Arsenicum hydrogenisatum

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895.


Arsenious trihydride, arseniuretted hydrogen.


1. HERING. [In his Guiding Symptoms, vol. ii, Dr. Hering has published the results of a proving of this gas, which he speaks of having made, with five associates, in 1847. The mode of experimentation is not mentioned. [ “My experiments with the ars. hydr. have shown that the millionth of this gas, taken by inhalation, caused a dangerous illness, lasting several weeks.” So Hering writes in Metcalf’s Homoeopathic Provings, p.22. He probably refers to the symptom of “F.K.”-EDS] Save in the case of himself and one other (“F. K.)” very scanty results seem to have been obtained; and even with those two no really characteristic effects appear which have not been observed in cases of poisoning. Accordingly, since arseniuretted hydrogen is unlikely to be used in practice save-as in Dr. Drysdale’s hands- for conditions such as cholera, answering to its toxic influence, we have thought it sufficient to give a few observations of poisoning by the gas, referring the student desirous of more minute to Dr. Hering’s work. -EDS.].


1. In 1815, Gehlen inhaled a small quantity. In 1 hours he was seized with continued vomiting, accompanied by shiverings and great weakness. The symptoms continued to increase till the 9th d., when death supervened amid intolerable sufferings. (ORFILA, op. cit., sub voce.) 2. Schindler, in 3 h. after inhaling half a cubic inch, became affected with giddiness on mounting stairs, and soon after experienced sensation of discomfort and pressure in renal region, augmenting rapidly, and extending over back up to shoulders, without, however, becoming severe. At same time, general shivering, pains in knee-joints, and coldness in extremities. On undressing about 10 p.m., shivering was so intense that he does not remember having had anything like it; at same time, severe pains came on in arms and elbows, similar to those in knees. The symptoms now increased in an alarming manner. Superior extremities up to middle of arms, lower up to knees, nose, eyebrows, were as dead, the feeling of the life left them; absence of pulse, but power of locomotion remained; then at short intervals violent and tearing pains supervened in region of stomach, and continuous spasmodic eructations with emissions of a considerable quantity of inodorous wind, without any relief from the abdominal pains, which caused the sufferer to groan. He soon after had two vomitings with such intense colic that he is unable to describe in words its violence. He then thought he was near dying, without hope of improvement. The vomitings consisted of a yellowish-green mucus, and were very bitter to taste. That of which he complained most was a violent pain in renal region, which was continuous, and accompanied with urging to urinate; urine was of dark colour. blackish red; it was quite pure blood, which formed clots in the vessel. At same time, patient felt burning heat in abdomen, with coldness of extremities. In a few h., his looks had quite changed: skin of whole body had become dark brown; eyes, with yellowish tinge, were downcast, sunken in the orbits and encircled with a large blue ring. Face was drawn, expressing pain. Patient hardly recognizable. Had no sleep that night. Before vomiting, he had taken a little tea; later on, some warm drinks to induce perspiration. These had the effect of bringing back to the dead parts the feelings of life, preceded by very severe tingling, especially at nose, which was seat of violent sneezing, and which was so painfully cold that it was necessary to apply warm linen to it. All these symptoms lasted with same intensity throughout next d.: urine was still like thick blood, but formed no more clots, although renal pains were just as violent. All the hair on the dead parts had become white as snow; the white eyebrows showed sharply on brown skin. Thirst was severe: patient drank much decoction of barley and other demulcents; he also took a solution of sulphate of magnesia with a few drops of tincture of opium. The next d. (3rd) abdominal pains continued intermittently, but less violent. Vomiting only once, less convulsive and less painful than before. Vomited matter consisted of mucus and bile. Renal pains less severe; urine clearer, though still bloody. Eructations had lessened, leaving patient often 1/4 h. peace, but very tiring hiccup had come on, which lasted continuously. Had emission of much flatulence, which brought on stool. Blister at pit of stomach drew blood of a dull red hue. Sleep was quite absent: patient was in such a state of mental excitement that he talked almost incessantly. Weakness considerable; he could, however, stand straight without help and walk a few steps. Had no longer fear of death, although those about him had little hope. On 4th d., same state, though slightly better. 5th d., colour of face was only darkish yellow. Distorted features, showing severe internal sufferings. Urine tinged with blood, colic round navel, recurring at long intervals; intermittent hiccup, lasting an hours; eructations less frequent; several stools. Diluents, mucilaginous drinks. 6th d., vague sensation, very trying, as if he had a stone in belly; patient said constantly that his belly had become like a stone. Sulphate of magnesia did not drive away this sensation nor the eructations. Soon patient wished for something solid, and ate a little rice with good appetite. Urine no longer bloody. 7th d., is better. Face has become white; appearance good. Eyebrows are beginning to get to natural dark colour. No more colic; eructations get less frequent. Has severe tingling in feet and hands, and transient dartings in arms and legs. Towards evening, back pains of first days return less violently, but almost unbearable. Great weakness; tendency to sleep, but sleep not calm, being broken at least noise. During next n. he had feeling of pressure and giddiness in head, with tearing sensation. Cold fomentations all night; pain ceased towards m. 8th d., is better. Slight pressure in abdomen; dorsal pains more violent in evening, unbearable during night; complains bitterly; relieved in sitting posture, but cannot remain so long, owing to weakness. Friction, application of heat is of no avail. All next d. violent pains. E., better after hot-milk fomentations. He goes to sleep, and next d. is decidedly better. From this moment, his state gets more and more bearable. Strength returns, appetite also, and sleep is refreshing; convalescence, however is slow, and he is only well again after 7 w. During third week, a fresh arsenical effect was noticed. The whole foreskin and glans became covered with purulent vesicles, which were followed by small circular and flattened ulcerations. The patient counted as many as sixty-five on the external part of the foreskin: they took 10 or 12 day to heal. There were no symptoms left of this serious case of poisoning, and the patient regained his former health. (L’Art Medical, xlviii, 323.)

