Thuya. Extremely scrupulous about the least thing. Walking or riding brings on such extreme suffering in the left inguinal and iliac region, that she is obliged to go to bed.

Zincum met. The flow of the menses always relieves all her sufferings; but they return again soon after thee cessation of the menses. A constant distressing boring pain in the left ovarium, only partially relieved by pressure, or during menstruation; but returning again after the flow.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.