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ARSENICUM HYDROGENISATUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ARSENICUM HYDROGENISATUM…


ARS. HYDROG. Arseniuretted Hydrogen Gas. Noack and Trinks. To prepare the Gas for medicinal purposes, mix equal parts of Arsenic and Tin or Zinc with Muriatic-acid in a gas-resort; warm the mixture gently; by passing it through boiled water, a series of attenuations may be made and the Gas may be administered by olfaction.


The Gas is strongly absorbed by the Oil of Turpentine, which is thickened by the Gas, and deposits white crystals; the Oil of Turpentine might, perhaps, prove an antidote to the Gas.


Disagreeable tingling in the parts which had been dead hereto- fore, particularly in the nose, occasioning a violent sneezing, and such an intense coldness that warm cloths have to be applied. Rhythmical recurrence of the pains. Deadness of the extremities. Weariness. Considerable weakness.


Dark brown color of the body. Whitening of the hair on the deadened parts. A vesicatory applied to the pit of the stomach draws dark red blood.


Sleep is entirely wanting. Restless sleep, interrupted by the least noise.


Chilliness over the whole body; violent chilliness while undressing. (Sensation reappears amidst profuse sweat in the parts which had been dead, accompanied with a feeling of disagreeable tingling, as is experienced in a limb which is exposed to heat after having been for some time in the cold). Frequent pulse; cessation of the pulse, and vanishing of every sensation of life in the deadened parts.


Great excitement of feeling; inducing him to talk constantly.


Vertigo, which is especially violent in going up-stairs, when it causes a staggering gait. Oppressive stupefying sensation in the head, as of a load, banishing sleep at night.


Deadness of the region of the eye-brows. Whitening of the eye- brows. Yellow-colored, deeply sunken eyes, surrounded with broad blue margins.


The face is disfigured to such an extent that it cannot be recognized; it betrays a deep internal affection; the features are distorted and expressive of pain.


Loss of appetite. Great thirst. Loathing. Indescribable weakness and nausea, hindering walking.


Troublesome, continual singultus. Vomiting of a yellow-green mucus of a bitter taste; vomiting of mucus and bile; unceasing gagging and vomiting, excited again by introducing the least quantity of food or drink into the stomach, or even by merely thinking of water; repeated vomiting, with excessive anguish, colic, despondency and apprehension of imminent death. Violent cutting colic in the region of the stomach and below it, recurring at short intervals.


Violent colic in the umbilical region, returning at intervals. Undefined, excessively disagreeable sensation in the abdomen, as if it were entirely inactive, as if the whole abdomen had been transformed into a stone. Periodical pains in the abdomen. Glowing heat in the abdomen, and cold extremities.


Obstinate Constipation.


Disagreeable oppressive sensation in the region of the kidneys, increasing rapidly, and spreading thence over the back to between the scapulae; violent, uninterrupted pain in the region of the kidneys, especially perceptible during a desire to urinate. Dark, black-red urine, consisting of pure blood, and depositing a thick coagulum of blood, with glowing heat in the abdomen while emitting it, and cold extremities; haematuria.


Vesicles on the glans and prepuce, containing pus, leaving small, round, flat ulcers behind after bursting.


Anguish and oppression.


Intolerable pain in the back, particularly at night.


Sensation of deadness to the middle of the fore-arms, and up to the knees, the power to move the limbs remaining intact. Disagreeable tingling in the hands and feet, and fleeting stitches in the arms and lower limbs. Intensely painful, lacerating pains in the upper arms and elbows, and in the knee joints, as if arising from arthritis. Coldness of the extremities.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.