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Ferrum Phosphoricum

Nausea while walking. Pain in the stomach after eating. Burning in the stomach. Cramping. Pressing after eating. Soreness. Great thirst for much water. Vomiting, morning, on rising, on coughing, after drinking, after eating, during fever, during headache, during pregnancy, riding in a carriage. Violent vomiting; blood, food, green, sour. Vomiting with inflammation and pain in the stomach.

Abdomen: The abdomen is distended, and the liver and spleen are enlarged.

Much flatulence, fullness and rumbling, gurgling. The abdomen is hard. Weight in the abdomen. Inflammation of the peritoneum. This remedy is curative in many complaints of the liver. Severe pain in the bowels, in the morning, evening, night; on coughing; during diarrhoea; after eating; during menses; as if menses would come on; paroxysmal, before stool, when walking.

Pain in hypochondria, in liver. Cramping, colicky pains. Dragging; pressing. Sore bruised pains. Tension.

Constipation; difficult stool. Constriction of anus. Diarrhoea, in morning, afternoon, night, after midnight; after eating; painless. Flatus.

Rectum and anus: Hemorrhage from anus, from piles.

Haemorrhoids, external. Involuntary stools. Itching of anus. Moisture about the anus.

Pain in rectum during stool; with dysentery, and fever. Burning during stool, after stool. Tenesmus. Pain in rectum from inflammation, constant, aggravation by pressure on stomach. Prolapsus of anus, during stool. Ineffectual urging to stool. Stool is excoriating, bloody, brown, frequent, hard, lienteric, slimy, green mucus, thin, watery, green watery.

Bladder: Hemorrhage from the bladder or urethra.

Inflammation of the bladder with fever. Pain in the bladder and neck of the bladder. Tenesmus. Urging; constant; frequent; with pain in neck of bladder and end of penis, must urinate immediately, which ameliorates the pain; aggravated standing; only in the daytime.

Sudden urging. Must hasten or urine will escape. Frequent urination. Involuntary urination in the daytime, ameliorated lying down; at night in sleep; on coughing; while walking. Pain in the kidneys with fever.

Men: Gleety discharge from the urethra.

Gonorrhea with heat in urethra in inflammatory stage; scanty, watery or mucous discharge. Haemorrhage from urethra. Burning in urethra during flow of urine.

Urine albuminous, bloody, burning, cloudy on standing, dark, red, copious with headache; amoniacal, scanty; much sediment, mucus, much uric acid; high specific gravity.

Troublesome nightly erections and seminal emissions. Erections feeble, or entirely wanting. Sexual passion increased, or entirely absent.

Women: In the woman there is slight change of symptoms; predisposition to abort, aversion to coition, or desire much dimished.

Leucorrhoea, excoriating, before menses, milky, thin, white.

Chlorotic girls. Menses absent. Menstrual flow bright red, clotted, copious, dark, too frequent, intermittent, irregular, late, painful, pale, protracted, scanty, suppressed, thin, watery.

Uterine haemorrhage. Pain in vagina during coition. Dysmenorrhoea with fever and red face. Bearing down in pelvis with dull pain in ovarian region. Prolapsus of the uterus. Sterility. Sensitive vagina.

Respiration: Acute catarrh of air passages.

Inflammation of the larynx, with mucus, raw feeling and rattling in chest, fever, red face. Mucus in larynx and trachea. Dryness in larynx. Burning in larynx. Roughness in larynx. Hoarseness during coryza. Voice lost, weak.

Respiration asthmatic. Spasmodic asthma. Dyspnea, evening, night, with cough, while lying. Rattling. Short. Suffocative respiration. Stitching in chest on deep inspiration.

Cough: Cough, daytime, morning on rising, evening, night; cold air aggravates; asthmatic; acute.

Short, spasmodic and very painful cough. Deep breathing aggravates. Constant cough, with coryza. Dry cough. Cough after eating; exhausting; with fever. Hacking cough. Cough from irritation in larynx and trachea. Loose cough. Lying aggravates cough. Cough in bed, Paroxysmal cough. Rattling cough.

Spasmodic. Talking aggravates. Tickling. Tormenting cough, aggravated on walking. Whooping cough. Touching larynx on bending head over. Increased cough from taking cold in phthisis.

Expectoration in daytime, morning, bloody, bright red, dark, copious, difficult, frothy, greenish, mucus, offensive, purulent, scanty, putrid, thick, viscid, whitish, yellow.

Anxiety in chest and region of the heart. Catarrh of the chest. Congestion of the chest. Constriction of chest and heart. Sensation of fullness. Haemorrhage of lungs. Heat.

Inflammation of bronchial tubes, lungs and pleura; oppression of chest. Pain in chest during cough, during inspiration; in sides of chest, during deep inspiration. Soreness in chest on coughing. Stitching in chest, in sides of chest, on coughing.

Right sided pleuritis. Stitches, aggravated coughing and breathing. Palpitation at night with anxiety, on exertion and motion, while sitting, walking rapidly. This is a valuable temporary remedy in the acute colds during the course of phthisis. In acute phthisis. Spasms of the chest with suffocation, fever and red face. Rheumatism in the upper thorax.

Back: Coldness in back.

“Crick” in the neck or back. Pain in the back at night, during menses, on motion, rising from a seat, while sitting, while walking, cervical region, between shoulders, lumbar region during menses. Aching. Stitching pains in back. Tearing. Stiffness in back of neck.

Cold extremities. Cold hands and feet. Cold feet evening in bed. Cold feet during headache. Contraction of fingers, result of rheumatism. Cramps in thighs, legs, calve, feet.

Limbs: Blueness of linger nails.

Hot hands, palms; soles. Heaviness of the limbs, upper limbs; legs. Inflammation of joints. Numbness of hands and fingers, legs and feet. Rheumatic pain in right shoulder and upper arm, of a drawing, tearing character, aggravated by violent motion of arm, ameliorated by gentle motion (Ferrum), part sensitive to touch.

Deadness of the right hand, could not lift with the hand. Acute rheumatism of right shoulder joint, red, swollen and sore.

Rheumatism of right deltoid. Rheumatism of wrist. Rheumatism of knee joint with fever. Gouty affection of joints. Sciatica. Pain in thighs. Sore bruised pain in limbs. Stitching pains in limbs, upper limbs; shoulders; hips.

Tearing pain in shoulders, upper arms, hips. Shooting pains in both knees, extending down legs, with fever. Restless legs. Stiffness of lower limbs, of feet. Swollen joints, upper limbs, forearm, hands; feet.

Dropsical and rheumatic swelling. Great weakness of limbs, of joints, knees, legs. The rheumatism goes from joint to joint, aggravated by the slightest motion.

Sleep: There are many dreams, anxious, confused, of failing, nightmare, vivid.

Late falling asleep. Restless sleep. Sleepiness in the evening. Sleepless before midnight, with sleepiness. After once waking up he is sleepless.

Chill afternoons; 1 P.M. daily. Chill at night in bed. Chilliness. Shaking chill. The fever predominates. Fever at any time with inflammation of organs, joints, or mucus membranes. Fever without chill.

Dry heat with thirst. Flushes of heat. Hectic fever and night sweats. Internal heat. Remittent fever. Heat after sleep. Perspiration in daytime, morning; clammy; with great weakness, on slight exertion, following the fever; copious; during sleep.

Skin: Burning skin.

Coldness. Desquamation. Pale, red skin. Dry skin, Formication. Great sensitiveness of the skin. Skin feels sore. Ulceration. Small withered warts.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.