no rest whole night on account of extreme suffering.

75 Urethra contracted, with micturition in small, thin stream.

77 Dysuria, with passage of only a few drops of bloody urine, which causes most severe burning, cutting pain along urethra.

79 Most violent cystitis, with intense tenesmus, constant desire to urinate; urine is bloody, scanty. (The cystitis calling for this remedy is of the most highly inflammatory character; it may be associated with general fever or chill; always with most terrible distress in neck of bladder.- T.F.Allen’s “Handbook of Materia Medica.”)

81 Acute nephritis, with extreme distress in bladder, urine scanty, bloody or albuminous (Terebintha).

83 Gravel (in children), with constant pulling at penis.

85 Drawing pain in spermatic cord while urinating.

87 Feeling as if molten or hot lead were dribbling through urethra.

(Can-sat. is very analogous to Cantharis Can-sat. has more pain during micturition; Cantharis more cutting, burning pain after urination.).

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.