SENSATIONS.—TEARING PAINS are characteristic of this remedy. They are often paroxysmal. This is often found in neuralgia of the face. Then again I wish to call particular attention to the sensation of SORENESS or RAWNESS. This is found in scalp throat, larynx and trachea chest, rectum, anus urethra and eruptions. We observes that the sensation of soreness is not like that of ARNICA, which is a soreness as if bruised and mostly muscular, nor of RHUS TOXICODENDRON, which is an aching soreness as if sprained and oftenest found in the tendons and sheaths of muscular, if not altogether, of mucous surfaces as if the parts were Raw. This a important and a very reliable sensation. Then again we have in CAUSTICUM MUCH BURNING. These burnings are found almost everywhere, and in this we again see its resemblance to SULPHUR. Now let it be remembered that the burnings of SULPHUR are associated with itching, those of APIS MELLIFICA with STINGING and those of CAUSTICUM with SORENESS. So we must always learn to differentiate, because it is only by so doing that we can select the one remedy out of a class and sometimes a large class, having the same or similar symptoms. The DRAWING PAINS that in many cases result in forcing out of shape the extremities so as to cause that terrible affliction known as ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS are found as prominently under CAUSTICUM as under any other remedy, and it is one of the most useful agents for the relief or cure.

CAUSTICUM is classed among Hahnemann’s anti-psorics. It is certainly one of the prominent remedies for affections arising from the suppression of itch or chronic skin trouble, like eczema. I was once called, in consultation, to a case of prosopalgia which had for a long time baffled the skill of a very good homoeopathic practitioner. Not being able to relieve the case, he had become demoralized and as the pain and suffering were very great he had resorted to anodynes, but with the usual result of making the patient worse, after the anodynes had worn out, that she was before. On looking over the case carefully, I found in addition to the emaciated and greatly debilitated condition of the patient, after so long suffering, that the pain came in paroxysms, that they were of a drawing nature, and that she had suffered from eczema for years, at different times, before this pain appeared. SULPHUR had been given, but without relief. So I advised CAUSTICUM. It was given, in the 200th, and a rapid and a permanent cure was the result. Whether CAUSTICUM could be called an anti-sycotic as well as anti-psoric, or not, I do not know. Certain it is that it is one of of our most successful remedies for warts. It stands next to THUJA, if not equal.It is also foremost in old sores originating in burns. I have given more space to CAUSTICUM than I otherwise would, for the reason that I am sure that this great remedy is not generally appreciated. I know of no remedy more positive and satisfactory in its action when indicated Generally worse IN CLEAR FINE WEATHER. better in damp wet whether. (NUX VOM., asthma worse in dry weather better in damp weather.).

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.