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Agaricus Muscarius

Abdomen: Flatus; distressing belching; great tympanites; rumbling; turmoil in abdomen; offensive flatus; rumbling and gurgling in belly. Everything ferments; rumbling and loud rolling; pinching colic. Horribly foetid discharge. Tympanitic condition marked in typhoid; low type of typhoid; trembling and jerking of muscles; paralytic weakness; emaciation; mental symptoms.

Morning diarrhea, great deal of hot flatus (Aloe), with burning in the rectum; soft stool, great tenesmus; urging to stool violent; involuntary straining before, during and after stool.

Sensation as if rectum would burst, even after stool (Mercurius and Sul.). Violent, sudden pains; can’t wait; distressing, bursting sensation.

Before stool, cutting and pinching in abdomen; urgent tenesmus; painful straining in rectum.

During stool, colic and passing of flatus; burning, soreness, smarting and cutting in anus; sweat; pain in loins to legs, continuing after stool.

After stool, headache relieved; biting in anus; straining in rectum; cutting pain in anus; griping in hypogastrium; distension in abdomen; heaviness in abdomen and around navel; pain in chest. Emphasize the tenesmus after stool.

May have constipation and paralytic feelings of the rectum; stool hard; straining at stool as if life depended on it and yet no stool.

Beginning paralysis of the lower limbs, with twitching of the muscles and burning spine. In one case, after straining had been given up as unsuccessful would pass a stool involuntarily.

This symptom only was known in Argentum nitricum (stool and urine). Desire to urinate as urgent as the desire for stool. Dribbling of urine. A peculiar feature of this remedy is that the urine feels cold on passing; while the urine dribbles, can count the cold drops along the urethra.

Urines: “Urine passes slowly in a stream or in drops, has to press to promote the flow.”

“Urine watery, clear, lemon-colored, bright yellow; dark yellow and, hot; red, flocculent, a powdery sediment; watery in the forenoon, in the afternoon milky, like whey, with a red or white sediment (phosphate of magnesia); iridizing on surface.”

Phosphates; milky urine. Oily surface, iridescent surface, greasy-like pellicle on urine, like petroleum.

Scanty urine in rheumatic, gouty, hysterical subjects. Persons cold, feeble, pale, going into phthisis. Urine becomes scanty and a headache comes on. Goes many days and is constipated, and headache relieved by stool. In Fluoric acid, if he does not attend to the desire to urinate, a headache comes on.

Genitals: Transformation takes place. The milk ceases in one day, but congestion of the brain or spine comes on. Metastasis, especially if milk ceases and complaints come on.

Genital organs cold and shrunken.

The comparative examination of the symptoms of male and female sexual organs shows that the proving has not been extensively made on the female, but in the male there are many symptoms which have an analogous condition in the female.

In the male, symptoms are worse after coition, but just as marked in the female. Complaints after sexual excitement, debauch, etc., in the woman, fainting; in the man, weakness.

The trembling and twitching, or any of the Agaricus symptoms may be worse after coition, because the sexual functions are related to the cord. Those suffering from spinal affections have distress after this act.

In the male, during coition, burning in the urethra comes from excoriation or a sense of hotness of the seminal fluid while being ejected, and hence can only be a symptom of the male.

Burning in the prostate during ejaculation. Violent sexual excitement before and during, but at the time of ejaculation the orgasm is wanting, it is a passive and pleasure less ejaculation.

This occurs in men with spinal weakness, nervous men who have tingling and crawling all over. It comes in the cure of old catarrhal discharge from the urethra, chronic gonorrhea, gleet, after all sorts of local treatment have been used.

The penis is cold and shrunken; excessively painful retraction in testes. In old gleety discharge where there is a continued itching tingling in the urethra and the last drop will remain, discharging for a long time.

There are two remedies better for this than many others, Petroleum and Agaricus.

The routine prescriber always thinks of Pulsatilla, Sep., etc., for bearing-down pains in the female, but in a woman with spinal irritation, etc., with the dragging-down sensation as if the parts would drop into the world, this remedy is the best.

