CHAPTER THIRTY TWO: Contraindications of Nux-Vomica

Higher potencies are indicated in hypochondriasis; epilepsy; tetanus; convulsions; constipations.

Should not be given in mother tincture in constipation and should not be repeated frequently. Should be given on retiring; before going to bed.

Duration of Action: 1-7 days. (Clarke)

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi
Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website: