Kalium Carbonicum

You must remember that there is natural tendency for a fibroid to cease to grow at the climacteric period, and afterwards to shrivel and that this takes place without any treatment, but the appropriate remedies will cause that haemorrhage to cease, will cause that tumor to cease to grow and after a few days there will be a grand shrinkage, in its size.

Pregnancy: Kali carb. is often a remedy for vomiting in pregnancy, but find out when it is the remedy for vomiting of pregnancy we ha to go to the whole constitutional state.

Vomiting of pregnancy is not cured, although it may be temporarily relieved, by Ipeca, as this is a medicine that corresponds merely to the nausea its. In a large number of instances gagging and nausea are only a second or third grade symptom in the remedy that will cure. The condition really depends upon the constitutional state, and the remedy th is to cure must be a constitutional remedy. Sulphur, Sepia and Kali carb. are among the remedies commonly indicated.

Sometimes Arsen is needed. Of course, if a pregnant woman has simply disordered her stomach and has vomited bile a few times the remedy might be Ipeca. When a pregnant woman has no constitutional symptom at all, and upon examining the case you find nothing but the nausea, overwhelming deathly nausea, with continuous vomiting day an night, a single dose of Symphoricarpus rac. will help.

That is prescribing upon very limited information, and should only be done in circumscribed or one-sided cases. It is not a long acting remedy, it is not a constitutional remedy and acts very much like Ipecac.

At times you will go into the confinement room when the woman has pains in the back below the waist line. The pains in the uterus are very weak, they are not sufficiently expulsive to make progress in the labor, the kind of pain that makes the woman utter the cry,

“My back, my back!”

The pains extend down the buttocks and legs. Pain in the back as if the back would break. Under good prescribing these pains are changed into contractions, which prove sufficient to expel the contents of the uterus.

When you hear such things you will look back over the history of the case. You will look back for weeks as th woman has been drawing near the end of gestation and see that the vague things, the chilliness and other features in her constitutional state for which you have been trying to find a remedy now culminate at the time of her confinement into a class of pain. Had you seen that six weeks before and given her Kali carb. you would have prevented the severe labor.

It is a severe labor, a prolonged labor; the uterus appears to be weak, and the pains are feeble they are all in the back, and do not go to the centre of operation as they should. Now, this same kind of a pain may deceive you in taking another form. The pains begin in the back, and appear to go to the uterus and then run up the back, which would turn you aside entirely from the Kali carb. pain into a pain that would indicate Gelsemium.

Sometimes these pains are so severe that they actually seem to prevent rather than encourage the contractions of the uterus; when the contractions of the uterus cease, and the woman screams out and wants her hips rubbed, and screams out with pain in each side of the abdomen rather than in the centre, pains in the region where the broad ligaments ought to be, Actea racemosa will make the pains regular.

Pulsatilla is the medicine for absence of marked contraction, in cases inclined to do nothing; in a case that is inactive when the os is sufficiently dilated and the parts relaxed, and the prediction is an easy and simple labor, but the patient does not do anything. It is a state of mildness or inactivity. Pulsatilla will very often cause in five minutes a very strong contraction of the uterus, sometimes almost, in a painless way.

“The back aches so badly while she is walking that she feels as if she could lie down on the street,” etc..

The pain seems to take the force and vigor all out of the patient. After delivery there is a tendency to prolong the flooding, rousing up at every menstrual period, as described.

Heart: Weakness of the heart, cardiac dyspnea; the breath is short and the patient cannot walk or must move very slowly.

It is the coming on of a fatty heart.

With the suffocation and dyspnoea the breathing is so short that the patient cannot stop to take a drink or eat; the breathing is rapid, not deep, but weak. Dyspnea with violent, irregular palpitation of the heart, throbbing that shakes the whole frame, pulsation that can be felt to the ends of the fingers and toes.

Violent pulsations; patient cannot lie on the left side; accompanied by stitching pain through the chest, and cough. In old asthmatic patients with weak pulse, with the same pulsations and palpitation and cannot lie down.

