Tensive pain in the temporal muscles when opening the jaws. Cramp-like pain near the articulation of the jaw. Feeling of heat in both cheeks, without any warmth being felt externally. Sensation of a corrosive soreness deep in the nose.


Digging pain in the lower jaw; great dryness of mouth and lips, without any thirst. Drawing pain, relieved by cold. Throbbing toothache in a hollow tooth, in the evening, after lying down. lancinating drawing in the gums of the right upper row.


Nausea during a walk, with great lassitude all over. Bilious eructations. Pinching stitches in the tip of the tongue. Burning as of pepper on the tongue. White tongue, with a feeling of roughness. Roughness and dryness in the back part of the palate and fauces, without any thirst, worse when swallowing. Putrid, flat or bitter taste in the mouth. Great desire for cold drink. Frequent hiccough. Nausea, especially during a meal. Sense of nausea in the stomach. Food does not relish, yet he has a strong appetite.


Cramp-like pinching pain below the pit of the stomach, in the evening, when sitting. Cutting lacerating in the pit, increased by moving the trunk, after dinner.


Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Early in the morning, diarrhoea comes on after previous colic, and nausea; the last evacuation was mere slime. (Tingling itching of the rectum, as of ascarides. Cutting under the short ribs. Dull, shaking, erratic shootings in the abdomen, near the umbilicus. Cutting in the bowels and hypogastrium. Cramp-like colic when walking. Drawing pain, as from a bruise, in the right side of the abdomen, when walking in the open air. Pressure in the hypogastrium, from within outward, accompanied by anguish. Fermenting and rumbling in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on, accompanied by incarceration of flatulence.


Indications of diarrhoea, with dragging through all the intestines. Frequent desire in the rectum, as if diarrhoea would come on immediately, with shiverings over the face. Every evacuation is followed by shiverings over the face, and goose- flesh. Emission of stinking flatulence. A loose stool, with painful tenesmus of the rectum, as if it had been contracted, with distention of the haemorrhoidal veins, and a burning pain as if the rectum were corroded. Moderate costiveness. Frequent slight desire for stool; after straining a few hard clots come out.


Frequent desire to urinate, but little urine being emitted. Pressure on the bladder, followed by the emission of a quantity of white urine; tenesmus after micturition. Orange colored urine, which becomes easily turbid. Burning after micturition; frequently obliged to urinate, although only a few drops are emitted each time, causing a burning during or after every flow.


Itching in the scrotum. Stitches, sometimes itching of the prepuce. Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, when walking in the open air. Drawing in the left spermatic cord, alternating with twitches, with a sensation of shivering in the neighboring parts of the scrotum and thigh.


Titillation in the larynx, inducing a dry, short, and hacking cough. Violent cough, deep from the trachea, early in the morning, with expectoration of yellow mucus. Roughness in the throat. Tenacious phlegm in the trachea, which it is difficult to hawk up.


Cutting with pressure in both sides of the chest, changed to cutting thrusts, continuing even when breathing is arrested. Tightness of the chest, and pressure in the left side when walking fast. Great oppression of the chest, with violent palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation of the heat, when sitting or stooping, with a painful sensation, as if the heart were contracted. In the evening, when lying in bed; it decreases when sitting up. Painful thrust or shock in the region of heart. Internal trembling, resembling hiccough, during an inspiration. Cutting, with pressure through the thoracic cavity, from within outwards, with a sense of anguish. Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even when touched but slightly. Itching stitches. Frequent short cough, followed by one hiccough. Sharply pressing almost pinching pain, in a small spot of the upper portion of the chest. Lancinations in the last rib, during an inspiration, before going to bed, and after having lain down.


Early in the morning, when in bed, pain in the small of the back, as if broken. Bruised pain in the small of the back, worse about four in the morning. Drawing pain, with pressure in the small of the back. Tension in the muscles of the back, near the axilla; he finds it difficult to raise his arm. Violent tremulations in the muscles of the neck. Dull stitches between the top of the shoulder and the neck. Painful stiffness, resembling a drawing between the scapulae, and in the nape of the neck, early in the morning; painful and difficult moving the arms when rising. Pain as from bruises in the muscles of the neck, on the left side, towards the shoulder; the parts felt as if they had been strained; abated in the open air. Lancinations in the scapula. Drawing stitch in the nape of the neck.


Arms tired and heavy. Stiffness in the joints of the elbows, with lassitude of the fore-arms. Pain in the elbow-joint, apparently in the tendons of the muscles. Drawing in the fore- arm and in the hand. Pain in the posterior joints of the fingers, as if felt when moving an ulcerated part. Pressure with cutting in the axilla. Aching of the humerus, as from a bruise. Itching, lacerating, and stitches in the arms. Feeling of heat in the dorsum of the hand. Rheumatic; drawing pressure in the dorsum of the hand. The fingers are cold. Aching in the flesh of the ball of the thumb. Drawing around the joint of the thumb, as if sprained, especially when bending the thumb.


Drawing cramp, like pain in the legs and knees. Sense as of stiffness in the feet. Bruised feeling in the abdomen and thigh. Sudden heaviness and lassitude in the lower extremities. Pressure, with drawing pain in the tendons of the hip-joints, on rising from a seat. Tremulous stitches in the thigh, and upper border of the illium, extremely painful, and felt only when sitting. Tension and lameness in the muscles of the thigh. Tensive aching pain in the rectus muscle of the thigh, when stretching the limb. Lameness, as if produced by a contraction of the ligaments. Drawing, burning pressure and dull stitches in the tibia. Aching as from a sprain, in the foot, when walking in the open air. Lameness of the joints of the feet. Drawing stitches, boring or lacerating pain in the feet. Sweat of the feet. The feet feel numb and pithy, as far as the knees, but without tingling. Momentary cramps in the feet. Pain of the foot when standing upon it. Cramp-like pain in the foot, followed by an aching on the day following, and a bruised feeling when standing on it.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.