ALUMEN symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ALUMEN…

      ALUM.- Sulphate of Alumina and Potash. Alumina


This is a compound of Alumina, 10.92; Potash, 10.08; and Sulphuric-acid, 33.68, and in its action in partakes of some of the properties of all these articles. It is generally supposed to act very much like Sulphuric-acid, only somewhat less severely, and more purely as an astringent. Others have compared its action to that of Sulphate of Zinc, Acetate of Lead, Sulphate of Iron, Alum is said to be purely and simple astringent remedy, but

Potash which it contains also renders it somewhat of an alternative and deobstruent medicines. Besides, as all the Alums of commerce contain more or less of Sulphate of Iron, varying from five to seven parts in a thousand, it is also somewhat tonic and blood-improving in its action. The immediate topical effect of a solution of Alum is corrugation of fibres and contraction of small vessels, by virtue of which it checks or temporarily stops exhalation and secretion, and produces paleness of parts by diminishing the diameters of small vessels. It is by these local effects that Alum, when taken internally, causes dryness of the mouth and throat, somewhat increases thirst, checks the secretions of the alimentary canal, and hereby diminishes the frequency and increases the consistency of the stools, as observed by Wibmer, when taken in doses of three grains, dissolved in five drachms of water several times a day. When taken internally, in moderate doses, it is absorbed in to the system, and has been detected in the liver, spleen, and urine. Kraus has noticed that the urine becomes remarkably acid from the use of Alumina When taken in large quantities, the adstriction is soon followed by irritation, and the paleness by preternatural redness; it may thus excite nausea, vomiting, griping, and purging, and even an inflammatory condition of the alimentary canal; effects which may sometimes be induced by small quantities in persons endowed with unusual or morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels. Barthez, from half-drachm doses, solved in one ounce of distilled water, experienced a sense of contraction in the stomach, lasting for a quarter of an hour, followed by acute aching in the stomach. From one drachm doses, solved in two ounces of water, he merely felt a more decided sense of contraction of the stomach; his appetite was never disturbed, on the contrary he rather thought that it was increased. From two and a half, drachm doses he felt an inclination to vomit, lasting for a quarter of an hour, but no vomiting ensued; three drachm doses caused vomiting and constipation; the vomiting was easy and not preceded by much nausea. Alum was detected chemically in his stools.- J.C.P.


From doses sufficiently large to cause death i n animals: The stomach was found filled with a large quantity of fluid; its internal surface, throughout all its extent, was covered with a greyish substance, intermixed with greenish and bilious-looking particles; the mucous membrane was extensively reddened or inflamed, especially in the greater cul-de-sac, which was dark brown in color; near the pylorus were extra-ordinary thick and hard, as if they had been tanned, and were very firm under the knife; the walls of the small bowels were slightly thickened, and coated with a yellowish-white granular substance; the large bowels were filled with a greenish offensive fluid. As Alum has been but little used by homeopathic physicians, a large portion of the clinical remarks must be derived from allopathic sources; this is not to be regretted, because we take it for granted that homoeopathic claim to know, not only all that is contained in old-school writings and experience, but a great deal more. Hence we must take heed that our old-school brethren are not in possession of new or old facts which we are not acquainted.- J.C.P.


Alum is not supposed to act as prominently on the nervous system as Sulphate of Zinc or Acetate of Lead.

Nervous of Motion.

It is said, from its action in lead and other colics and in whooping cough, to be an antispasmodic; but Copland thinks it cures lead colic by exciting the partially paralyzed muscular coat of the bowels, and thereby enabling them to expel retained matters of a noxious description. Too little is known about its action upon muscular fibres and nerves of motion to hazard any decided opinion. Among the symptoms enumerated by Fournier, in the case of a lady who had taken a large quantity of Alum, we find “slight convulsive movements.” Orfila also alludes to a similar case.- J.C.P.

Nerves of Sensation.

It is not known that Alum acts specifically upon any of the nerves of sensation.