Female: Those slender, nervous, restless women with tingling and creeping, must have Agaricus.

During menses, headache, toothache, etc. All the general symptoms are worse during the menstrual period, not to any great extent before or after. Aggravation of the heart symptoms and prolapsus just at the close of the menses.

Leucorrhoea very profuse, dark, bloody, acrid, excoriating in parts. This remedy has been mentioned in relation to Fluoric acid. There are many points of relation.

They are like each other in the leucorrhoea especially, copious and acrid, so acrid that it keeps the parts raw and irritated around the genitals and the patient can’t walk.

In Fluoric acid there is, with the nervous symptoms, headache ameliorated by passing the urine, or headache if urination is not immediately attended to, with copious, acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea.

Chest: Agaricus is a great remedy in chest troubles, though seldom thought of. It has cured what seemed to be consumption. Catarrhal condition of the chest, with-night sweats and history of the nervous symptoms.

Violent cough in isolated attacks ending in sneezing. Convulsive cough, with sweat towards evening, with frequent pulse, expectoration of pus-like mucus, worse in the mornings and when lying on the back. Add to this the symptoms of Agaricus as described, and Agaricus will take hold of that case.

Cases of incipient, phthisis. It closely relates to the tubercular diathesis.

I remember starting out to prove Tuberculinum on an individual I suspected would be sensitive to it from his history and symptoms. The first dose almost killed him, and, considering the use that that substance is put to in diagnosing the disease in cattle, it seemed to stir him up.

He became emaciated and looked as if he would die. I let it alone and watched and waited patiently and the symptoms of Agaricus came up and established the relationship between these two remedies, and confirmed Hering’s observation of the relationship of Agaricus to the tubercular diathesis. Agaricus cured him and fattened him up.

Heart: The remedy is full of nervous palpitation; worse in the evening. It cures shocks and thrills in the heart; spasms of the heart; internal manifestations of its jerking symptoms.

These shocks come from sudden noise; from eructations; on coughing; when lying on the left side or back; worse at night; during fever; they often extend to other parts, as to abdomen or back or limbs. On the outer chest there is tingling and creeping as in general.

Back: The back has many peculiar and general guiding symptoms. Stiffness of the whole spine. Feeling as if it would break when he attempts to bend. Feels as if something is so tight that it will break when he stoops. Tightness in the muscles of the back. Tingling deep in the spine.

Violent, shooting, burning pains. Pain along the spine, worse by stooping. Pains of all sorts in the spine. Pains go up the back and down the back. Sensitiveness of the spine to touch, especially in the back of the peck and dorsal region between the scapulae.

Sensitive to a hot sponge in the lumbar region in spinal irritation. Sensation as if cold air were spreading along the back like an aura epileptica.

Sensation of ice touching the body. Cold spots. Chilliness over the back, crawling, creeping and formication. Numbness of skin over the back.

The most of the pains are in the back of the neck and the lumbo-sacral region. Pains in this region in connection with coition. Pain in the lumbar region and sacral region, especially during exertion, sitting, etc. Pain in the sacrum as if beaten, as if it would break. Pains below the waist in women.

Limbs: In the limbs in general there are twitchings; they are numb, choreic; burning here and there; cold feelings in spots, paralyzed. Trembling of limbs, hands, awkwardness of all the movements. Rheumatism and gout of joints. Paralysis of the lower limbs. Trembling and weakness of the lower limbs.

Burning itching of the hands as if frozen. In the smaller joints, where the circulation is feeble, there are frostbite symptoms. Toes and fingers stiff.

Bones feel as if they would break during rest, especially in the lower limbs. Feeling as if the tibia would break. Aching in the tibia. Growing pains in children and they must sit at the fire or the extremities will get cold. Pains in the bones. Weight in the legs. Pains in the lower limbs; aching; stitching; tearing; better from warmth and from motion.

Paralytic weakness in the lower limbs soon after becoming pregnant. This comes with every pregnancy and she must go to bed. The symptoms may lead to Agaricus. Weight in the legs. Legs feel heavy. Trembling and jerking motion in the lower limbs.

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.

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