Two weeks later. Headache well; Rheumatism in every joint. On enquiry I found this was an old symptom, felt before the headache supervened. I, of course, gave Sac. Lac.

February 21st. Rheumatism and headache gone, but swelling not much diminished. He had suffered from headache almost constantly for 6 years.


Some years since, Dr. Neidhard noticed as a symptom of Calcarea phos., “longing for bacon, ham, fat, etc.” At the time I conclude it would hence be a good remedy in cholera Infantum, when there existed an abnormal craving for fat, etc. All through the last Summer I had been struggling to keep a little one year old boy from succumbing to this disease. Hydrocephaloid set in, the body was cold, respiration scarcely perceptible, and even a loose stool was followed by fainting. Phosphorus2c worked like a charm. But in three weeks a second attack was but partially relieved by phos. Arsenic seemed to revive the little fellow. But on the occasion, I found him propped up in his crib, his skeleton fingers clutching a piece of raw ham, which he was endeavoring to masticate with all the power of his four tiny teeth. I gave him (remembering Dr. N’s remark) Calcarea Phos 2c., and from that time his uninterrupted improvement dates.


Whatever may be said against the class of remedies, or remedies of which this is a sample, I, for the one, will ever feel grateful towards Dr. Jeanes for introducing this bile of the Terrapin, Cholos. Terrapin. He recommends it for “cramps in the calves,” a symptom it has often removed. Quite recently, I gave it in a case of Secondary Syphilis with these cramps as a prominent symptom. In three weeks, the sore throat, pains in bones and cramps disappeared, and four or five vesicles formed at the site of the old Chancre. These have disappeared, leaving the patient apparently well. In olden times, Terrapin was used in venereal diseases.


Dr. A. Korndoerfer and myself succeeded in permanently curing a case of HYPOPYON. The patient was a stone-cutter; who a year before, had been Allopathically treated for Gonorrhoea. He had taken among other drugs, much Mercury. While working in his trade, he was struck in the eye by a piece of stone. A violent inflammation followed, which he attempted to subdue with tea- leaves, laudanum and acetate of lead, the latter of which always causes Opacity of the Cornea, when directly applied. The sclerotica looked like raw beef and light was intolerable. The patient mediated suicide, especially in the evening. There was a feeling of sand in the eye, and examination revealed in the anterior chamber a collection of pus, apparently about two lines its diameter. Hepar 30 was given as suited to the symptoms and as the proper anti-dote for Mercury and acetate of lead. The result was perfect absorption of the pus and removal of the Opacity of the Cornea with the return of normal vision.


Mrs.—–, complained of nausea, vertigo and headache, all decidedly worse from the slight motion. Gave Bryonia 6 every two hours. No relief. Further enquiry elicited the additional symptom that any noise made the dizziness and nausea intolerably worse. This last, with the former mentioned symptom, can call only for Theridion. Three doses of the 1000th cured in 24 hours. The patient in previous attacks taking Nux vomica, Ipecac., Bryonia, etc., according to a supposed similarity, was always sick in several days.


Early in the Autumn of 1881, Mr.–returned from the seashore, expecting soon to fall a victim to Dropsy.

Coming under my care, I found his heart dilated with mitral insufficiency. The whole body was anasarcous, the legs being enormously swollen. The scrotum was very much distended, though its size had been somewhat modified by an incision, form which continually dropped serum into a bucket, placed conveniently in front of the patient’s chair.

Unable to lie down, owing to water in pleurae and pericardium, as well as peritoneum, the poor suffer was compelled to remain seated, catching snatches of sleep in brief intervals of rest from severe dyspnoea.

The surface of the body, especially the nose, lips, finger-tips and legs, was bluish-red. The pulse was rapid and intermittent. From the legs oozed a small quantity of water, not enough to give much relief.

The cardiac weakness, blueness of the skin and dyspnoea when falling off to sleep, led to the selection of Lachesis, which was given in water, a dose every three hours.

The first potency used was the 5th, taken from the original stock procured by Dr. Hering, more than 50 years ago.

In a few days the colour of the skin changed decidedly. The pulse strengthened, though it still remained intermittent, and the legs anti scrotum discharged copiously of their redundant water. Soon the patient could lie down, though sleep was broken by cardiac, instead of what we may term “dropsical” dyspnoea.

