
It has cured induration of testes, and pain in the spermatic cords. Pain in left spermatic cord, left sciatic nerve and lumbago from every exposure to a draft in one who suffered from gonorrhoea several years ago and was cured by Medorrhinum 10 M. at long intervals.

Chronic pain in ovarian region. Sterility. Painful menstruation. Obstinate leucorrhoea. Enlarged ovaries. Violent itching of vulva and vagina. Profuse menses. Drawing in sacrum as if menses would come on, Cutting like knives in whole pelvic region.

Burning in scrotum and hips during menses.

Respiration: is difficult.

Suffocation and short breath on slight exertion. Asthma in children of sycotic parents (Natrum sulph.). Spasms of the glottis with clucking in the larynx; air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease. Several cases of asthma have been cured by this remedy. Dryness of the larynx causes spasms and cough on falling asleep.

Most obstinate catarrh of air passages with copious viscid expectoration has been cured by this remedy. Cannot cough deep enough to reach the phlegm (Causticum). The cough is ameliorated by lying on the abdomen, is aggravated at night. The expectoration. is yellow, white or green, viscid, difficult to raise. Cough worse in a warm room.

Many of the patients that need this remedy look sick, pale, and walk stooped as if about to go into phthisis. Dry cough, with rattling in chest. Great heat, even burning in chest. Many pains in chest. Rheumatic, sharp pains through chest on exposure to damp cold air.

When patients who have suffered from gonorrhoea seem to be taking on a phtisical complex of symptoms and the paucity of individualizing symptoms makes the remedy doubtful, this remedy will bring better reaction, and sometimes be the remedy for many months.

Intense pain in chest on coughing. Sensation of coldness in chest and mammae. Stitching pain in chest. The chest is sore to touch, and aggravated by the motion of breathing.

The heart manifests all the symptoms usual to rheumatic constitutions. Dyspnea; fluttering heart; palpitation. The pains are acute, cutting, stitching; aggravated by motion. Burning in heart, extending to left arm.

Back: “Lame back” is the common complaint of these patients.

It is generally a lumbago, or it is a lumbo-sacral pain, and often extends into the lower limbs. Crural or sciatic pains. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back, from left to right shoulders. Great heat in the upper part of spine. Stiffness in the back on rising, or beginning to move. Pains all aggravated in cold damp weather. Tender spine, Soreness in region of kidneys.

Limbs: Chronic rheumatic pains in limbs in cold damp weather.

The limbs are lame and stiff. Stitching pains all over the body, and in limbs. Sharp pains. The patient is extremely sensitive to pain, and feels pain as sharp and stitching. Some of the pains come on during motion, and some are better from continued motion. Cold extremities. Burning palms and soles, Trembling of the limbs. Rheumatic pains in shoulders aggravated from motion.

Numbness of arms and hands, worse left. Trembling hands and arms. Burning palms, wants them fanned. Right hand cold, then left. Cold hands. Heat and numbness of back of hands.

Trembling weakness and numbness of lower limbs. Awkwardness of legs, they do not go where they are willed to go. Numbness of thighs. Must stretch the lower limbs constantly. Drawing pains and tension in legs. Rheumatic pains. Stiffness and soreness in flesh and periosteum. Shooting up the legs during a thunderstorm.

Restlessness in legs, must move them constantly. Aching, drawing in legs and thighs, in sciatic and crural nerves, ameliorated by continued motion. Legs numb and heavy, like wood. Legs cold up to the knees.

Contraction of muscles of posterior part of thigh down to knee. Cramps in soles and calves. Weak ankles. Burning feet, wants them uncovered and fanned. Legs swollen to knees, and pit upon pressure. Sore bruised legs, ankles and soles. Soles sore and bruised, look blue. He cannot walk on the soles. Swelling and itching of the soles. It cures the tenderness in the soles so common in chronic gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Tenderness of soles so that be had to walk on his knees. Cold sweaty feet.

Sleep: Can sleep only on the back with bands over head.

Sleeps on her knees with face forced into the pillow. Terrible dreams of ghosts and dead people; she dreads the nights.

Sleepy but cannot sleep. Sleeplessness fore part of night. Copious night sweats.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.