Increased thirst and dryness of the mouth. Hunger without appetite. Increased appetite, almost like canine hunger. Loss of appetite, with taste bitter as bile. Bitter, sour taste; long- continuing, bitter, scraping burning taste, particularly in the palate. Bad, qualmish taste in the mouth, as if coming out of the stomach, like heartburn.


Nausea and inclination to vomit before breakfast, disappearing after breakfast, nausea and languor. Empty eructations; bilious eructations. Singultus. Intensely stinging burning taste; peculiar pain in the stomach, resembling heartburn sometimes rising into the oesophagus.


Violent, continued, lancinating, colicky pains in the upper part of the abdomen, in the stomach and left hypochondrium, increased by respiration, movement, and contact, in the evening on going to bed; with shortness of breath and distention of the abdomen. Whirling sensation in the region of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, a few hours after a meal.


Distention of the abdomen. Drawing-lacerating or lancinating pain in the left hypochondrium, with sensation on taking an inspiration as if something were torn loose. Sticking pain with pressure in that region of the liver, near the gall-bladder; pressure in the region of the liver, in the border of the false ribs. Dull sticking or stinging, or burning, gnawing, aching pain on one side of the umbilicus, increased by deep pressure, and passing either to the right lumbar region, or else to the inguinal, hepatic, splenetic region, or to the region of the stomach. Lancinating pain in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Cutting-jerking pains in the umbilical region, or superficial lancinating pain in that region, sometimes extending towards the lumbar region. Sticking, darting, or else pressing sticking, or tensive sticking, or oppressive dragging-pain, in the inguinal region, aggravated by walking. Cutting contractive pain in the inguinal ring from without inwards. Externally; violent burning pain under the skin in the left side of the abdomen; wandering-lacerating or lancinating pains in the walls of the abdomen, particularly in the hypochondrium in direction of the umbilicus.


Hard, scanty stool; tinged with blood. Copious faecal diarrhoea with a good deal of pressing; copious liquid stool, with constant colic. Watery evacuation. Burning-stinging pain in the anus before, during, and after stool. Tensive pressing in the small of the back and anus after stool, sensation as if he would go to stool again. Painful pressure in the perinaeum. Sensation of fullness in the anus. Pressing in the anus, frequently returning irritation in the anus, or smarting pain as if the parts were excoriated, or at times simple itching, and at times a burning titillation in the anus and in the surrounding parts, transitory stinging or beating pain in the anus. Continual violent burning pain and soreness as from excoriation at the anus. Haemorrhoidal tumors with burning pain make their appearance several times after stool.


Oppressive-tensive, or lancinating pain in the region of the kidneys. Sensation in the kidneys as from ulceration. The pains in the region of the kidney are generally worse when stooping and rising again, and when sitting or lying down than when standing. Painful cutting, extending from the left kidney in the direction of the ureter into the region of the bladder and the urethra; violent sticking pain in the bladder, extending from the kidneys into the urethra, increased by strong pressure, with urging to urinate. Burning-itching, biting, or smarting pain in the region of the bladder. Crampy contractive pain in the region of the bladder. Continuous, frequently contractive pain in the region of the bladder, both when the bladder is full and empty. Stitch in the urethra, extending into the bladder. Titillating pain in the urethra. The pains in the urethra are either excited or aggravated by movement. Urging to urinate. Pale, yellowish urine with weak, transparent, jelly-like sediment, or else turbid, flocculent urine, with a more copious mucous sediment, covered with a white, or grayish-white, or reddish bran-like sediment, or yellow-red crystals upon the sediment and the walls of the vessel. The emission is accompanied with violent pains in the kidneys; the urine looks red as if inflamed, and deposits a copious sediment.


Most of the pains in the genital organs are excited and aggravated by movement. Depression of the sexual instinct; burning pain as from excoriation in the penis. Stinging in the glans. Pain in the spermatic cord, which is at times dragging, at times lancinating, and then smarting as from excoriation, and frequently extends into the testicles. Soft swelling of the spermatic cord. Lancinating or smarting pain as from excoriation, or smarting burning pain in the testicles, the pain is generally very intense. Burning, itching, and tingling of the scrotum; pain of the scrotum as if sore, particularly of one side, and more especially the left. Shrivelling and coldness of the scrotum, with aching pain.


