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Throat chapter from Joseph’s Repertory, based on Boericke’s Materia Medica. Symptoms related to Throat….

A small, dry spot in throat; must sip water frequently — CISTUS CANADENSIS.

Abscess, white false membrane — ANTIPYRINUM.



Adherent crusts in vault of  pharynx — KALIUM MURIATICUM.

After operations on throat and nose to control bleeding and relieve soreness — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.


All glands about thorax swollen — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Almost impossible to swallow — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Anæsthesia of fauces, pharynx, and larynx — KALIUM BROMATUM.



Asthmatic breathing — SINAPIS NIGRA.

Attempted swallowing produces spasm and choking — MURIATICUM ACIDUM.

Ball rises in throat — ASAFOETIDA.

Ball seems to rise and close pharynx — SULPHUR.

Belching of gas from stomach — SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Bluish-red swelling — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Breath fetid, glandular involvement — ARSENICUM IODATUM.

Breath, tongue, and throat feel cold — CISTUS CANADENSIS.

Burning along and spasms of œsophagus — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Burning and rawness — SENEGA.

Burning and stinging — SPONGIA TOSTA.

Burning constriction worse between acts of deglutition — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Burning extending to stomach — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Burning in fauces — AMMONIUM BROMATUM.

Burning in mouth to stomach — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Burning in mouth, pharynx, and throat; vesicles in  mouth — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Burning in pharynx, raw feeling in naso-pharynx, must swallow, though painful — SENECIO AUREUS.

Burning in pharynx — ARSENICUM IODATUM.

Burning in throat, as from hot vapor ascending — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Burning pain all down throat — AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Burning pain down the œsophagus — ALUMEN Alumen.

Burning pain in tonsils — PIPER NIGRUM.

Burning pain, with great swelling; worse, slight external pressureMERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Burning, choking sensation — KREOSOTUM.

Burning, redness and dryness — SULPHUR.


Burns, feels full — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Burnt after taking too hot food — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Can only swallow liquids — BARYTA CARBONICA.

Cannot swallow anything hot (Lach) — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Cannot swallow liquids — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Caries of the palate — AURUM METALLICUM.

Catarrh of smokers, with tickling as of hair in  throat — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Catarrhal inflammation of throat and fauces, with scraping hoarseness — SENEGA.

Cheesy exudates with offensive breath — MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS.

Child is aroused suddenly from sleep by this tenacious post-nasal dropping — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Chocking constriction; constant  swallowing — SUMBULUS MOSCHATUS.

Chokes and swells up under ears — GLONOINUM.

Chronic follicular pharyngitis — ARSENICUM IODATUM.

Chronic sore throat; worse, from cold air — SABADILLA.

Chronic speakers’ catarrh — AMMONIUM BROMATUM.

Clears throat constantly — SPONGIA TOSTA.

Clergyman’s sore throat in thin subjects — ALUMINA.

Clergyman’s sore throat — ARUM TRIPHYLLUM.

Colds settle in throat — SILICEA TERRA.

Collar and neck-band must be very looseLACHESIS MUTUS.

Collars must be opened — GLONOINUM.

Complete aphonia — ALUMEN. Complete loss of voice — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Congestion of uvula and fauces — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Constant clearing and hemming — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Constant desire to swallow saliva — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Constant desire to swallow — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Constant hawking — ARUM TRIPHYLLUM.

Constant inclination to clear the throat — ALUMINA.

Constant inclination to swallowMERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS.

Constant sensation of phlegm in throat — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Constricted and rough feeling, with a constant desire to  swallow — MYRICA CERIFERA.

Constricted and swollen; burns; raw — ARUM TRIPHYLLUM.

Constricted low down — LACTICUM ACIDUM.

Constricted, stinging pains — APIS MELLIFICA.

Constriction and pain as from a plug — CHAMOMILLA.

Constriction in pharynx — SARCOLACTICUM ACIDUM.

Constriction of œsophagus — CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS.

Constriction of œsophagus — ALUMEN.

Constriction, contraction of œsophagus (Cajeput) — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Constriction; aphthous ulceration (Hydrmur; Nit ac) — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Constriction; collar seems too tight — AMYLENUM NITROSUM.

Constriction — HYOSCYAMUS NIGER.

Continual inclination to swallow — BELLADONNA.

Continued disposition to clear throat — ARUM DRACONTIUM.

Contraction at cardiac orificeBALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Cough form elongated uvula, with sore throat, Laryngeal troubles with aphonia — MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER.

