Kalium Sulphuricum

Aphthae in mouth. Dryness of mouth and bleeding gums. Mucus in mouth and on the tongue. Sore burning tongue. Salivation. Taste insipid, putrid, sour, sweetish, wanting.

Coated yellow slimy tongue, mostly at the base. Toothache aggravated in a warm room, ameliorated in cool fresh air.

Throat: Dryness and constriction of throat.

Frequent hawking of mucus. Heat and inflammation of throat. Sensation of a lump in the throat. Mucus in the throat in the morning. Painful sore throat. Pain on swallowing. Rawness, burning and sticking.

The tonsils much swollen. Swallowing difficult.

Stomach: Great anxiety and distress in the stomach.

Appetite is increased, ravenous, or wanting. Aversion to bread, to eggs, to food, to meat, to hot drinks and warm food. Coldness in stomach. Catarrh of stomach. Desires sour thing, sweets, cold drinks and cold food.

Distension of stomach. Irritable, easily disordered stomach. Sensation of emptiness and faintness in stomach. Eructations, after eating, bitter, empty, of food, sour, waterbrash. Eructations ameliorate.

Gastro-duodenal catarrh with jaundice. Fullness after eating ever so little (Lycopodium). Heartburn, heaviness and flushes of heat. Hiccoughing. Loathing, of food. Nausea during chill, during cough, after cold drinks, after eating, with headache, on motion.

Pain in stomach after eating and drinking. Burning, cramping, cutting, pinching, pressing, soreness, stitching. Pulsating in stomach. Retching when coughing.

Burning thirst. Vomiting on coughing, after eating, during headache, during menses. Vomiting bile, food, mucus, sour.

Abdomen: Coldness in the abdomen.

Distension after eating. Dropsy. Enlarged liver. Obstructed flatulence. Sensation of fullness after eating, Sensation of emptiness in lower abdomen after stool ameliorated by displacing flatus. Heat and heaviness.

Complaints of the liver. Itching of the skin. Pain in abdomen at night. Cramping during diarrhoea, after eating, before the menses, during menses, aggravated by motion. Pain in inguinal region and in the liver. Burning, cutting, pressing.

Pressing in hypogastrium and liver. Soreness in abdomen and in the liver. Stitching in the abdomen, in the sides of the abdomen, in the inguinal region, in the liver. Pulsating. Rumbling before stool. Trembling in abdomen. Tympanitis.

Constipation that is very obstinate, alternating with diarrhoea. Stool, difficult, soft or hard, insufficient, during menses, from inactivity of the rectum.

Diarrhoea in the morning, evening, night, after midnight, painless, or with cramps, during menses. Chronic diarrhoea. Offensive, putrid flatus which ameliorates many abdominal symptoms.

Hemorrhage from the anus. Hemorrhoids, external, internal, large and bleeding. Involuntary stool. Violent itching of the anus. Pain in the rectum and anus, during stool after stool; burning during diarrhoea, during stool, after stool. Cutting, pressing, smarting and great soreness. Parts excoriated. Stitching in anus. Tenesmus after stool. Urging to stool, ineffectual, absent in constipation.

Stool is excoriating, black, thin and offensive. Stool bloody, frequent, offensive, purulent, watery, yellow slime. When constipated the stool is dry, hard, knotty, large, like sheep dung, small. The stool is light colored and bileless.

Bladder: Chronic catarrh of bladder.

The pain is pressing, sticking. It has urging to urinate aggravated at night, constant or frequent, ineffectual.

Urination is painful, frequent at night, dribbling when walking. Inflammation of the kidneys with stitching pains.

Gonorrhoea in the advanced stage, with green or yellow thin or viscid discharge. Haemorrhage from the urethra. Burning during urination, and in the meatus. Cutting.

The urine is albuminous, and this remedy has been especially useful in albuminuria following scarlet fever. The urine burns and is cloudy, high colored, copious, or scanty, offensive, with red and purulent sediment, copious, viscid mucus in the urine.

Genitals: Impotency.

Induration of testes. Inflammation of glans penis. Orchitis after suppressed gonorrhoea (Pulsatilla). Itching of genitalia and scrotum. Drawing in testes. Sexual desire diminished or entirely lost. Swollen testes.

It builds up women who have been subject to abortion. Aversion to coition. Excoriation of the genitalia, with itching.

Leucorrhea, burning, excoriating, greenish, yellow, purulent, thick or watery. Menses absent; bright red, copious, too soon, or too late, offensive, painful, protracted, scanty, suppressed.

