
Women: Exaggerated sexual desire; nymphomania; wild, beside herself with sexual thoughts; uncontrollable sexual desire. Inflammation of ovaries and uterus. Suppression of menses from getting feet wet. Menses too late, scanty.

Face pale, yellow, sallow, or green like a chlorotic patient. It overcomes the tendency to miscarriage, false conception, moles, etc., and stops the growth of fibroids, other symptoms agreeing. In pregnancy and during confinement many symptoms call for Pulsatilla.

Most often called for when the patient is not irritable and the pains are very feeble, lasting for several days, and doing nothing; irregular, flitting, changeable pains, now up the back, now down the limbs; a prolonged first stage or prolonged preparatory symptoms. Chamomilla is more suitable if the woman is extremely irritable. But in a mild, gentle, mental state, when the pains are irregular, the os dilated and the contractions have let up, the pains too short, Pulsatilla will terminate that labor in a short time. The next pain after the dose will be a good one. You very often see in these cases that the outside parts are relaxed and the conditions are such that everything ought to go on well, but there is inaction. For weak pains Pulsatilla stands high.

Violent menstrual colic, causing her to bend double; soreness in the region of the uterus and ovaries; distended abdomen; throws the covers off; wants the windows open; tearful; weeps without a cause. Suppression of the menstrual flow from getting feet wet. Flow slow in being established and then scarcely more than a leucorrhea.

Menstruation that has been painful since puberty in plethoric girls. I have seen Pulsatilla cure a great many girls of sixteen to eighteen years old. The mother comes to me saying her daughter has suffered since her first menses; she went in swimming, or got her feet wet, and has suffered since. The doctor says the parts ‘are undeveloped and she must be operated on.

Pulsatilla has established a normal flow in a few months. Now I will give you a contrast in another remedy. Scrawny girls who are sensitive to cold, have also taken a bath at the time the first menses should appear, or have got the feet wet, and the flow is partially suppressed, or has come on with an inflammation; a state of undevelopment is established, a stenosis; horrible menstrual colic; bearing down pains, as if everything would escape into the world, doubling the patient up; ameliorated by heat and aggravated by cold. Calcarea phos. is the remedy.

“In girls of mild disposition, when puberty is unduly delayed, or menstrual function is defectively or irregularly performed; they are pale and languid, complain of headache, chilliness and lassitude.”

To develop these young girls Pulsatilla is a great remedy. Most troublesome cases of prolapsus. It competes with Sepia, Belladonna, Natrum mur., Nux vomica and Secale; all of these are remedies with great relaxation, bearing down; some have cured even procidentia.

Pulsatilla cures many cases of gonorrhoea in females. I think it is most commonly indicated. A striking feature is, when the menstrual flow is present there is milk in the breasts.

In girls at puberty – milk in the breasts; a premature establishment of milk. In non-pregnant women, milk in the breasts. (Cyclamen and Mercurius.)

Chest: The chest, respiratory organs, and cough furnish some most troublesome symptoms.

Bronchitis; pneumonia. Dry, teasing cough and dyspnoea; wants the windows open, aggravated lying down. Cough gagging and choking. Copious expectoration in the morning, of thick yellow-green mucus. Dry, teasing cough at night, worse lying down, Chronic loose cough after measles. Whooping cough.

In the larynx we have many symptoms; constriction; tickling causing cough. Dry, teasing cough, worse lying and in a warm room. Cough worse at night. Bronchitis with loose morning and dry, evening cough.

Dyspnoea; oppression from walking fast or becoming overheated after eating; stopping up nose; after emotions. Spasmodic contraction of larynx. Tightness of chest; dyspnoea when lying on left edge; suffocation in the evening and during the night.

Asthma of children from suppressed rash or in women from suppressed menses. Loud rattling in the chest when lying. Chronic loose cough after measles. Expectoration of copious, thick, yellow-green, or bloody mucus; salty; offensive. Chronic catarrh of chest. Sensation of fullness in the chest in the evening with pulsation preventing sleep.

Palpitation from lying on the left side. Soreness in the walls of the chest. Pain in the chest sometimes relieved by lying on the opposite side; dryness and rawness in the chest. Wandering tearing pains in the chest; cutting pains in pleurisy; violent beat in the chest.

Haemorrhage of the lungs, dark blood. Dry cough in the evening, loose in the morning. Hemorrhage with suppressed menses or instead of the menses. Pulsatilla is very useful in catarrhal phthisis in chlorotic girls.

Back: In curvature of the spine Pulsatilla is of great value.

Pain in the back, lumbar and sacral regions; wandering pains; spinal irritation after sexual excesses. Rheumatic pains in the spine and limbs, worse during rest and better from slow motion. Pain in small of back as if sprained; sensation of cold water poured down back.

All the limbs are painful; drawing, tearing pains in the limbs, better from motion and after motion; worse from a warm room and better from cold applications. Swelling of the veins in the arms and hands. Varicose veins of the limbs like Fl. ac. Rheumatism of joints; pain in joints as if dislocated. Sciatica worse in the evening and better from slowly moving about. Drawing and tension of muscles in lower limbs in the evening in bed. Tearing, jerking pains in the limbs, changing place. Burning in the veins. Purple swelling with violent itching of the feet as if they had been frozen. Feet burn, and he must put them out of bed. Soles bum and are bruised when walking.

Marked restlessness and twitching of the limbs and feet; numbness of the limb, lain on; wandering pains in all the limbs.

Sleeps on the back with hands over head. Cannot sleep on the left side as it increases the palpitation and suffocation. Confused, frightful, anxious dreams. Late falling asleep; sleeplessness on account of flushes of heat.

Pulsatilla cures intermittent fever, coming on from; disordered stomach. Chill morning and evening daily. The chill begins in the bands and feet; pains in the limbs during the chill; one sided coldness with numb feeling; fever one sided.

Thirst before the chill and seldom during the heat; heat with distended veins; sweat profuse all over or only on one side of the body. Vomiting of mucus during the chill.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.