Cuprum Metallicum

“Quick rotation of the balls with the lids closed.

Lids spasmodically closed”

Closed so that they seem to snap.

“Inflammation of the periosteum about the eyes and cellular tissue of the lachrymal glands.”

Spots of ulceration on the cornea, Face and lips blue. The face is purple in convulsions and whooping cough; lips blue.

Inflammation of the tongue. Paralysis of the tongue, It is not an uncommon thing to find paralysis in Cuprum after convulsions, The violence of the convulsions seems to have brought about a re action and paralytic weakness, a numbness and tingling, a loss of motility.

“Spasms of the throat, preventing speech.

Sensation as if constricted on swallowing.

Great thirst for cold drinks.”

Many complaints are ameliorated by drinking cold water. The spasms are sometimes mitigated by drinking cold water. The cough is brought on sometimes by inhaling cold air, but stopped by drinking cold water, like Coccus cacti.

“Desire for warm food and drinks.

Eats hastily.”

Indigestion from milk. Then there is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea connected more or less with spasms. Spasms of the stomach. Spasms of the chest with diarrhea and vomiting. Cramps of the calves and the fingers and toes.

“Pressure in the stomach.”

In the stomach and bowels periodical cramps. Cramps coming periodically. It has cured colic in the form of violent cramps coming every two weeks with perfect regularity. It has pain in the stomach, and a pain under the xiphoid appendix that seems as if it would take his life. If it is not removed he will certainly die in a little while.

Constriction across the chest, suffocation, cramps of the legs. Cuprum goes deep into the life, and it has many a time taken such a grand hold of an old hysterical subject that it has completely eradicated in a short time the hysterical tendency to cramps.

In Cuprum particularly, early in the cramps the thumbs commence to draw down. It is with difficulty that they can be lifted up. They will draw back again, and then the fingers will clinch over them and draw so tightly it is painful. In children with such convulsions, and in hysterics with such convulsions, Cuprum goes deep into the life and eradicates this tendency to convulsions and cramps. Uraemic convulsions. Convulsions with suppressed or scanty urine.

No urine in the bladder. in young girls beginning to menstruate, violent cramps in the limbs, cramps in the abdomen, diarrhoea, cramps in the uterus. Epileptic spasms coming at every menstrual period. Before or during menses, or after suppression, violent, unbearable cramps in the abdomen. A case something Iike this is not so very uncommon.

Women: Girls, at about the time of puberty, go in bathing, when their mothers have been a little too prudish, a little too sensitive, and have not told their daughters what they might expect, and to look out for bathing in cold water at certain times. The menstrual flow starts. From a cold bath she suppresses that flow and on come convulsions.

That is in keeping with Cuprum. Hysterical convulsions they may be called. They will take the form, quite likely, of hysterical convulsions; they may take the form of chorea. Instead of convulsions it may take the form of congestion of the brain with violent delirium.

Again, the menses not appearing after suppression, after sweat, and convulsions come on; frequent spasms during menses. Cuprum is not generally known to be such a wonderful medicine where there is anaemia; but it has chlorosis. It is a deep acting medicine. It affects with great power the whole voluntary system, the desires and aversions.

It is suitable in those girls who have always had their own way, have never been crossed, and when they grow older, and reach puberty, and have got to submit to some sort of discipline or never become women, they have mad fits, have cramps. Cuprum will sometimes make them sensible, so in that way it fits into the loves and hates. It belongs to the voluntary system most prominently.

Spasmodic respiration; great dyspnea, asthmatic breathing. Attacks of spasmodic asthma and most violent spasmodic coughs.

“Dry, hard, difficult cough, rattling in the chest, spasms.

Dry spasmodic cough until he suffocates.

Face is red or purple.”

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.

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