Haemorrhage from the uterus, Pain in uterus, during menses. Bearing down in the pelvis, Burning in the genitalia. Labor like pains during menses. Prolapsus of the uterus.

Chest: Catarrh of the air passages with thick greenish, yellow or white mucus.

Dryness in the larynx. Rawness in the larynx. Soreness and roughness. Almost constant scraping in the larynx, aggravated after eating, at night in bed, until midnight; almost driven to distraction by the necessity to clear the larynx and gets up only white thick mucus.

Tickling in the larynx. Hoarseness. Recurrent coryza with irritation in larynx. Voice lost. Every cold settles in the larynx.

Asthma aggravated in a warm room, ameliorated in open air. Dyspnoea evening, night, with cough, when lying, walking, ameliorated in open air. Rattling Breathing.

Short, suffocative breathing in a warm room. Wheezing in a warm room. Whistling.

Coughing in morning, evening, in bed, night; ameliorated in cold air, ameliorated in open air, ameliorated by cold drinks. Cough with coryza; aggravated lying. Dry, hoarse, croupy cough at night. Cough aggravated after eating, during fever. Exhausting cough. Hacking tough. Loose cough. Paroxysmal, racking cough. Rattling cough. Suffocating cough. Tickling in larynx, trachea and deep in chest.

Warm room aggravates cough. Whooping cough with yellow, slime or yellow watery expectoration. Expectoration bloody, difficult, must be swallowed, or slips back, purulent, yellow or greenish, slimy, watery, viscid.

Anxiety in the chest, It is one of the most surprising remedies in catarrh of the chest.

Rattling in chest from every cold change in the, Weather. Constriction of the chest. The last part of pneumonia and pleurisy will bring out symptoms for this remedy. Itching of the skin of the chest. Eruptions, eczema, pustules.

Oppression of chest and haemorrhage. After bronchitis in children, when every cold causes rattling in chest and there is no expectoration. Burning, cutting, stitching, and soreness in chest. Pain in heart. Stitching in the heart. Palpitation with anxiety of heart. Tumultuous palpitation. Perspiration in axillae. Weak chest. This remedy has saved many people from phthisis. It has cured swollen sensitive mammae coming every month before menses.

Back: Coldness in the back.

Pain in the back on breathing, during menses, periodical, aggravated sitting, aggravated standing; ameliorated walking; aggravated in a warm room. Wandering pains.

Pain in cervical region, dorsal region, between the shoulders. Pain in lumbar region during menses while sitting, and walking. Pain in sacrum. Aching, bruised, burning, drawing, stitching. Tension in the cervical region. Weakness in the lumbar region.

Limbs: Arthritic nodosities.

Coldness of upper limbs and hands. Cold Feet evening in bed, and during fever. Cracked hands. Cracking in joints.

Pimples and vesicles on limbs. Desquamation on legs above the shoe tops in a young woman. Heat of hands. Hip joint disease.

Heaviness of lower limbs. Itching of the skin. Jerking of the limbs. Numbness of hands, lower limbs and feet. Pain in the limbs during chill. Rheumatic pains in limbs. Cramps in muscles. Drawing in knees and legs.

Rheumatic pains aggravated in a warm room; ameliorated walking in open air; aggravated sitting; ameliorated moving about. Sore bruised pain in tibia. Stitching in the joints, in lower limbs, knees, legs; wandering, stitching.

Tearing pains during chill, in joints, upper limbs, lower limbs, thighs, legs. Wandering tearing pains, ameliorated by motion, and walking in open air.

Perspiration of palms, of feet. Cold sweat of feet. Restless legs. Stiffness of joints. Swelling of knees, legs, feet. Trembling of limbs, hands and feet. Twitching thighs. Ulcers on legs. Weakness of joints, upper limbs, of knees.

Sleep: The sleep is full of dreams. He has nightmare. Dreams anxious, of death, of being in an accident and nearly killed, of robbers, of sickness, frightful, of ghosts.

Late falling asleep. Restless sleep. Sleepiness in afternoon and evening, and after eating. Sleepless before midnight. Waking early, and frequently.

Chill evening and night. Chilliness in the evening. Chilliness after exertion. Coldness of the skin. Quotidian chill. Shaking chill; evenings, 5 P.M., 6 P.M. Fever without chill, evening until midnight. Fever, dry heat, flushes. Hectic fever. Intermittent., Perspiration in morning, night, after midnight. Perspiration on slight exertion; copious.

Skin: Sensation of burning, in the skin; burning after scratching.

The skin is often cold. Desquamation. Discoloration; liver spots; red spots. Dry skin; inactivity of skin. Dry, burning skin. Epithelioma.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.