
Cough; worse at night — VERBASCUM THAPSUS.

Cough; worse evening, and better lying down and worse in damp weather — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Cough; worse evening, with efforts to vomit, with pain in  chest — KREOSOTUM.

Cough; worse in afternoon, better in warm room — BADIAGA.

Cough; worse in evening and in hot  atmosphere — KALIUM SULPHURICUM.

Cough; worse; eating, irritation lower than can be reached, on taking a warm drink — MEZEREUM.

Cough; yellow expectoration — KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM. Cough — PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI.

Coughing and gaping consecutivelyANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM.

Coughing increases the desire to cough — IGNATIA AMARA.

Coughs depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, worse exercise — ARNICA MONTANA.

Coughs with coldness, weakness, emaciation, sensitiveness and peevishness, worse from cold air — CALCAREA SILICATA.

Cramp, ringing cough, short breath, catching at throat — LOBELIA INFLATA.

Cramp-like distress in præcordial  region — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Croup after febrile symptoms have subsided — BROMIUM.

Croup and laryngeal diphtheria — PETROLEUM.

Croup in scrofulous children with dark hair and eyes (Brom opposite) — IODIUM.

Croup with loose, rattling cough; worse in  morning — HEPAR SULPHUR.

Croup, dry, hollow, cough — EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM.

Croup; worse, during inspiration and before midnightSPONGIA TOSTA.






Croupous and pleuro-pneumonia — BRYONIA ALBA.

Croupy cough, with difficult respiration; wheezy — IODIUM.

Croupy hoarseness (Hep; Spong) — KALIUM SULPHURICUM.

Cutting pain in chest; worse lying on right side — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Cyanosis and dyspnœa; worse, sitting up — LAUROCERASUS.

Darting pain in chest — ALLIUM SATIVUM.

Darting pain through upper third of right lungARSENICUM ALBUM.

Debilitating, spasmodic cough; worse, eating sweet things — ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Deep rough cough with greenish  expectoration — AMMONIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Deep snoring; rattling, stertorous breathingOPIUM.

Deep, hoarse voice; hoarseness; laryngitis — DULCAMARA.

Deep, rough voice, failing on slight exertion — CARBO VEGETABILIS.

Delayed resolution in pneumonia — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Deposits begin in apex of lung (Repeated doses) — TUBERCULINUM.

Desire to hawk and scrape throat — SILPHIUM LACINATUM.

Desire to take a deep breath — DIGITALIS PURPUREA.

Difficult and painful breathing — BROMIUM.

Difficult breathing, anxiety and palpitation, with hysteria — VIOLA ODORATA.

Difficult breathing; cough with vomiting of blood; pulse very  weak.

Difficult breathing; dry hacking, tickling cough; worse at night (Mentha; Bellad) — PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA.

Difficult breathing; lungs feel distended;  hæmoptysis — TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Difficult breathingAMMONIACUM GUMMI. Difficult breathing — SULPHUROSUM ACIDUM. Difficult breathing — VERATRUM VIRIDE.

Difficult expansion of chest, blood-streaked sputum; internal dry heat, external coldness — IODIUM.

Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus, in the aged — SENEGA. Difficult respiration, with stitches from liver to  chest — ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Difficult respiration; chest oppressed; hysterical spasm of chest;  asthma — MOSCHUS.

Difficult respiration; wants windows openSULPHUR.

Difficult respiration — CALCAREA SILICATA.

Difficult respiration — AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM.

Difficult respiration — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Difficult, intermittent, deep, unequal  respiration — OPIUM.

Difficult, quick respiration; worse every movement; caused by stitches in chest — BRYONIA ALBA.

Difficult, violent constriction of chest — TABACUM.

Difficulty of voice of singers and public speakers (Royal) — CAUSTICUM.

Dilated bronchi, with fetid expectoration — ALLIUM SATIVUM.

Dizziness, with cough — ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM.

Do not give it too low or too frequently here, it may but hasten the destructive degeneration of tubercular  masses — PHOSPHORUS.


Dry at night — GALLICUM ACIDUM.

Dry coryza — SAMBUCUS NIGRA.

Dry cough at night, coming deep from  chest — PETROLEUM.

Dry cough coming on after first sleep, about middle of night — RALIA RACEMOSA.

Dry cough from sternal region all over  chest — JUSTICIA ADHATODA.

Dry cough from tickling in chest — PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Dry cough in evening and at night; must sit up in bed to get relief; and loose cough in the morning, with copious mucous  expectoration — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Dry cough with oppressed breathing — DUBOISIA MYOPOROIDES.

Dry cough, almost continuous, hacking; worse, evening and at night; caused by dry spot in larynx with itching in chest and throat, when lying down, talking or  laughing, and during  pregnancy — CONIUM MACULATUM.

