
Spasmodic contraction of respiratory  muscles — LYSSINUM.

Spasmodic cough after influenza and after  whooping-coughSANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Spasmodic cough with purulent viscid expectoration — ALUMINA SILICATA .

Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia — CARBO VEGETABILIS.

Spasmodic cough, with difficulty in lying  down — MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Spasmodic cough, with rattling of mucus in the larynx; suffocative — BROMIUM.

Spasmodic cough; whooping cough, paroxysms; worse at  night — TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE.

Spasmodic cough — CALCAREA FLUORICA.

Spasmodic cough — VISCUM ALBUM.

Spasmodic croup; paroxysm of crowing — KALIUM NITRICUM.

Spasmodic croup — ICTODES FOETIDA.

Spasmodic croup — KALIUM BROMATUM.

Spasmodic croup — SAMBUCUS NIGRA.

Spasmodic dry cough; worse forepart of night, with burning and sore chest — MAGNESIUM MURIATICUM.

Spasmodic dyspnœa before menstruation — CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Spasmodic morning cough — COCCUS CACTI.

Spasmodic, dry cough, day and night, with  asthma — EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM.

Spasmodic, dry irritative cough, like whooping-cough, the paroxysms following each other very rapidly; can scarcely breathe;  chokes — DULCAMARA.

Springs up in bed the cough hurts so; holds painful side (Bry) — NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Sputa rusty, blood-colored, or purulent — PHOSPHORUS.

Sputum tough, rust-colored, offensive, almost impossible to raise — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Stabbing in chest — PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI.

Stabbing pains in the præcordia, radiating over entire chest — MENTHOLUM.

Sternum feels pressed in — KREOSOTUM.

Stertorous breathing — VISCUM ALBUM.

Stitches all over chest — NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Stitches behind sternum — INULA HELENIUM.

Stitches from lower lobe of right lung to  back — MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Stitches in breast from behind forwardOLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM.

Stitches in cardiac region — BRYONIA ALBA.

Stitches in chest (Bry; Kal c; Squilla) — CANTHARIS VESICATORIA.

Stitches in chest through to back — SILICEA TERRA.

Stitches in chest when coughing — BELLADONNA.

Stitches in chest, with inspiration and cough — BORAX VENETA.

Stitches in chest; worse inspiration — BARYTA CARBONICA.

Stitches in chest; worse, cold drinks — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS.

Stitches in chest — AMMONIUM MURIATICUM.

Stitches in larynx extending to ear — MANGANUM ACETICUM.

Stitches through side of chest — MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Stitching pains shooting through to the back, worse lying on back or breathing deeply — SULPHUR.

Stitching pains through lungs to back — KALIUM IODATUM.

Stitching pains — ALUMINA SILICATA.

Stops breathing when falling asleep; wakes with a star, and gasps for breath — GRINDELIA ROBUSTA.

Strangling cough, with viscid mucus sputum; thin, scanty, but sounds loose and abundant — MORPHINUM.

Stuffed condition and fullness at root of nose — PARIS QUADRIFOLIA.

Substernal oppression — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Sudden constriction of larynx and trachea — MOSCHUS.

Sudden contraction of glottis, when drinking or  talking.

Sudden dyspnœa from spasm of the vocal cords, with staring protruding eyes, blue face, cold sweat, pulse small — CHLORUM.

Sudden stoppage of catarrh of air passages brings on diarrhœa — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Sudden, short cough, strangling — AMMONIUM BROMATUM.

Suffocating spells; tightness, burning and soreness in chest; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit  down — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Suffocation imminent — HIPPOZAENINUM.

Suffocation; short, dry cough, suprasternal — APIS MELLIFICA.

Suffocative arrest of breathing — LEDUM PALUSTRE.

Suffocative attack of irregular breathing with  sneezing — TRILLIUM PENDULUM.

Suffocative attacks, worse 3 am (Am c) — CUPRUM METALLICUM.

Suffocative catarrh; rattling in chest; violent, hacking cough after every meal — Suffocative catarrh — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Suffocative cough, as if from a hair in throat — ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Suffocative cough; better lying down — CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA.

Suffocative cough; child becomes stiff, and blue in the face — IPECACUANHA.

Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles — COCCUS CACTI.

Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles — COCCUS CACTI.

Suffocative dyspnœa — CAMPHORA.

Surging of blood to chest — FERRUM METALLICUM.

Suspended respiration — CAMPHORA.

Swallows after coughing — CINA MARITIMA.

Sweetish taste while coughing — PHOSPHORUS.

Symptoms worse indoors — ANTHEMIS NOBILIS.

Talking aggravates soreness of chest — ALUMINA.

Talking causes pain in larynx — OSMIUM.

Tearing stitches in chest and region of heart — BERBERIS VULGARIS.