3. B-, et. 22, employed in a manufactory of chemicals busied himself with experiments relating to the colouring matter of aniline. In one of these experiments, he produced a pretty large quantity of arsen. hydrogen, which mixed with the air of the laboratory (it was 7 a.m.) About 1 h. afterwards, B-felt a rather severe headache which obliged him to open the window for a short time. He afterwards went on with his work for about 2 h. At 10:30, he took a meal without noticing anything particular. An h. after, headache increased; pains began at epigastrium, and then vomiting of food came on. Patient had himself carried to the hospital. On the way he vomited food three times. On arrival, these were his symptoms: Pale face, bloodless lips, difficulty of walking, very intense frontal headache, severe spontaneous pain in lumbar region; feeling of tightness at base of chest, quickened breathing; no cough, no rales on auscultation, normal resonance; keen thirst; no abdominal pain per se, or on pressure. Cold extremities. No disturbance of sensorium. Treatment: Mustard plasters; frictions with balsam of Fioraventi; hot-water bottles; diuretic wine; ordinary decoction containing 16 grms. per litre of acetate of ammonia; purgative enema. In about 1/2 h. patient becomes warm, a slight moisture covers whole body; breathing gets easier. Patient still complains, however, of bruised feeling generally, and especially of lumbar pains. Motor power seems unaltered. Pulse 110, pretty full and regular. Liver painful to palpation. Towards 5, patient passes two fetid and abundant stools; some time after, emission without pain of about 220 grms. of red urine, in which not a single globule of blood is found on microscopical examination. Greenish vomiting brought on by slightest quantity of drink. Towards 10:30, headache more severe, and face has more animated expression; injected conjunctive. Pulse strong and quick. Embarrassed speech, answers slowly. After being bled to extent of 500 grms., an almost immediate amelioration followed. Headache decreases, as also lumbar pain. Breathing 20, pulse 95. Vomiting, however, continues, and no drink can be retained. At 1 a.m. M. Piorry was called, and found him in this state: Face reddened, skin hot, pulse 100, regular, pretty full; intellect clear, answers rational. Vomiting has ceased. M. Piorry prescribes drink in large quantities and repeated injections into rectum. A fresh purgative enema at about 3, then a bath. Patient feels a little better after it, though still they tired. Next day face is of an earthy yellow, skin dry, pulse 104; tongue dry, great thirst; stupid look; there is posterior pulmonary congestion; patient has not urinated. 3rd d., patient is in a state of drowsiness and apathy; conjunctive are again injected; urine notably diminished in quantity, and still reddish. 5th day, after a seeming amelioration of short duration, general state gets much worse. Urine suppressed again; tongue and lips covered with a fuliginous coating; skin is of bronze colour; pulse becomes imperceptible, breathing faster and embarrassed; intellect gives way. Death took place that e. Autopsy revealed only congestion of liver, without alteration of hepatic cells, softening of spleen, and enlargement of kidneys with very marked injection of the whole organ, especially in tubular substance, and granular state of cells of both divisions. (OLLIVIER, Gaz. des Hopitaux, 1863.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.