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BORAX VENETA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BORAX VENETA…


BOR. Natrum Boracicum. Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” II.- Duration of Action; four weeks.

COMPARE WITH. Chamomilla, Coffea, Mercurius, Natr., Pulsatilla, Sulphur

ANTIDOTES.– Chamomilla, Coffea



“Borax has, for a long time, been used as a domestic remedy, against the aphthae of children, and for the purpose of facilitating the labor-pains of parturient women.


Coffea-cruda against the sleeplessness and the head complaints of Borax; Chamomilla against the painful swelling of the cheeks. Wine aggravates the symptoms, especially those of the chest, and Vinegar reproduces the symptoms which had already been relieved, especially the stitches in the chest.

NOACK AND TRINKS “Borax is especially adapted to sensitive, lax temperaments and nervous constitutions, especially to females and children, pregnant and nursing women, and such individuals as suffer from haemorrhoids. Borax is especially suitable for disease of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs, and the diseases of the female parts.” ED.


*Catarrhal complaints in damp and cold weather. Loss of appetite every evening, nausea, drawing in the head from the vertex into the temples, and drawing in the abdomen towards the groin. Uneasiness in the body, which did not permit him to sit, or to be lying long on the same part. The infant grows pale, almost livid, the flesh, which was before hard, becomes relaxed and withering; it cries much, loathes the breast, and often wakes with anxious cries. Loss of strength in the joints. Weakness, especially in the abdomen and the thighs. Worn out, weary, and indolent, with heaviness in the feet. Formication and tremor of the feet, with nausea and disposition to swoon; going off in the open air. After an animated conversation, uneasiness in the body, nausea, and stupefaction with vertigo. While mediating during labor, trembling of the whole body, especially of the hands, with nausea, and with weakness of the knees. Faint, lazy, peevish, thirsty, after the siesta, with heat when walking in the open air, and sweat on the head and in the face, with dullness of the head, pressure in the forehead and the eyes; which feel sore when touched, at the same time inclination to deep breathing, during which the experience stitches in the intercostal muscles, with hard, quick pulse.


Unwholesome skin; small wounds suppurate and ulcerate. Inclination of old wounds and ulcers to suppurate. Whitish pimples of the size of a hemp-seed, with red areolae, on the chest. Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg, accompanied first by coldness, chills, and thirst, with vomiting of food and bile, then heaviness in the head, and throbbing in the temples, with uneasy sleep at night, resembling slumber, and afterwards bleeding at the nose on the sixth day.


Sleep, disturbed with thirst and coldness. Disturbed nights; he was unable to sleep soundly, on account of a rush of blood to the head, uneasiness in the body, rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhoea. On turning to the right side, pain in the intercostal muscles. The infant often wakes with screams, and clings to the mother with anguish, as if it had been tormented by8 frightful dreams. Vexatious or voluptuous dreams.


Cold creeping over the whole body, with throbbing headache in the occiput, as of an ulcer. Slight chills over the whole body, especially the back, without thirst,. with flat taste, rough throat, stitches in the chest when breathing, languor, lameness, extension and stretching of the limbs, with contracted, quick pulse; at the same time heat, heaviness, and stupefaction of the head, and burning of the eyes, with sensitiveness of the same to light. Chills at night, with tremor, vomiting of food, lacerating in the thighs, and pain in the femur, as if broken; then heat and thirst after sleep; in the morning, bitter vomiting, succeeded by sweat with diminished thirst. Coldness, with headache, and subsequent heat without thirst; when walking in the open air; the headache ceased. Coldness every other day, in the afternoon, with thirst and sleep. Alternate coldness and heat, frequently with sweat in the face, whilst he has cold creepings over the back, with extension and stretching of the limbs, accompanied by languor and drowsiness. Frequent flushes of heat early in the morning, with nausea and inclination to vomit.


