
Inflates middle ear on blowing nose—BARYTA MURIATICA.

Intolerable itching in ear—ELAPS CORALLINUS.

Intolerable itchingPSORINUM.

Intolerant of noise— PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.

Itching in ear through Eustachian tube—NUX VOMICA.

Itching in ears; sharp, shooting pains below right tragus—COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE.

Itching, cracking, ringing and  roaring—KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Itching, swelling, throbbing in meatusTELLURIUM METALLICUM.

Lachrymation in wind—NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Lancinating pains start from ears; extending down to legs— CURARE.

Left ear throbs painfully; better, heat—MORPHINUM.

Lobules red and swollen—CHINA OFFICINALIS.


Loud noises go through one—PLANTAGO MAJOR.

Loud pistol-like report—SILICEA TERRA.

Malformation of cerumen with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus—CARBO VEGETABILIS.

Mastoid disease with pain in temporal region with pushing out sensationASAFOETIDA.

Mastoiditis—HEPAR SULPHUR.

Membrana tympani bulges and injected—BELLADONNA.

Membrana tympani red and bulging—FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM.


Middle-ear catarrh (Merc dulc; Kal mur)— DULCAMARA.

Moist eruption around ear–ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Moisture and eruptions behind the ears—GRAPHITES.

Most fetid pus from ears, brownish, offensive—PSORINUM.

Mucopurulent discharge—HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS.

Music is unbearable (Ambra)— BUFO RANA.


Neuralgic earache; pain goes from one ear to the other through the headPLANTAGO MAJOR.

Noise like boiling water—CANNABIS INDICA.

Noise unbearable, especially from several people talking together—PETROLEUM.

Noises in ear caused by rush of blood to the head— ARNICA MONTANA.

Noises in ear— KALIUM IODATUM.

Noises on chewing and swallowing, or sneezing—BARYTA MURIATICA.

Noises; roaring and ringing—NATRIUM MURIATICUM.

Noises; unbearable earache—CURARE.



Numbness of outer ear—MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM.

Obstinate fetid otorrhœa after scarlatina— AURUM METALLICUM.

Œdema of orbital region—NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Offensive discharge from eczema around ears—PSORINUM.

Offensive otorrhœa, with boring pains in mastoid bone— ASAFOETIDA.

Offensive otorrhœa—BARYTA MURIATICA.

Offensive, purulent discharge—ASAFOETIDA.

One ear red, hot, frequently itchy, accompanied by gastric derangements and acidity—NATRIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Otalgia, with a sense of obstruction—VERBASCUM THAPSUS.

Otalgia, with toothache—PLANTAGO MAJOR.

Otalgia, worse at night—PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Otalgia, worse warmth of bed; at night sticking pains—MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Otalgia; worse in  bed—NUX VOMICA.


Otitis media suppurativa— LAPIS ALBUS.

Otitis media; closure of Eustachian tube; ear troubles of scrofulous children; membrana tympani retracted, thickened and  immovable—MERCURIUS DULCIS.

Otitis media—BELLADONNA.

Otorrhœa and deafness with or without tinnitus; after scarlatina—LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Otorrhœa and mastoid disease before  suppuration—CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Otorrhœa following exanthematous diseases—CARBO VEGETABILIS.


Oversensitive to odors—SULPHUR.

Own voice sounds unnatural; humming as of a seashell, talking loudly is painful— TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM.

Pain as if from subcutaneous ulceration—SEPIA.

Pain causes delirium—BELLADONNA.

Pain from other parts extends to earsMANGANUM ACETICUM.

Pain in cartilages of ears as if bruised— ARNICA MONTANA.

Pain in ears, with sensation as if something were in them—RHUS TOXICODENDRON.

Pains and buzzing– ANTIPYRINUM.

Parotid gland swollen—BELLADONNA.

Parotids swollen—BARYTA MURIATICA.

Partial deafness, pulsation in ears—MEDORRHINUM.

Parts around ear feel  swollen—FORMICA RUFA.

Parts sore to touch—PETROLEUM.

Perforation in membrana tympani, with ragged edgesTUBERCULINUM.

Persistent, offensive  otorrhœa— TUBERCULINUM.

Perversions of hearing; hardness of hearing—CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Pimples around ear— CALCAREA SULPHURICA.

Polypi which bleed easily—CALCAREA CARBONICA.



Pressing in the ears as from a plug– ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE.

Pressure and roaring—INDIGO TINCTORIA.

Pustules in auditory canal and auricle—HEPAR SULPHUR.

Quick, darting pains in right ear— MEDORRHINUM

Raw, red, oozing scabs around earsPSORINUM

Redness; swelling; pain in eustachian tube– ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Re-echoing of sounds (Caust)—PHOSPHORUS.

Reverberation on blowing nose—BARYTA CARBONICA.

Ringing and buzzing—FORMICA RUFA.

Ringing and cracking in ears—PETROLEUM.

Ringing and deafness– ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Ringing in ears—CHAMOMILLA.

Ringing in ears—CHINA OFFICINALIS.

Ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness; words and steps re-echo; chronic middle-ear catarrh; accumulation of ear-wax—CAUSTICUM.

Roaring and ringing in earsSALICYLICUM ACIDUM.

Roaring and ringing; voice sounds strange; ears seem to close up suddenlyTANACETUM VULGARE.