Ganglionic Nerves.

It is generally supposed that the action of Alum upon the nervous system is confined to the ganglionic nerves; it may be propagated thence to the vascular system, as these nerves follow the blood-vessels into every part of the human frame.


The especial action of Alum upon the heart and arteries, apart from its astringent action, has not not been particularly investigated.


Alum is supposed to exert not only a blood coagulating, but also an antiseptic power on the venous blood. By adstriction of the capillaries it may impede the return of blood from the arteries, and thus operate upon the venous system.

CAPILLARY SYSTEM. This seems to be the great field of the action of Alumina It exerts an astringent effect upon the capillaries of all the mucous and serous surfaces, upon the lymphatic and blood- conveying vessels; hence it moderates or checks all profuse mucous fluxes arising from atony of the parts; and by exerting a tonico-mucous fluxes arising from atony of the parts; and by exerting a tonico-astringent action upon the tone of the vessels, it prevents passive haemorrhages, and even opposes the tendency to liquefaction and putrefaction of the organic mass when such is in operation.

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM AND GLANDULAR SYSTEM. It is not known whether Alum exerts any specific and peculiar action upon these systems apart from its tonic and astringent action.


Notwithstanding that Alum causes dryness of the tongue, mouth, and throat, similar to that which obtains in typhus and typhoid fever, it still has been strongly recommended in those diseases by Fuster, Fouquier, Dobler, and Skoda. The two former recommended it in the second stage of abdominal typhus, when, in consequence of ulceration of the abdominal mucus membrane and of its glandular apparatus, there are ichorous, offensive, and blood-mixed loose stools. In 1838, Drs. Dobler, Skoda, Herz, and folwarenzy placed their sold reliance upon it; many hundreds of causes have been treated and saved by it.- J.C.P.


In dilation of the heart, and aneurism of the aorta, Alum has been advised by Kreysig and Dzondi. Sundelin also mentions a case of supposed dilation of the heart, in which relief was gained by the use of the Alumina

The value of Alum in menorrhagia and haematuria has been already considered under the appropriate heads. In purely atonic haemoptysis it likewise proves serviceable. Dr. Theophilus Thompson considers that it one of the best direct astringents that can be employed, and thinks it acts more efficiency when allowed to dissolve in the mouth than when taken in mixture. In atonic haematemesis, Alum thrice daily in combination with Opium has proved serviceable, although it is of inferior efficacy to the Acetate of Lead. In haemorrhage from leech-bites, in that from the gums after the extractions of a tooth, and in other superficial bleedings, a saturated solution, or the powder of Alum, locally applied, is often an effectual styptic. In haemorrhages, whether proceeding from an exhalation or exudation from the extremities, or pores of the minute vessels, or from a rupture of a blood-vessel, or pores of the minute vessels, or from a rupture of a blood-vessel, a solution, or, in some cases, the powder of alum, may be used with advantage to temporarily constringe the capillary vessels, and close their bleeding orifices.- J.C.P.

It has been used successfully in a peculiar form of mental alienation, in which the patient plagues his family continually, keeps his or her bed almost entirely, without apparent necessity, has an appearance of embonpoint from general bloating, but a sickly and sallow complexion, with burning down the oesophagus, tenderness over the stomach, cough, and insupportable pain near the left groin or ovary. Under the use of Alum, the patient will soon leave his bed, become rational and affectionate towards his family, and attend to his duties.

In profuse atonic epistaxis, the injection of a solution of Alum into the nostrils often proves epistaxis, the injection of a solution of Alum into the nostrils often proves effectual in arresting the discharge. It is frequently also applied by means of a plug soaked in a saturated solution, and pressed up the nostril. Several cases of polypus of the nose are reported as cured by simply snuffing up a solution of Alumina Alum, reduced to an impalpable powder, and snuffed into the nostrils, has, in a few cases within my own knowledge, effected cures of copious catarrhal discharges. As an application to nasal polypi, we can vouch for its utility.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.