Cough in morning, with expectoration of bloody mucus — SELENIUM METALLICUM.

Cough — ALUMEN.

Croupy, hoarse cough with sore throat — ARUM DRACONTIUM.

Dark blood from nose — MERCURIUS CYANATUS.

Dark red or bluish redPHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Dark redness of throat — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Dark redness of tonsils and soft palate — BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM.

Dark, purplish, swollen, œdematous; red and glassy — NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Deglutition impossible — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Difficult swallowing, especially of warm food — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Difficult swallowing — BARYTA MURIATICA.

Difficult swallowing — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Difficult swallowing — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Difficult swallowing — VINCA MINOR.

Difficult swallowing — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Diphtheria of the larynx and nose (Kali bich) — MERCURIUS CYANATUS.

Diphtheria when nose is stopped upAMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Diphtheria, fetid breath, regurgitation on swallowing liquids, but little pain (Bapt) — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Diphtheria, with profound prostration and soft  pulse — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Diphtheria; deposits spread from right to left; worse, cold  drinksLYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Diphtheria; membrane dusky, blackish; pain aggravated by hot drinks; chronic sore throat, with much hawking; mucus sticks, and cannot be forced up or down — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Diphtheria; sore throat — CHROMICUM ACIDUM.

Diphtheria; submaxillary glands painfully engorged, fauces dark red; worse on left tonsilMERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER.

DiphtheriaVINCA MINOR.


Diphtheritic membrane, looks dry and wrinkled — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Discharge from mouth and throat, tough and stringy — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Discharge from posterior nares — ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM.

Disposition to hawk, with sensation of a lump in  throat — MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER.

Dry and constricted — MORPHINUM.

Dry and constricted — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.


Dry fauces and throat — SABADILLA.

Dry mouth, throat, and fauces — SENECIO AUREUS.

Dry, as if glazed; angry-looking congestion (Ginseng); red, worse on right sideBELLADONNA.

Dry, burning, tickling, constricted, paralysis of muscles of deglutition — COCAINUM HYDROCHLORICUM.

Dry, congested, raw, burning; worse left  side — THYROIDINUM.

Dry, contracted; feeling of a lump — STRYCHNINUM PURUM.

Dry, intensely swollen, externally and  internally — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Dry, pain during empty swallowing, tenacious mucus — JUSTICIA ADHATODA.

Dry, parched, rough — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Dry, posterior nares; no relief from clearing — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Dry, rough, scraping, choking feeling — AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA.


Dry, scrapy feeling — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Dry, sore, worse swallowing — ARUM DRACONTIUM.

Dry, sore; food cannot pass, œsophagus contracted — ALUMINA.

Dry, swollen, dark red — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Dry; constant inclination to hawk up tenacious mucus — ZINCUM METALLICUM.



Dryness of mouth and throat; must rinse the mouth — CINNABARIS.

Dryness of pharynx, swallowing difficult — AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Dryness of throat, without thirst — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Dryness of tongue, as if burnt; needs much liquid to get food down — CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS.

Dryness, sticking on swallowing, scraped and constricted  (Bell) — BRYONIA ALBA.

Dysphagia, especially of liquids (Hyos) — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Early stages of atrophic pharyngitis in dried-up, bilious  subjects — AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM.

Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; worse on right tonsil; much tenacious mucus — MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS.

Effects on œsophagus from swallowing sharp piece of bone — CICUTA VIROSA.

Empty swallowing most painful — SABADILLA.

Enlarged and indurated tonsilsALUMEN Alumen.

Enlarged tonsils and glands of neck — AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Enlarged tonsils are filled with little  crypts — CALCAREA IODATA.

Enlarged, ulcerated tonsils and inflamed throat (Use tincture  locally) — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Eradicates tendency to quinsyPSORINUM. Eustachian catarrh — KALIUM MURIATICUM.

Eustachian deafnessIODIUM. Eustachian tubes inflamed — FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Every cold settles in throat — ALUMEN Alumen.

Everything hawked up streaked with blood — KALIUM PERMANGANATUM.

Excessive secretion of saliva — EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS.

Expectoration of fetid pus — ANTIPYRINUM.

Expectoration of much mucus — ARUM TRIPHYLLUM.

Face dusky red; white about mouth and  nose — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Fauces dark red; swallowing painful — MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER.

Fauces red and inflamed — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Fauces red, and covered with  exudation — CARBOLICUM ACIDUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.