ADEPS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ADEPS…


ADEPS. Hog’s lard.


In Scarlatina.

Inunction of the surface with Lard was first proposed by Dr. Schneeman, of Hanover, and has since been adopted successfully by Dr. Mauthner, of Vienna, Mr. Taylor, of London, and others. The treatment has been further tested by Professor Ebers, who treated twenty-two cases, eleven of which presented one or more of the severe complications, and of whom six died. Of the twenty-two, the inunction with Lard was tried in thirteen cases, and the ordinary remedies in nine; of the latter, five died; of the former, only one was fatal, and this was beyond hope when the treatment was commenced; the remainder recovered. Prof. Ebers concludes that the inunction with Lard does not interfere with the development of the eruption; for this comes out on the third day, and declines on the fourth or fifth. The complications of the disease disappear more favorably then under the ordinary treatment. No desquamation or anasarca ever follows the use of Lard. The inunction seems to destroy the contagious principle. The Lard requires to be diligently rubbed in, over the whole surface of the body, every morning and evening. Mauthner treated his own daughter, aged fifteen, successfully with it. J.C.P.

In Measles, the Exanthemata generally, and in Inflammatory and Typhus fevers.

In these diseases, inunction with Lard is strongly advised by Mr. Taylor. He relates numerous instances in which inunction with an ointment, composed of equal parts of Lard and Suet, was attended with the best effects; no internal remedies were employed. He states that it reduces the force and frequency of the pulse, and, when employed at an early period of the disease, that it wards off a typhoid condition. The dry and brown tongue becomes clear, the patient falls into a sound sleep, and delirium subsides; in fact, all the symptoms improve, with a steadiness and rapidity not seen in other methods of treating fevers. J.C.P.

In Erysipelas.

Erasmus Wilson considers that inunction with Lard is in every way superior to all fluid applications. He at first, on the suggestion of Mr. Grantham, relaxes the skin with hot water or steam, and then saturates the surface with hot Lard, which is afterwards covered with wool. He also speaks highly of the value of Lard inunctions in the treatment of violent sprains. Mauthner also uses it in burns and erysipelas.

In Itch.

Professor Bennett used Lard inunction in four cases of itch, and in each a cure was speedily effected. From these and other cases, he infers that the efficacy of Sulphur ointment mainly depends on the unctuous matter which it contains. It is of importance that the parts should be kept moist, and for this purpose oil-silk, so as to completely envelop the parts, should be used. The same treatment has been found successfully by Mr. Basin, who found that six frictions during three days, were sufficient to effect a cure of itch. J.C.P.

In Consumption.

In Frank’s Magazine, about twenty cases of consumption, more or less successfully treated with Lard inunctions, are reported; the hectic fever and sweats soon abated, and all the patients improved in flesh and strength. It may be tried in cases in which Cod-liver oil cannot be used internally. J.C.P

In Profuse Sweats.

Several cases are reported in which it removed profuse and debilitating perspirations in non-tuberculous persons. In scrofula, it has been used successfully. In all cases, the Lard should contain no salt; if the Lard has already been salted, this should be worked out in water. J.C.P.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.