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Introduction – Remedy Selection

After having secured our symptoms, arranged them, grouped them, studied them singly or combined as a drug or remedy, and having “taken the case,” i. e., secured the symptoms of each individual patient, the homoeopathic physician has to select one remedy to administer. …


Summary of how to select the remedy, how to administer the remedy and what auxiliary treatment is required….


I have found and taught four channels through which the indicated remedy must pass to reach the affected tissue or organ. Most remedies must go through the blood….


Divide causes into predisposing and exciting. Under predisposing, heredity is the main factor. Under exciting causes was included exposure to elements of any kind; germs of all kinds….


It requires as through a knowledge of the records of the day books of our drug provers; as good a knowledge of human nature; as good a memory; as much tact, and as wide experience as it did to select the remedy;…


A higher potency should be selected for the markedly neurotic and the highly susceptible patients, than for the dull, sluggish, unimpressionable ones….

Repetition of the Dose

First, how long should we wait after giving the one or first dose, if there be no improvement, before we either changes the dose or the remedy? Second, having decided to repeat the doses, how long should the interval be between the doses. …

Auxiliary Treatment

Auxiliary treatment includes anything that can in any way make our remedies act more quickly, safely and permanently….

The Diet Question

When they have gas or a sour stomach or a diarrhoea, write down in a notebook every article of food or drink taken at the two or three meals preceding the attacks. Do this half a dozen or so times, and they can find out the offending article of diet….


Use of Morphia, Opium and other allopathic drugs for palliation with homeopathy….