Great anguish, with great drowsiness. Anguish with weakness, trembling of the feet, and palpitation of the heart. Easily frightened. Low-spirited and peevish. Want of disposition to work. Occasional loss of ideas. Attacks of vertigo, with loss of presence of mind. Giddy, with fullness of the forehead early in the morning. Vertigo and fullness of the head, on ascending a mountain or a stair-case. Fullness in the head, and pressure round the eyes, as if they were held fast. Fullness in the head, and pressure in the small of the back when sitting. Fullness in the head early in the morning, with want of clear and presence of mind. Heaviness of the head. Headache, on the top of the head, and in the forehead, in the evening. Headache, with dullness of the whole head. Headache, all over, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and trembling of the whole body, early in the morning. Oppressive headache over the eyes, going off soon, when walking ion the open air. Pressure above the eyes. Dull headache early in the morning, especially in the forehead. Oppressive drawing pain in the forehead, above the eyes and towards the root of the nose, sometimes extending into the nape of the neck. Shooting pain in the forehead, with nausea and lacerating in both eye-balls, in the afternoon. Lacerating in the vertex, in the afternoon, with buzzing of the ears. Lancinating headache above the eyes, and in the temples, with heat and coldness in alternation. Throbbing in both temples; in the forehead. Pulsative pressing upwards of the blood high up in occiput. Hot head of the infant, with hot mouth and hot palms of the hands.


Sensitiveness of the external head to cold, and to changes of weather.


Lacerating in both eye-balls, with shootings in the forehead, and nausea in the afternoon. Itching in the eyes, sometimes with a feeling as if sand were in the eyes. Soreness in the external canthi. Burning in the eyes. The eye-lashes turn themselves inwards into the eye, inflaming it. Inflammation of the borders of the eye-lids in an infant. At night, the eyes are closed with hard, dry gum, which irritates the eyes like sand. Lachrymation.


Pain in the ear. Stitches in the ears; when washing them with cold water, early in the morning. Inflamed and hot swelling of both ears, with discharge of pus. Discharge of pus from the ears, with lancinating headache; discharge of pus from both ears, after previous itching of the occiput. Sudden sensation of obstruction in the ear. Roaring in the ears, the hearing being much harder.


Ulcer in the nostril. Red and shining swelling of the nose, with a sensation as of throbbing and tension. Bleeding at the nose early in the morning, and pulsative headache in the evening. Fluent coryza, also with sneezing or tingling in the nose.


Erysipelas in the face. Swelling, heat and redness of the cheek, with lacerating pains in the malar bone, and great pain in the swelling when laughing. Swelling of the face, with pimples on the nose and lips. Pimples in the face.


Pain in the corners of the mouth, as if they would ulcerate. Red inflamed swelling on the lower lip, of the seize of a pea, with burning soreness when touched. Large patches, like herpes, around the mouth; the upper lip, after a burning heat, became covered with porrigo. Toothache in a hollow tooth of the upper row, with swelling of the cheek, which is painful to the touch, with a sensation of tension. Toothache in hollow teeth, dull and griping, in wet, rainy weather. Contractive griping in a hollow tooth. Lacerating from the hollow teeth into one-half of the head, whenever she touched the teeth with her tongue, or took cold water into her mouth. Pressure in the hollow teeth in bad weather. Drawing pain in the teeth. Fine stitches, intermittent, in all the teeth. The teeth feel elongated. The gums of the upper teeth are bleeding, without any pain. Inflamed swelling of the external side of the gums, very painful (ulcer on the gums), with dull pain in a hollow tooth, swelling of the cheek and the whole of the left side of the face, extending below the eye; here the swelling is changed to a watery blister.


Slimy mouth. Aphthae in the mouth. Aphthae on the inside of the cheek, bleeding when eating. Aphthae on the tongue. *Ulcers in the mouth, as in stomacace. Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were pulled off. Dryness of the tongue, in the afternoon. Spasm in the tongue, like stiffness, or as if the tongue had gone to sleep. The palate of the infant seems wrinkled, and if often screams when sucking. The mucous membrane of the palate, in front, feels burned and shrivelled, and is especially painful when chewing. Dryness in the throat.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.

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