Roaring and rumbling—PLATINUM METALLICUM.

Roaring and tickling—VIOLA ODORATA.

Roaring in ears, during a paroxysm of pain— ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Roaring in earsSILICEA TERRA.

Roaring, buzzing, ringing in ears, with  deafness— IRIS VERSICOLOR.

Roaring, buzzing— BRYONIA ALBA.

Roaring, with difficult hearing—PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM.


Scrofulous inflammation with muco-purulent otorrhœa, and enlarged glandsCALCAREA CARBONICA.

Scurfs on and behind the ears—HEPAR SULPHUR.

Seems to hear circulation all over bodyMORPHINUM.

Sensation as if plugged up— ASARUM EUROPAEUM.

Sensation as if something were being forced outward—PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Sensation as if wind were coming from ear, or hot air—CANTHARIS VESICATORIS.

Sense of something hot from ears—AETHUSA CYNAPIUM.

Sensitive to cold about ears and neck—CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Sensitive to loud tones—BELLADONNA.

Sensitive to noise—SILICEA TERRA.

Serous exudation into the tympanitic cavities— JABORANDI.

Severe neuralgic pain; worse behind right ear; worse, by going into cold air, and washing face and neck with cold  waterMAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM.

Sharp stitches in left ear—KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Shocks through ears, eyes, and nose, when gnashing teeth—AMMONIUM CARBONICUM.

Shooting in and around ears— ARNICA MONTANA.

Shooting in ears—VIOLA ODORATA.

Shooting pain from throat— LOBELIA INFLATA.

Skin within, raw and burning—ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Snapping and noises in the earKALIUM MURIATICUM.

Sore pain behind ears—PSORINUM.

Soreness, deep under right tragus on swallowing—RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA.

Sticking pain in ears—PLANTAGO MAJOR.

Sticking pain, earache, lightning-like stitches in damp weather—NATRIUM SULPHURICUM.

Stitches in ears—KALIUM CARBONICUM.

Stitching pain—CHAMOMILLA.

Stuffed feeling in eustachian tubes (Kali mur) at night; patulous in morning—ALFALFA.

Subacute suppurative otitis media, formation of fibrous bands impeding free movement of the ossicles—THIOSINAMINUM.


Sudden attack of nightly deafness, with roaring and crackling in ears, cracking in ears on swallowing—ELAPS CORALLINUS.

Sudden detonations especially on swallowing—CICUTA VIROSA.

Sudden explosion and clashing in left ear— ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Supraorbital pain—NATRIUM ARSENICOSUM.

Swelling and eruption of external ear—SEPIA.

Swelling and pain behind ears—CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Swelling of lobes of ear—CURARE.

Swollen, with tearing  pains—KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Tearing pain from zygoma into ear; also with sore throat— LACHESIS MUTUS.

Tearing pain in middle and external ear—BELLADONNA.

Tearing, stitches, and external swelling—ZINCUM METALLICUM.

Tenderness over the petrous bone; extremely sore and tender to touch   (Onosmod)—CAPSICUM ANNUUM.

Tetter on and around ears, extending to external meatus—CISTUS CANADENSIS.

Thick, bland discharge; offensive odor—PULSATILLA PRATENSIS.

Thick, yellow, offensive discharge—LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM.

Thick, yellow, stringy, fetid discharge—KALIUM BICHROMICUM.

Thick, yellow discharge; fetid and  bloody—MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS.

Thickened drum—THIOSINAMINUM.

Thin, excoriating, offensive otorrhœa— ARSENICUM ALBUM.

Thin, white, scaly membrane covering membrane tympani, like exfoliated epithelium—GRAPHITES.

Threatened mastoid—KALIUM MURIATICUM.

Throbbing, buzzing, and ringing—CANNABIS INDICA.

Throbbing; cracking in ears; stitches; pulsating pain as if something would press out—CALCAREA CARBONICA.

Throbbing; each beat of heart is heard in ears; full feeling—GLONOINUM.


Tinkling as of some thin, shivered, metallic globe in head— ALOE SOCOTRINA.

Tinnitus (Pilocarpin 2x)—JABORANDI.


Tinnitus of a low tone—NATRIUM SALICYLICUM.




Torpor of auditory nerve—CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM.

Twitching of muscles about the ear and noises— AGARICUS MUSCARIUS.

Vascular deafness—FERRUM PICRICUM.

Very sensitive to noise, as the rattle of wagons over pavements (Coff; Nux)—NITRICUM ACIDUM.

Very sensitive to slightest noise; not so much disturbed by louder ones—BORAX VENETA.

Very sensitive to noises; music is unbearable— ACONITUM NAPELLUS.

Violent pulsations— MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Violent ringing, buzzing, and roaring in ears, with   deafnessCHININUM SULPHURICUM.

Joseph Fernandez
Joseph S Fernandez started his career as an assistant in the High Court of Kerala after obtaining a master’s degree in English language and literature. Later, he opted for a banking career.
Even as a student, Joseph was deeply interested in homoeopathy and made an in-depth study of the subject. He uses his expertise for the management of an occasional minor ailment in the family or among friends. It is in this context that he decided to compile a handy and easy-to-use repertory. The task required deep study and a sentence-by-sentence analysis of Boericke’s Materia Medica. Joseph’s Repertory is the result of this work.