Relapses occurred during the Winter, but no other remedy was needed, the only change being in the potencies used, from the 5th to the 30th.

Here is an instance in which an incurable disease was for months almost entirely relieved of distressing Dropsy with medicine alone. The man is still living.


A colored woman complained of an unconquerable drowsiness, whenever, ceasing from her work she sat down to rest. I could not obtain any other symptom, and physical examination revealed no abnormality of the heart. Nux Moschata 2c. one dose, entirely cured the symptom.


MR. F. —, aged 46, had for 15 years suffered from Dyspepsia. His general health seemed good, but his pulse was soft, and every attempt to eat meat would be followed by headache, eructations and itching all over like an undeveloped nettle- rash. Fat could be eaten with impunity, and even a small amount of meat could be tolerated, if he also ate apples; that is, so for tolerated, that only a slight headache would follow. Hence the case was one of insufficiency of gastric juice, partly obviated by the mallic and other acids of apples. Liver and pancreas were normal, as shown by the easy digestion of fatty and starchy food. The next point was, what could have caused this gastric inertia?

The patient had always been remarkably temperate. It appeared, that some 15 years since, while helping to carry a heavy iron- beam up-stairs he tripped, straining his stomach. For months, he was forced to walk bent. Thus, this accident had so impaired the stomach, that it failed to secrete sufficient gastric juice. Only one medicine covers the cause, and the aggravation from meat, with eructations and itching Ruta Graveolens, which was given in the 2c potency, before each meal. Cure complete in 3 months. The only obvious symptoms produced from such persistent use of the medicine, were an itching of th eye-lids and forehead, and watering of the eyes when attempting to read- symptoms, which clearly belong to the drug.


Miss B. –, a coloured woman, aged 24, suffered for more than a year with Epilepsy in spite of treatment. During the last examination I discovered a phlyctenoid eruption on the skin, discharging a thin yellow fluid, and a similar fluid appeared in the vomit and in the Leucorrhoea. The laryngoscope displayed a like eruption in the pharynx, and it may be presumed it was present in the stomach. The speculum showed enormous blisters on the tumefied uterus, discharging the same serous matter. Further, during the spasm, the face was bathed in sweat, the eyes sunken and the subsequent coma very profound. The attacks were ushered in by numbness of the brain, a jerk in the nape of the neck and then the spasm, differing thus from ordinary Epilepsy.

In reading the pathogenesis of Bufo I was struck with the apparent connection between suppuration of internal parts and the spasms it produced, and I was determined to test its virtues in puerperal spasms following Peritonitis, suppuration or suppurative Ovaritis, or even in suppuration of the kidneys. Here was an opportunity in Epilepsy with uterine tumor and destructive inflammation of both skin and mucous tissues, to confirm my opinion and so give more confidence to trust its use in the more dangerous puerperal convulsions. After three doses of Bufo 30, the spasms which had been of daily occurrence, ceased, and with them the troublesome eruption. The uterine tumor, however remained apparently unchanged.

Bufo may become invaluable in the treatment of those forms of Epilepsy which follow onanism; for we see in the provings such symptoms as; “Longs for solitude to give himself up to onanism” (a symptom of Sulphur also, according to Jahr.) “Quick ejaculation, without pleasure, sometimes with spasms, and painful weariness of the limbs”.

Compare with Plumbum in Epilepsy with destructive suppuration; with Sulphur in that on onanists; and with Calcarea and Silicea when the attack commences in the abdomen, or concurs with the changes in the Moon.



Miss A.—, s case illustrates how easily we spoil a cure. She was attacked with chill and fever of the following description: Anteponing type; chill followed by burning fever, as if the veins were on fire; great restlessness, even delirium; thirst unquenchable; sweat comes later, lasting all night, leaving her prostrated in the morning. Face during apyrexia waxy-yellow; great weakness, yet restless. Arsenic 40 m relieved in four days, leaving only heat at night and sweat. Thinking that possibly Sulphur interpolated might complete the cure, three doses of the Sulphur 2c were given. The next day the chill returned precisely as above described. Arsenic was again resorted to. The abdomen seemed to be the centre of attack. She complained of burning heat there which was almost constant. One week after returning to Arsenic, the patient described the burning as concentrated across the lower abdomen, hence it had descended. The medicine was discontinued. On the following day a diarrhoea substituted itself for the chill; the abdominal heat ceased and the patient convalesced from that hour.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.