BRANCA URSINA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BRANCA URSINA…


Heraclium Sphondylium, Branc Ursine, Bear’s Breech. See Noack and Trinks’ “Handbuch.”.


Aurum, Borax, Lycopodium, Platina, Sulphur, Vinc.-m., Kreosotum


Camph., and all the acids.


Vertigo when reading and sitting. Headache, particularly in the back and fore part of the head, with inclination to vomit and sleep, aggravated by movement in the open air, relieved by tying a hand, so that the tips of the fingers becomes oil when scratching the scalp. The eyes run eyes run and become faint when reading.


Swelling of the lips and gums, with formation of vesicles. Pressure in the throat as of hard phlegm. Increased secretion of mucus. Bitter taste in the mouth. Sweet and bitter eructations, with gulping up of a bitter fluid. Hunger, with nausea and loathing of food. Increased thirst. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Bitter, bilious vomiting, with pain in the stomach and violent congestions of the head. Oppression of the stomach with nausea, and pressure in the pit of the stomach after a meal, as of a stone. Lancinating and pinching colic, obliging him to bend double. Beating and pain in the region of the spleen; stitch in the region of the spleen when sneezing. Flatulence and colic, with nausea and offensive eructations. Delay of stool, with urging and pain in the anus. Slimy, fetid diarrhoea.


Frequent sneezing. Titillating roughness in the throat. Dry and hacking cough, with sore feeling and darting in the chest. Oppression of the chest and chilliness. Arrest of breathing when ascending an emissions. Palpitation of the heart and oppression of the chest. Darting in the side of the chest during an inspiration.


Arthritic lacerating in the limbs. Stinging and burning of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.