Drawing in of the umbilicus, especially early in the morning, before breakfast. Burning in the umbilical region, sometimes spreading to the pit of the stomach, with anxious throbbing, piercing, and vanishing with a chill. Pinching, griping, and wringing in the umbilical region. Compression of the navel, with spasmodic pressure at intervals. Sensation above the umbilicus, on the left side of it, as if something cold were pressing out in that region. Drawing pains in the abdomen, extending from both sides to the umbilicus, which are excited by stooping with the abdomen. The abdomen is sensitive to the touch. Inflammation of the bowels and peritoneum. Inflammation of the intestines, with intense burning and lacerating pains in the umbilical region, becoming intolerable to pressure, and aggravated by turning on the left side; with distention of the abdomen, paroxysms of anguish, frequent hiccough, constipation, loss of appetite and sleep. The abdomen is distended and swollen, as in dropsy. Ascites? Colicky pains in the abdomen, with tension and pressure, as from flatulence. Rumbling, grumbling, and fermentation in the abdomen, either with raw feeling, or during the entire night. Inflammation of the hernial stricture, especially when accompanied with bitter, bilious vomiting.


Constipation in acute affections. Diarrhoea, with nausea and sweat, either before or after. Frequent, scanty, and loose stools, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, with eneuresis and colic. Watery diarrhoea. White stools, with red urine. Momentary paralysis of the anus, with involuntary stools. Pain in the rectum. Piercing and pressure in the anus. Bleeding piles.


Retention or suppression of urine, with pressure in the bladder, or piercing in the region of the kidneys. Incontinence of urine, sometimes accompanied with profuse sweat, with frequent watery diarrhoea, and colic. Painful, anxious urging to urinate, with excessive watery urination, sometimes excited by touching the hypogastrium. Difficult and scanty emission of urine, with frequent urging, and sometimes with pinching around the umbilicus.

Brown, burning urine, with brick-colored sediment. Infrequent urination, with bright-red, hot urine, without sediment. Momentary paralysis of the bladder, with involuntary emission of urine. Burning and tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Stitches in the kidneys, with retention of urine.


Itching of the prepuce. Piercing and pinching in the glans, on urinating. Pain in the scrotum, as if contused. Tingling in the genital organs. Amorous paroxysms. Diminished or increased sexual desire, alternating with relaxation of the penis. Inflammation of the scrotum. Itching of the genital organs.


Increased and profuse menses, especially in plethoric females. Suppression of the catamenia, in lively young girls of plethoric and sedentary habit. Frenzy on the appearance of the catamenia. Metrorrhagia. Copious, tenacious, yellowish leucorrhoea. Complaints in pregnancy, especially fear of death. Phlegmasia- alba-dolens of lying-in women? Increase of milk in the mammae. Milk fever, especially in plethoric females, and when violent delirium sets in. Puerperal fever, especially with peritonitis. Varicella and benign rash of infants?.


Attacks of catarrh and coryza, sometimes accompanied with headache, colic, humming in the ears, and enuresis. Hoarseness early in the morning. Croaking voice. Relaxation of the epiglottis, allowing food and drink to enter the larynx, causing suffocation and cough. Sensation as if the trachea was benumbed. Cough in the hot stage of a fever. Short dry cough, arising from a titillation in the larynx, with constant inclination to cough- particularly excited by smoking or drinking, or at night, or after midnight, and returning every half-hour. Spasmodic, rough, croaking cough, sometimes with danger of suffocation, and constriction of the windpipe. Cough, with thick, white, bloody or mucous expectoration. Dry cough, with heat over the body, thirst, and great restlessness. Cough whenever one takes cold, and which is particularly troublesome at night. Dry cough, which allows no rest at night, with constant irritation and oppression in the upper half of the left lobe of the lungs. Whooping cough, first stage, especially when dry and whistling, with fever and burning pain in the larynx and trachea. Grippe, with inflammatory condition of the pleura or lungs; or with rheumatic symptoms, catarrh of the windpipe, and sore throat. Membranous croup inflammatory stage, especially in excitable, nervous, and vascular subjects. Burning heat, thirst, short cough, quick and hurried breathing. Haemoptysis, in pregnancy, which pain, but with nocturnal anguish, lamentation, and whimpering; bright red face, and improvement in the recumbent posture. Inflammation of the trachea and bronchia. The larynx feels painful to touch.


Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping, after midnight, or on rising up. Fetid breath. The breathing is anxious, labored, sobbing, or quick and superficial; or loud, strong, and noisy, with open mouth and asthma. Slow breathing during sleep. Paroxysms of suffocation, with anxiety. Asthma. Irregular and spasmodic respiration. Stertorous respiration. Oppression of chest. Oppression, with a sensation of contraction and anxiety in the chest. Asthmatic complaints, especially in sensitive, plethoric young persons (particularly young girls), who lead a sedentary life, or in whom the attacks are brought on by the least excitement of feeling. Asthmatic complaints of adults, especially if there be great congestion of the head, vertigo, a full and strong pulse, or even haemoptysis. A kind of asthma- millari, with a violent, hoarse, crowing cough, at night, danger of suffocation, and constriction of the trachea. Anguish in the chest, arresting the breathing, and accompanied with warm sweat on the forehead. Aching pain in the chest, which is only relieved for a short time, by bending the trunk backwards. Aching, oppressive, and constrictive pain in the chest or side of the chest. Pain in the chest as if the sides were drawn towards one another. Piercing and stitches in the chest and its sides, especially on respiring and coughing; frequently with a plaintive and whining mood, with anguish and ill humor, or with oppression of breathing. Pneumonia and pleurisy, especially in the first stage, during violent fever, accompanied with heat and thirst, dry cough, and extreme nervousness. Carditis? Feeling of heaviness about the heart. Chronic affections of the heart, with constant pressure in the left side of the chest, difficult breathing form violent exercise and going up-stairs, with stitches in the region of the heart, oppressive congestion of the head, fainting fits, and aggravations in the fall and spring. Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish, general heat, especially in the face, and feeling as if the muscles were severely beaten. Palpitation of the heart in young, plethoric, sensitive persons, especially of sedentary habit. Intermitting and irregular pulse. Three radial beats to one impulse of the apex, contractions of left ventricle still being synchronous with pulse. Right auricle seems to be in a constant convulsive state, its action quick, irregular, and disproportionate.


A bruised sensation, or a painful lame stiffness on motion in the small of the back and loins, often extending to the back and neck. Painful boring to the left of the lumbar vertebra. A rooting, boring pain from the right scapula to the chest, increased by an inspiration. Rheumatic pain in the neck, only when moving it. Aching pain in the left half of a cervical vertebra. Pressing pain in the neck, as if pressure were made with the tip of a finger, from without inwards, in the direction of the trachea. Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck.


Numbness and paralysis of the left arm, which scarcely permits the hand to stir. The arms hang down powerless, as if broken. The arms feel chilly and insensible. Lacerating pain in the arm, from the shoulder to the wrist-joint and fingers seldom felt except during movement, with blueness of the hand during the pain. Bruised pain in the shoulder-joint (also in the hip-joint). Swelling of the deltoid muscle, which, when touched, feels painful, as if bruised. Drawing pain in the elbow-joints. Weight and debility in the fore-arms; pain as if from a blow. Transient paralysis. Drawing, with a sense of stitching and tearing, and pain excited by motion. Contractive pain in the hands and fingers. Tearing and paralyzing drawing in the wrists (joint). Numbness, icy coldness, and insensibility (deadness) of one hand. Cool sweat in the palms of the hands. Swelling of the hands, with frequent paroxysms of cough, and good appetite. Feeling of fullness in the limbs, as if about to burst, accompanied with a sensation of numbness and pricking over the whole surface. Pain in the thumbs, as if sprained and lame. When bending the fingers, violent stitches dart through the wrist-joint to the elbow-joint. Tingling pain in the fingers, even while writing.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.