Dry cough, day and night — XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM.

Dry cough, tickling in trachea; moldy taste in throat when hawking up mucus, expectoration profuse — TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM.

Dry cough, when coming into warm room from out of doors — NATRIUM CARBONICUM.

Dry cough, with hoarseness and burning pain behind sternum — BROMIUM.

Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent  coryza — GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS.

Dry cough, with stitches in chest — ZIZIA AUREA.

Dry cough, worse from air into larynx, tobacco smoke, fog, talking; with irritation in suprasternal fossa (Rumex) — MENTHA PIPERITA.

Dry cough; throat constricted; causes pain in head and abdomen — ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA.

Dry cough; worse at night and lying down; larynx  painful — INULA HELENIUM.


Dry teasing cough, stitching chest pains — SENECIO AUREUS.

Dry, fatiguing cough, apparently coming from stomach — SEPIA.

Dry, fatiguing, hacking cough at night — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Dry, from tickling low down in trachea — ARNICA MONTANA.

Dry, hacking cough during night; worse, inspirationSTICTA PULMONARIA.

Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper  trachea — BRYONIA ALBA.

Dry, hacking cough in afternoon, with pain in pit of stomach — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling of the  epiglottis — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Dry, hacking cough, expelling an offensive breath from lungs — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Dry, hacking cough, with stitches in  chest — NICCOLUM METALLICUM.

Dry, hacking, laryngeal cough, also post-influenzal cough, dry or loose, worse lying down — COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA.

Dry, hacking, scraping cough; worse lying on back or right  side — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.

Dry, hard cough about 3 am, with stitching pains and dryness of pharynx — KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Dry, hard cough, with great weakness in  chest — PSORINUM.

Dry, hard, teasing, exhausting cough, worse at night — MORPHINUM.

Dry, harsh cough — HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Dry, hoarse cough — HEPAR SULPHUR.

Dry, morning cough, from tickling in  larynx — IODIUM.

Dry, morning cough, with pain in chest and bloody  expectoration — KALIUM NITRICUM.

Dry, painful cough with scanty, difficult expectoration and burning in pharynx — THYROIDINUM.

Dry, short cough, worse speaking and at  night — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Dry, short, spasmodic cough and dyspnœa; worse in daytime — VIOLA ODORATA.

Dry, spasmodic cough in quick successive  shocks — IGNATIA AMARA.

Dry, spasmodic cough on lying down — AMMONIUM BROMATUM.

Dry, spasmodic cough — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Dry, spasmodic cough — STILLINGIA SILVATICA.

Dry, spasmodic, suffocative cough; very rapid cough, short, barking — CORALLIUM RUBRUM.

Dry, spasmodic, suffocative cough — HYDROCYANICUM ACIDUM.

Dry, suffocative cough, especially in old people, full of mucus but lacking strength to expectorate, worse every change of weather  (Senega) — BARYTA CARBONICA.

Dry, teasing cough from midnight until morning, during a chill, or when putting hands out of bedRHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Dry, teasing cough, preventing sleep — RUMEX CRISPUS.

Dry, tickling cough — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Dry, tight cough — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Dry, tight cough — GUAJACUM OFFICINALE.

Drying in nose, fauces, larynx, and trachea — BELLADONNA.

Dryness and burning in throat and bronchi — SANGUINARINUM NITRICUM.

Dull pain in right lung — ERIODYCTION CALIFORNICUM.

Dull pains in frontal sinus — ANTIPYRINUM.

During day, with copious green, sweetish, expectoration — STANNUM METALLICUM.

Dyspnœa after drinking water — LIMULUS CYCLOPS.

Dyspnœa and sighing inspiration — NAPHTHALINUM.

Dyspnœa and stitches in chest, and painful contraction of abdominal muscles — SQUILLA MARITIMA.

Dyspnœa as from constriction of trachea, as if irritated by smoke — COCCULUS INDICUS.

Dyspnœa at night — AURUM METALLICUM.

Dyspnœa better as soon as expectoration appearsZINCUM METALLICUM.

Dyspnœa during pregnancyVIOLA ODORATA.

Dyspnœa from constriction of chest; worse, any  exertion — LOBELIA INFLATA.

Dyspnœa in middle of night, relieved by sitting up — SULPHUR.

Dyspnœa on ascending (Calc) — SENECIO AUREUS.

Dyspnœa on ascending, with pain in heart — KALIUM IODATUM.

Dyspnœa relieved by eructation — ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM.

Dyspnœa so great that breath cannot be held long enough to drink, though thirsty — KALIUM NITRICUM.

Dyspnœa while walking — CONVALLARIA MAJALIS.

Dyspnœa with epigastric uneasiness — CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Dyspnœa with hæmoptysis — ARNICA MONTANA.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.