Smarting pain as from excoriation in the vagina. Feeling of burning and soreness in the vagina, particularly in the fore part. The menses are very scanty and painful, the blood is more like serum; in the commencement they are accompanied with a good deal of chilliness, pain in the small of the back and head, violent lacerating in the whole body. The menses are very scanty, and intermitting of a gray mucus with labor-like or ulcerative pains, ill humor and tensive pains in the muscles.


Hoarseness, with pain or inflammation of the tonsils. Rawness, or scraping sensation in the chest. Short, dry cough, with deep sticking pain behind the sternum, which is increased by a deep inspiration.


Pain in the mammae. Feeling of subcutaneous ulceration and swelling in the lateral region of the chest near the scapulae. Oppressed breathing. Sticking pain between the scapulae, increased by deep breathing. Stitches (lancinations, dartings, intermittent-continuous), in the sides of the chest. Painful dragging-sticking in the region of the heart, outwards and downwards. Palpitation of the heart.


Painful stiffness of the neck, with tensive burning, or lacerating-sticking, or lancinating pains in the neck. Lacerating pain in the side of the neck. Itching in the nape of the neck. Drawing and lacerating in the scapulae. Lancinations from the lower region of the dorsal vertebrae through the chest, arresting the breathing. itching in the lumbar region. Digging pain with pressure, or gnawing pain in the lumbar region, as of an abscess would form. Sticking pain, or sticking pain with pressure in the lumbar region, in the region of the kidney, in the side of the abdomen, in the region of the bladder, or the inguinal region; aching, or tensive, lacerating or lacerating- sticking in the region of the loins and kidneys, in the posterior region of the pelvis, the thighs, and sometimes extending even down into the calves, with a feeling of lameness or swelling in the back, in the lower extremities. Itching in the small of the back, burning pain, or digging pain with pressure, or sticking pain in the small of the back. Drawing, lacerating in the small of the back. Feeling of lameness and as if bruised in the small of the back, felt on waking, worse when sitting or lying down.


Feeling of languor and lameness in the arms, which increases to a pain when making an exertion. Pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joint, or else pain as of subcutaneous ulceration. Itching. Burning and burning stitches. Stinging in the arms and hands. Smarting-lacerating pain in the arms and fingers. Drawing and pressure in the arms and hands. Painful lacerating in the arms, extending into the fingers. Drawing- tensive sensation, aching pain, and wandering-lacerating in the muscular parts of the arm. Slight redness of the tips of the fingers, with frequent itching in the joints, as if they had been slightly frozen.


Emaciation of the lower extremities. Feeling of weariness and as if bruised in the lower extremities, sometimes with heaviness and a feeling of lameness and stiffness; dull aching pain as if bruised in the calves. Feeling of coldness, or of warmth. Buzzing sensation in the calves, as if they had gone to sleep. Simple or else burning biting, prickling itching. Smarting as from excoriation. Simple pains as if sore in the bend of the hip- joint, or in the outer parts of the thigh, accompanied with burning in the bend of the knee, or in the toes, with pale redness in the toes as if frozen. Burning or burning stitches. Sticking pulsative pain. Crampy sensation in the outer parts of the thigh, legs, and feet. Aching pain in the bed of the knee, with sensation as if the ham-strings were shortened, as if the knee were stiff and swollen, aggravated by bending, and particularly by extending the knee. Pain in the tibia as if the bone would become enlarged, tensive aching, or pressing, sometimes accompanied with burning. Drawing tension with lame feeling on rising. Lancinating pain in the lower extremities. Pain in the toes as if ulcerated and contused. Pain as if sprained (partly with lacerating) in the metacarpal joints of the toes, with sensation of swelling, increased by contact. Violent pain in the inner side of the knee-joint near the patella, penetrating into the bend of the knee, and behind the patella through the joint, as if the part were violently swollen, on bending the knee.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.