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Hepar sulphuricum

Nash gives the symptoms of homeopathy drug Hepar Sulphuricum in relation to Catarrh, Laryngitis, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pertussis, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Tuberculosis & Cough. Leaders in Respiratory Organs by E.B. Nash, 1909….

Respiratory organs

Croupy cough worse in the morning. The patient is very sensitive to dry cold winds, which bring on repeated attacks, and the cough is aggravated even if exposure of the body or a hand to cold air takes place. Generally there is rattling of loose mucus, but little is expectorated. Even asthmatic wheezing may be present. Hepar is a valuable remedy in both the acute and chronic form of the disease. Laryngitis.

Hepar sulphur is indicated when there is a loose, rattling cough, with choking or wheezing breathing. It is not so dry and barking as Spongia, still little is expectorated, and the cough is made decidedly worse by exposure to cold air, even if a hand becomes uncovered. The cough is also generally worse in the early morning hours. Acute bronchitis.

Hepar sulphur, combining the properties of both Sulphur and Calcarea ost., and also possessing those peculiar to the combination, must never be forgotten in the first stage of pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis. The Hepar patient is extremely hypersensitive, not only to pain, but to touch, even to the exposure of any part of the body to cold. He is always taking cold, in this resembling the Tuberculinum. The tendency to eruptions is like Sulphur, and they are inclined to be pustular or to form abscesses and are always extremely sensitive to touch. On the other hand, Hepar is like the Calcarea element, so sensitive to cold air, wants to be wrapped up even in warm weather ( Psorin. ) The nervous system is just as sensitive as is the skin. He is angry at the slightest cause, and faints with the pains if he has any. Great tendency to pus formation, whether in lungs or elsewhere; also to croupous membrane formations. SO far as local manifestations are concerned the larynx and trachea are favorite points of attack in both children and adults, so that the tubercular deposit is particularly apt to light there at the first. It is one of our best remedies for laryngeal phthisis. As else where, the larynx is sensitive to cold air, and to touch, croupy manifestations, and the child is, or was when young, always having croupy attacks from the least exposure, especially to cold, northwest winds. The COUGH is dry, hoarse, or croupy sounding at first; but afterwards becomes loose, wheezing and rattling, and is worse from cold air (even the exposure of a hand or foot) or uncovering; touching the parts (larynx or throat) on swallowing, especially solid foods (parts so sensitive). The BREATHING is wheezing, whistling, often asthmatic, must sit up and bend the head backward. If he can cough up the mucus with which the tubes seem loaded relief for a time follows. The SPUTUM varies from scanty, tenacious mucopurulent, to pus – like, bloody tuberculous masses, or small balls, which, when crushed, emit a carrion – like odor. But the leading characteristic is the exceeding hypersensitiveness both mental and physical. NO remedy can surpass it here, and it is capable of checking the progress of a tuberculosis if not too far along, and greatly ameliorating if too far is advanced to hope for a radical cure

If the patient’s nose stuffs up tight on any exposure to the cold air; and is extremely sensitive to cold air, which brings on the catarrh, croup or cough. It is especially useful in cases that have taken Mercury in large doses. Chronic nasal catarrh

Hepar sulphur often helps where there remains a wheezy condition, and the least cold air makes the cough worse. This combination of Lime and Sulphur is wonderful, and while it has symptoms similar to each, has new ones of its own. It is a remedy well worth bearing in mind in these cases. Pneumonia.

Cough character – Dry and hoarse; at other times LOOSE and RATTLING; choking; wheezing; croupy; paroxysmal.

Caused by – Exposure to cold, especially to dry, cold air, west or northwest winds.

Cough aggravated by – worse when slightest portion of body becomes uncovered, limb getting cold; eating or drinking anything cold; towards morning; after eating.

Cough ameliorated by – better wrapping up; keeping warm. Cough Concomitants – Hoarseness worse in cold air; croup or bronchitis, with wheezing and rattling of mucus, difficult to expectorate; soreness and weakness in chest; pneumonia or abscess of lungs; pleurisy with croupous exudates; consumption.

A combination of the two great polychrests, Sulphur and Calcarea carb., still developing those belong to neither alone, this becomes one of our greatest polychrests. The action toward catarrhal affections of the membranes, even to the degree of croupy formations, and suppurative destruction, is not found so strongly in any remedy. Again the exceeding sensitiveness to pain, tough and mental irritability, even to fainting, is most prominent. This exceeding sensitiveness is especially manifest in the suffering caused by the least exposure to cold air. China and Silicea must be remembered here. Ulcers and eruptions are sensitive to touch. Everywhere and all the time sensitiveness. While the cough symptoms are well defined these constitutional symptoms are always found associated. No remedy will better repay a careful and thorough study to understand its genius.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.