The only position it seems that be can find any comfort in is leaning forward, with his elbows resting upon a chair. The attack is violent and continuous, especially worse from 3 to 5 A.M., and worse from lying in bed. He is aroused at 3 o’clock in the morning with these asthmatic attacks. Asthmatic dyspnea, when the state is that of humid asthma or filling up of the chest with mucus, course rattling in the chest, loud rattling breathing.

In patients who always have rattling in the chest, rattling cough, stuffy breathing; with every rainy spell or misty spell, or in cold, foggy weather, the condition becomes that of a humid asthma; asthmatic breathing, with much weakness in the chest, worse from 3 to 5 in the morning. The patient is pale, sickly and anemic, and complains of stitching pains in the chest.

The cough: of this medicine is one of the most violent coughs of all the medicines in the Materia Medica. The whole frame is racked. The cough is incessant, attended with gagging and vomiting, comes on at 3 o’clock in the morning, a dry, hacking, hard, racking cough.

“Suffocative cough and choking cough at 5 A.M.

Great dryness in the throat between 2 and 3 A.M.”

Think of Kali carb. when, after troubles like measles, a catarrhal state is left behind, due to lack of reaction, the psoric sequelae. The cough following measles is very often a Kali carb. cough. Kali carb. Sulphur, Carbo veg. and Drosera are perhaps more frequently indicated than other medicines in such coughs as follow measles of pneumonia.

The expectoration is copious, very offensive, tenacious, lumpy, blood-streaked or like pus, thick yellow or yellowish-green. Very often it has a pungent, cheesy taste, strong taste, as of old cheese. Catarrh of the chest. Dry cough day and night, with vomiting of food and some phlegm, worse after eating and drinking and in the evening.

Pains: Nothing is more striking in Kali carb. than the wandering stitching, pains through the chest, and the coldness of the chest.

The great dyspnoea, the transient stitches, the pleural stitches are important features of this remedy. A great number of the cases in which Kali carb. is suitable are those where the trouble has spread from catarrhal origin and from the lower portion of the lungs upwards. It is not so commonly indicated in those cases where the dullness has begun at the apex of either or both lungs.

It will very often ward off future sickness where the family history is tuberculous. Do not be afraid to give the antipsoric remedies when there is a history of tuberculosis in the family, but be careful when the patient is so far advanced with tuberculosis that there are cavities in the lung, or latent tubercles, or encysted caseous tubercles.

Your antipsorics might rouse him into a dangerous condition. Do not suppose, however, that it is dangerous to give Sulphur because one’s father and mother have died of phthisis. Sulphur might be just the remedy to prevent the child from following the father and mother.

Kali carb. is often suitable, and will act as ail acute remedy in the advanced stages of phthisis in cases in which it was not indicated primarily as a constitutional remedy. In such instances it will act as a palliative in phthisis, whereas if it were indicated primarily as a constitutional remedy it would do damage in the last weeks.

The fortunate thing is that a great many homeopaths are not able to find the homoeopathic remedy. If the patient has yet lung space enough to be cured, Kali carb. will do wonders where the symptoms agree.

Gout: I want to warn you in one respect concerning Kali carb. It is a very dangerous medicine in gout. When you get an old gouty subject who has big toe joints and finger joints, and they are sore and inflamed every now and then, you might think that Kali carb. covers the case very suitably; he is disturbed in just such weather, he is pallid and sickly, his complaints come on at 2 to 3 o’clock in the morning, he has the shooting pains.

But these gouty patients are often incurable, and, if so, to undertake to cure them, would be a dreadful calamity, because the aggravations would last so long. If you give Kali carb. to one of these incurable patients in very high potency it will make your patient worse, and the aggravation will be serious and prolonged, but the 30 th may be of great service. Kali iod., when it is indicated in the gouty state, acts as a soothing and palliative remedy.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.