ACTEA SPICATA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ACTEA SPICATA…


ACT.-SPIC.- Herb Christopher. Baneberry.


Ruckert advises it in prosopalgia, and in certain rheumatic and neuralgic affections of the face and head. A girl, twenty years of age, had a chill, and was speedily attacked with a violent pain, which commenced in a carious tooth of the upper jaw. This pain was pulling and tearing in its character, and extended to the zygomatic bone, and to the temples, and was increased by the lightest touch, or any movement of the facial muscles. Three globules of Actea removed this pain in a few hours. Dr. Roth has given this medicine, with advantage, in cancer of the stomach. It is particularly useful when there is much tearing and darting pain in the epigastric region, accompanied with vomiting. Dr. Roth commends Actea in acute and chronic hepatitis. Ruckert has also employed it successfully in hepatic affections. In constipation, from a lack of bile in the intestinal canal, Dr. Lemercier has found this medicine quite serviceable. Dr. Roth has employed Actea with considerable benefit in calculous affections of the kidneys. It is especially appropriate in those cases which occur in individuals of gouty diathesis. A woman, forty years old, subject to rheumatic affections and haemorrhoids, had been attacked, apparently in consequence of a chill, with severe pains in the articulations of the hands and thumbs, accompanied with swelling. The least movement rendered the pains insupportable. Three globules of Actea, thirtieth, produced a decided amelioration in a short time. A second dose, three days afterwards, effected a perfect cure. In rheumatic affections of the large articulations, this is a remedy of considerable value. It has proved most beneficial in cases accompanied by biliary derangement, and is appropriate in both the acute and sub-acute varieties. Golden advises a dilution of Actea for weak and nervous patients, who are troubled with frequent cold sweats after slight exertions of mind or body. It is also homoeopathic to suppressed perspiration, especially when occurring in rheumatic subjects.


Loss of consciousness. A sort of intoxication. Disturbance of the cerebral functions. Furious delirium.


Sadness. Melancholy, causing a distaste of life. Obstinacy. Complainings.


Boring pain in the head. The head-symptoms are more intense at night; they are also increased by walking, and are generally periodical.


Pressure in the forehead, commencing early in the morning.


Lancinating pain in the temple.


Pressure in the vertex.


Hammering pain in the occiput.


Sensation of horripilation in the hairy scalp. Eruption of small pimples in the hairy scalp.


Pain, which seems to be located in the periosteum, and even in the bones of the skull.


Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva. Ophthalmia of a catarrhal character.


Blue colors appear in the objects which we look at. When fixing the eyes for a long time upon an object, spots appear before them.


Flow of burning tears.


The external ears are painful to the touch. When sneezing or masticating, lancinating pain in the ear. Murmur in the ears after sleeping, increased by mental emotions.


Bruised feeling of the nose. Redness of the wings of the nose. Nasal secretion tinged with blood. Epistaxis, during an oppression of the chest.


Great sensitiveness of the face. Pain in the face similar to that of rheumatism. The cheek upon which he lies perspires easily. Sweat upon the face. Cold sweat upon the forehead.


Slight cracks upon the lips. The skin around the mouth assumes a light yellow color.


Increased secretion of saliva.


Foetid breath.


Pain in the sub-maxillary glands when eating.


Sensitiveness of the throat when speaking. Tearing pains in the throat, especially when respiring cold morning or evening air.


Sharp appetite in the morning. Hunger, with repugnance to meats.


Nausea. Malaise after eating.


Inclination to vomit, with giddiness. Vomiting of acid substances. Vomiting.


Cramp of the stomach. Painful sensation of pressure at the epigastrium. Cancer of the stomach.


General uneasiness in the bowels. Abdomen sensitive to the touch. Sensation of compression in the abdomen. Spasmodic contractions in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen like that which precedes or accompanies menstruation. Pain in the abdomen like that which precedes diarrhoea.


Pulsations in the right hypochondrium. Acute or chronic hepatitis.


Insensibility of the left hypochondrium.


Expulsion of a great abundance of flatulence.


Stools in the form of pap. Colic pains during the stools. Suspension of the evacuations.


Frequent desire to urinate. Frequent desire to urinate and pain during the act.


Difficulty of breathing, like an attack of suffocation. Difficulty of breathing, with lancinating pain in the epigastrium on taking a long breath. Difficulty of breathing, with pain in the stomach. Whistling respiration. Difficulty of breathing, with painful shocks in the abdomen at each inspiration. Respiration seems difficult, in consequence of weakness, especially obvious when expiring. Difficulty of breathing, with pain in the hip.


Sensation of beating in the region of the kidneys. Calculi of the kidneys.


Tearing pains in the loins. Bruised pain in the sacral region, when lying on the side.


Pain and paralytic weakness of the hands.


The fingers are numb, cold, and discolored.


Swelling of the lower limbs. Boring pain in the legs, which is relieved by extension. Weakness of the lower extremities after changes of temperature. Swelling of the joints after a little fatigue. Trembling of the thighs on raising them. Sensation great lassitude in the knees. Inflammation of the knee-joint.


Coldness after drinking. Rigors, followed by heat, during which vomiting occurs. Eructation during the chill.


Viscid sweat. Hot sweat upon the head. Malaise and cold sweat. Suppression of the perspiration.


Cephalalgia, which continues after the fever has subsided. Delirium during the fever.


Sudden lassitude, without any appreciable cause. Lassitude after eating. Lassitude after speaking for a long time. Debility from walking in the open air.


Pulsations throughout the body. The pains are generally tearing and pulling. The symptoms manifest themselves particularly after mental emotions, walking, fatigue, speaking, eating, by the use of salt meats, beer, and by inhaling the fumes of tobacco. Most of the symptoms appear in the morning, and especially when in then open air. Its action is most decided in affections of the parenchymatous organs, the seat of old inflammations, or of active sanguineous congestions. This medicine is especially suitable to men. The characteristics symptoms are weakness and tingling.

This proving seems singularly trivial, and gives but little idea of the spirit of the remedy.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.