A child, aged 13, threw a shawl belonging to a child who had died of Scarlet Fever, over her shoulders; next day she had high fever, pulse one hundred and forty; sore-throat; vomiting; headache; the next day the rash appeared on neck and chest, extending gradually over body and becoming red after pressure from periphery to centre. Rhus Tox. cured with no sequelae and the stages were short.


Miss– came to us from Allopathy. She was suffering from St. Vitus’s Dance. The leading symptoms were; Spasmodic movements of the muscles of the face and right arm and leg. Spasmodic twitchings and restlessness during sleep.

These two symptoms, according to the Index, are very nearly identical with symptoms under Zizia Aurea. The cure with this drug was prompt and permanent.

The aggravation during sleep is an exceedingly important modality, distinguishing the Zizia from Mygale and the oft-used Agaricus; the latter of which has jerking, etc, on going to sleep.


Mr.– aged 40, has been long under treatment for supposed Phthisis Pulmonalis. When I saw him, he was thin, sallow, emaciated; was aroused 5 to 6 A.M. every day, with a hard cough, terminating in gagging and vomiting of stringy mucus and an offensive mass, which was frothy and green, looking like soapsuds. He has had in four years, five or six haemorrhages. The periodicity of the cough and soap-used sputum led to Kali Hyd., under which he improved in flesh and general strength, was able to resume his business; the cough became less annoying losing its spasmodic character; and the sputum white and less frequent. It is now a years since he has had no return of Haemoptysis.


I can testify that high potencies will cure Syphilis, and potentized Mercurial preparations will produce symptoms similar to those of Syphilis; the Iodide of Mercury in the one-thousandth potency has produced a pimple or papule which resembles a hard Chancre; and this same Iodide of Mercury, given in repeated doses for days continually, has cured this kind of Chancre in a number of instances. It has also cured a secondary sore-throat which was developed six or seven weeks afterwards, but which on the continuance of the medicine disappeared and for nine years was not been seen.

I have also produced similar results with the five-hundredth potency, getting an ulcer that looked as though it were punched out at the top; of this I am positive from my own personal observation, and I know this to be the case in the experience of Dr. Macfarlan of this city, who has proved this thing by experiments, and whose cures I have seen.


Mrs. L.– aged 76 Ulcer on chin, right side, perforating to the gums, so that fluids taken in the mouth run out through the opening. Has not grown in circumference much for 2 years. All our usual means failing, I resorted to Cundurango, three doses, since which the following change has taken place. I give her own words; I feel a great deal better; the medicine took away the pain in the throat; also the lumps on the chin have almost disappeared. It does not bleed any more, but there is still a continuous flow of slimy water. The sore does not heal on the outside, but it does not look so bad as it was. (Letter to me, dated July 12),

This is the first time in two years she ever acknowledged any benefit from treatment. More anon.


During January, while vaccinating for the year just closed, a child was brought for re-vaccination, all previous attempts having proved unsuccessful. The vaccine-disease developed perfectly, and by the fifteenth day all traces of irritation had passed away. Two days later he became restless, sleepless, with a dry teasing cough and considerable evening fever. On the following day papules appeared, which soon exhibited the characteristic vesicles of Chicken-pox. The attack was mild, leaving no scars which will be permanent. A younger member of the same family, in whom vaccination had failed to take, contracted Chicken-pox at the same time, and developed a remarkably severe case. Many of the vesicles became pustules.

The non-identity of Variola and Varicella is now generally admitted. It is regarded as a mere coincidence that epidemics of the two diseases sometimes concur. On does not protect against the other; nor are they comparable in point of virulence. Variola displays a well-marked periodicity, running through three distinct stages of eruption; the Varicella papules recur in crops, and either end as vesicles or quickly postulate, seldom, pitting so deeply as Small-Pox.

The cases above -recorded is interesting as tending to confirm the separate origin of the disease germs of Small-Pox and Chicken-Pox Vaccination though in all respect perfect, did not prevent the development of the Varicella.

It may be asked, however, what influence had the vaccination in modifying the attack, which was much milder than in the case of the younger brother in whom vaccination failed? This question is difficult to answer because individual susceptibility to the disease is exceedingly varied.

In the epidemic in Philadelphia this fall and Winter all cases under our charge have run a mild course under the use of Hyoscyamus 2.c It was Dr. Lilienthal, we believe, who draw attention to the similarity of this remedy and the symptoms of Varicella. Hyoscyamus develops vesicles coming in crops; restless sleep, slight febrile excitement and above all it corresponds to the dry, teasing cough, relieved by sitting up.

Now because of the size of the vesicles in the younger of the cases referred to in this article, vesicles which more resembled water-blisters, we selected Rhus Tox.2c. In two days the symptoms became provokingly violent. The fever was intense the child could not sleep, vesicles appeared thickly over the scalp, face and back. Some of them broke, forming thin scabs; others pustulated and pitted deeply. Hyoscyamus 2.c quickly relieved. In the milder case Hyoscyamus 2c. was given from the beginning.

This circumstances, this error of prescription, might account for the disparity in intensity, leaving us to conclude that vaccination had no modifying influence.


A boy, 10 years, came under treatment for a supposed vermicular trouble. The symptoms seemed to point to Cina (Artemisia Vahliana), which relieved for a time. Other medicines followed, when, on one occasion, while in my office, he suddenly grew pale, commenced a chewing motion with his mouth, walked around the room, picked up a book and threw it forcibly on the table, returned to his seat and became conscious again. He was then as well as usual with the exception of a slight languor. On questioning him, he stated that it commenced with a creeping (aura), beginning in the pit of the stomach and spreading thence to the head, causing unconsciousness, during which his automatic motions took place. In school, he has been known to walk in the same unconscious state, slam his slate on the desk, look up the clock, cry out the hour in the loud voice, and then return to consciousness without the slightest recollection of what he had done. Artemisia Vulgaris relieved these symptoms. Unfortunately the family has left the city, and I am unable to say how permanent is the relief. But I am certain that each attack following the medicine was lighter.

It is a singular fact that all of the tribe of Senecionideae ord. Compositae, which we have proved (Cina, Artemisia Vulg., Chamomilla, Tanac., Arnica, Senecio Grace.), have relief from some from of motion.

The Artemisia Vulgaris resembles the Cina in nervous troubles, but as it is in conjunctive relationship t cannot be used immediately before or after Cina. As a distinctive relative, and hence one who has followed well, Silicea corresponds to the somnambulistic state and Silicea, Nux Vom., and Causticum, to the irritation of the solar plexus giving rise to spasm. The Absinthium (wormwood), another member of the Armisiae, when drunk in brandy (a famous drink used by actors, etc. to stimulate the brain), I have seen produce the Delirium Embriosorum, which was only relieved by pacing the floor, showing again the general relief from motion.


During last year many cases of Whooping-cough appeared in Philadelphia. Some yielded readily to the usual medicines, but the following cases presented one or two interesting features, which may be worth recording:

A. Mrs.— caught the disease from her child. At the time, she was under treatment for prolapsus uteri accompanying general debility and emaciation. Her condition greatly added to the distressing effects of the cough, the paroxysms of which exhausted her very much. Several remedies were used, but with indifferent success. One evening the husband, alarmed at her symptoms, sent for me to call at once. I found the patient too prostrate to raise the head from the pillow. She complained of sensation of waves, which started from the pit of the stomach, and spread all over the body with trembling. Cough constant from tickling in the larynx; worse when attempting to speak. Actoea Rac. 6 a dose every three hours cured the Whooping – cough, and naturally enough, helped the uterine disease.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.