ALCOHOLUS SULPHURIS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ALCOHOLUS SULPHURIS…

      ALCOHOL-SULPH. – Liquor Lampadii, Carburet of Sulphur. Lampadius, in 1796, while distilling a mixture of pyrites and charcoal, procured a clear liquid in the receiver, which he named Alcohol-sulphuris, or the Alcohol of Sulphur. It consists of one equivalent of Carbon and two of Sulphur. It is a transparent, colorless, volatile, and inflammable liquid, with a very pungent taste and peculiar odor, somewhat ethereal, and yet partaking of that of sulphuretted hydrogen. It is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, and in the oils generally. Its solvent powers are remarkable, as it dissolves Sulphur and Phosphorus rapidly and in considerable quantities.


It may prove useful in some forms of sick headache, especially when the pain commences in the forehead, and extends to one or the other temples; also to scrofulous affections of the eyes and lids; to twitching of the eyes and lids, such as occurs in scrofulous, nervous, and verminous children. It is homoeopathic to some rheumatic and neuralgic affections of the face; and is also one of the most homoeopathic remedies to chronic pharyngitis, which is so often mistaken for chronic bronchitis; to irritation of the pharynx, with much hawking and spitting, and gagging cough from the irritation of an elongated uvula, especially when these symptoms occur in bilious and dyspeptic subjects. It is homoeopathic to pyrosis and heartburn, and to various dyspeptic and bilious derangements. It is homoeopathic to flatulence, bilious derangement, bilious and flatulent colic, and congestion of the liver. It is one of the few drugs which seem to exert a specific action upon the coecum. It has cured a chronic diarrhoea, appearing every four or six weeks, attended with colic, the evacuations being liquid, frothy, yellowish, sour, and attended with tenesmus. It is homoeopathic to chronic irritation of the pharynx and larynx, with constant desire to hawk and spit, with hoarseness and short cough, and may prove homoeopathic to the first stage of tubercular disease of the lungs; it may prevent the tendency to irritation and congestion of the upper parts of the lungs which so readily lead to the fresh deposit of tubercles in consumptive patients. It is homoeopathic to chronic rheumatism, and to prurigo and impetigo. – J.C.P.


Pain in the forehead, which draws towards the left temple, and

remains there for two hours. Pressive frontal headache, lasting almost all day, and accompanied with transient pains in the temple. Drawing and tearing pain, stretching from the forehead to the temples, lasting all day, more severe in the room and during rest, relieved by walking in the open air. Dull pain in the frontal region with nausea and heaviness of the whole head. Thumping pain in both temples. Violent pressive pain in the right temple, with malaise desire to vomit, and rumbling of wind in the bowels.


Burning and itching of the lids; pustules on the lids, lasting four days. Dilatation of the pupils, with quickness of the pulse. Abundant secretion of whitish yellow mucus in the eyes, Lachrymation of the eyes; twitching and trembling of the muscles of the eyes and lids.


Pain in the ears as if some one were striking upon the tympanum with a dull instrument.


Redness and puffiness of the face; heat of the face and hands. Lancinating and tearing pains in the cheeks, extending up to the temples, and lasting two months.


Dryness of the lips and mouth; irritation of the cavity and isthmus of the fauces, followed by a sensation of contraction in the larynx, with gagging cough and quick breathing. Gum-boils Pasty, disagreeable taste in the mouth, with foul taste of the pharyngeal mucus; bitter sharp taste in the mouth, or very repulsive acrid taste, or sweetish putrid taste. Great accumulation of saliva, with sweetish taste; very frequent spitting; pale red swelling of the uvula and velum. Burning and scraping in the pharynx and oesophagus.


Very abundant eructations; sour, burning, acrid regulations (pyrosis), occurring one or two hours after eating. Continual acrid regurgitations. Regurgitations of air, with nausea, discharge of flatulence upwards and downwards. Burning in the stomach and hepatic region; heat in the epigastric region, which ascends and occupies the whole chest; violent heat, ascending from the stomach to the head. Fullness in the stomach, with eructations yawning, desire to vomit, and dizziness.


Great inflation of the abdomen, with rumbling of wind and tearing colic; colic-pains after eating; slight wind-colic, from time to time, with desire to urinate; colic-pains, with loose stools and flatulence. Paroxysm of disagreeable pain in the left lobe of the liver. Soft stools, preceded by pain in the left lobe of the liver and followed by pains in the caecal region.


Lancinating, twitching, and pinching pains in the region of the caecum, not relieved by discharge of flatus, and increased by pressure by turning from one side to the other, and doubling-up the body. Dull pains in the region of the caecum.


Liquid stools; slimy diarrhoea; watery diarrhoea; liquid diarrhoea, with violent pain in the epigastrium; sudden diarrhoea, after having dined with good appetite; violent diarrhoea, with tenesmus and sour evacuations.


Heat and irritation of the larynx; hoarseness and irritation of the larynx, with continued desire to hawk; cough provoked by a tickling at the bifurcation of the bronchi. Slight dry cough.


Sensation of heat in the chest; congestion in the upper parts of the lungs; oppression of the chest; fullness of the chest. Slight stitches and pains about the chest.


Pains in and eruption upon the arms and legs.


Sharp itching and stinging in different parts of the skin, as if from nettles; itching in various parts of the skin, much aggravated by scratching; bleeding and burning of eruption when scratched; (prurigo) eruptions of impetigo on the back of the hands, the pustules are seated on an inflamed red, base, contain a yellowish cloudy serum, and form thick yellowish scabs.


Great internal heat, with coldness of the hands and feet; general heat, headache, quick pulse, cramps in the calves of the legs and toes, without much thirst, and no perspiration.


Quick pulse it rises from 76 to 90 or 95.


Sleeplessness from headache; dryness of the skin, and general unpleasant heat, so that he is obliged to rise and bathe himself.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.