Teasing cough with much and free  expectoration — INULA HELENIUM.

Tendency to get hoarse talking or singing; throat hot,  dry — WYETHIA HELENOIDES.

Tendency to tuberculosis; constant cold taking; better in warm climateKALIUM CARBONICUM. Tenderness on pressure of right intercostal  muscles — RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Tensive, constrictive, burning pain in  chest — LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

The dry, chronic sympathetic cough or organic heart disease is relieved by Spongia (Naja) — SPONGIA TOSTA.

The mucus flies out of mouth and  nostrilsBADIAGA.

The sibilant rales are disseminated with foamy mucus, very difficult to detach — GRINDELIA ROBUSTA.

Thin, watery, frothy expectoration by the mouthful: later, stringy and   tough — RUMEX CRISPUS.

This muco-purulent expectoration of bronchitic patients is equally poly-bacillary; it is a mixture of diverse species and hence Bacillinum is truly indicated (Cartier) — BACILLINUM BURNETT.

Thorax feels too narrow — SENEGA.

Threatened paralysis of respiration on falling asleep — CURARE.

Threatening gangrene of lung — CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Threatening paralysis of lungs — LAUROCERASUS.

Throat and nostrils burn — POPULUS CANDICANS.

Throat dry and sore, as if pin crosswise in it — MENTHA PIPERITA.

Throat dry, sore, chest constricted — RADIUM BROMATUM.

Throat feels closed — VARIOLINUM.

Throat feels rough and hoarse — COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA.

Throat raw; dropping of mucus posteriorly — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Throat swollen, dyspnœa — APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Throat very sensitive, especially to airCORALLIUM RUBRUM.

Ticking cough, with salty, bloody expectoration — MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Tickling all over chest — IODIUM.

Tickling behind sternum, causes a constant hacking cough; worse at night on lying down — SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS.

Tickling behind upper sternum — RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning; cough when playing piano, or by eating — CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Tickling cough, especially in consumption — SALVIA OFFICINALIS.

Tickling cough, with rattling in the lower part of the chest, and thick, frothy expectoration — OENANTHE CROCATA.



Tickling from a dry spot in larynx — CROTALUS HORRIDUS.

Tickling in larynx, trachea, and bronchi — COPAIVA OFFICINALIS.

Tickling in larynx; spasmodic cough — LEDUM PALUSTRE.

Tickling in larynxCOCCUS CACTI.

Tickling in larynx — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.


Tickling in the fauces — MENTHOLUM.

Tickling in throat with cough — MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS.

Tickling in throat, larynx and trachea, chest oppressed, gets out of breath when coughing — AMBRA GRISEA.

Tickling in throat — CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.

Tickling in throat-pit causes cough — RUMEX CRISPUS.

Tickling in trachea and bronchial tubes — AMMONIUM BROMATUM.

Tickling, dry coughLAUROCERASUS.

Tickling, dry cough — APIUM GRAVEOLENS.

Tickling, short, dry cough; worse at nightBELLADONNA.

Tight feeling all along sternum — DIOSCOREA VILLOSA.

Tight, dry hacking cough; at times with bloody  expectoration — NUX VOMICA.

Tightness across chest; great weight on chestPHOSPHORUS.

Tightness across chestJUSTICIA ADHATODA.

Tightness of chest, is obliged to take a deeper breath — MOSCHUS.

Tip of nose to touch — MENTHA PIPERITA.

Tonic spasm in pectoral muscles — CICUTA VIROSA.

Torpor in the end of nose, as from a blow — VIOLA ODORATA.

Total loss of voice of professional singers — ARGENTUM METALLICUM.

Tough mucus in bronchi and larynx — ANTIMONIUM SULPHURATUM AURATUM.

Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only with much hawking — BRYONIA ALBA.

Trachea feels sore when pressed — STILLINGIA SILVATICA.

Trachea painful to touchMENTHA PIPERITA.

Trachea sore; lumps feel constricted — XEROPHYLLUM.


Tracheitis, facilitates expectoration — STICTA PULMONARIA.

Troublesome respiration, with sudden feeling of anguish and  sweat — ICTODES FOETIDA.

True membranous croup, extending to larynx and nares — KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Tuberculosis in tall, rapidly-growing young  people — PHOSPHORUS.

Tuberculosis of larynx — MANGANUM ACETICUM. Tuberculosis — HIPPOZAENINUM.

Twitching of fingers, with spasmodic cough — OSMIUM.

Ulceration of lung, with feeling of coldness of chest — CARBO ANIMALIS.

Unable to lie down; fears  suffocation — ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Upper part of windpipe very susceptible to touch — LACHESIS MUTUS.

Urine emitted with cough (Caust) — PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Uvula covered with white mucus — AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.