Gratiola. Darting in the right mamma when stooping, worse on rising, during the menses.

Hyoscyamus. Violent, almost convulsive trembling of the hands and feet during the menses. She is almost raging. Enuresis and sweat during the menses. Severe headache, profuse sweat and nausea at the appearance of the menses.

Hypericum. Menses delay, with tension in the region of the uterus as of a tight bandage.

Ignatia. Headache with heaviness l and heat in the head. Photophobia, contractive colic, anguish, palpitation of the heart, languor unto fainting, during the menses. Weak empty feeling at the pit of the stomach with sobbing and sighing.

Ind.. Burning in the mammae during the menses.

Ipecacuanha. Pain about the navel, extending towards the uterus. Sharp continued cutting pain from left to right with constant nausea.

Jodium. Flow at every stool, with cutting in the abdomen; pain in the back and loins.

Kali bichrom. Menstruation too soon, with vertigo, nausea, headache and feverishness. Obstinate suppression of urine, or small quantity of red urine.

Kali carb. A good deal of stitching, cutting colicky pain during the menses. She feels badly for a week previous to the menses. She is costive and feels a distress an hour or two previous to a passage. The menses have a bad, pungent odor, very acrid, excoriating the thighs and covering them with an eruption. Headache wit great heaviness during the menses only in the morning.

Kali hyd. Great urgency to urinate, which disappears at the eruption of the menses. Sensation as if the thigh were tightly squeezed during the menses. Her abdominal sufferings extend into the groins and thighs. Drinking cold milk aggravates her complaint.

Kali nit. Menstrual blood black as ink, with much suffering.

Kalmia. Pain in the limbs, back and anterior part of the thighs during the catamenia. Pulse very slow.

Lachesis. Before the menses; vertigo, headache, and the nose bleeds a few drops. The first day of the menses; tearing in the abdomen, beating in the head, pains in the small of the back and bruised feeling in the hips-all relieved by a full flow.

Laurocerasus. Colicky pains in the P.M. and tearing pains in the vertex at night. Suffocating spells about the heart with a sort of gasping for breath.

Ledum. Great want of vital heat, and dysmenorrhoea.

Lobelia i. Violent pain confined to the sacrum, sense of great weight in the genital organs.

Lycopodium. Pain in the temples, as if they were being screwed towards each other, with a sort of stupor and compression during the menses. Much borborygmus, more in the left hypochondrium. Sense of satiety, the least quantity satisfies, or she is insatiably hungry. Shooting pain from right to left across the abdomen.

Magnesia carb. Flow only in the absence of the pain, and during sleep. The menstrual blood is dark, acrid and thick; is washed out with much difficulty. Much pain in the head and in the right shoulder. She can hardly raise the arm. The knees are painful in walking, and the feet when lying in bed.

Magnesia mur. Pain in the small of the back and thighs during the menses. More severe in the back when walking, and in the thighs when sitting. Pressing down in the iliac region during the menses.

Magnesia sulph. The menses stop for two days, then flow again. Bruised pain in the small of the back, with pains in the groins when sitting or standing, less when walking. Pain in the thighs when walking.

Manganum. Discharge of blood between the periods, and pressing in the genital organs.

Mercurius s. Before the menses; dry heat and rush of blood to the head. During the menses; anxiety, red tongue with dark spots, saltish taste, scorbutic gums, teeth feel sharp, breath of a mercurial odor and salivation. Teeth sore and loose, some of them are too long.

Moschus. Violent drawing and pressing pains towards the sexual organs till the menses appear.

Murex p. Sore pain as if injured with a cut in the uterus, of violent pain in the right side of the uterus, extending to the chest.

Muriatic acid. Sad and silent during the menses as if she would die. Varices of the anus so sore as scarcely to bear the least touch.

Natrum carb. Pressing in the hypogastrium towards the genitals, as if every thing would issue from the abdomen. Menses preceded by drawing in the nape of the neck and headache. During the menses, tearing headache, painful distention of the abdomen in the morning, relieved by diarrhoea. Tearing and bruised pain in right hip.

Natrum mur. Waking in the morning with headache. Terrible sadness during the menses.

Natrum sulph. Scanty menses with hard, knotty stool, streaked with blood, accompanied and succeeded by smarting in the anus.

Niccolum. Menses too scanty and short, with colic and pain in small of the back.

Nitric acid. Violent cramp pains in the hypogastrium, as if it would burst, with constant eructations during the menses. Violent pressing in the abdomen, as if everything were coming out of the vulva, with pain in the small of the back, through the hips and down the thighs.

Nux juglans. Menses preceded by violent pressing and drawing pains in the womb, finally an abundant flow of blackish blood, often in large lumps.

Nux mosch. Menses preceded by pain in the small of the back as if apiece of wood stretched across there were pressing from within outwards, with headache, pressure in the stomach, water- brash, pain in the liver and discharge of thick, black blood.

Nux vomica. Griping and digging in the uterus, with discharge of thick, clotted blood. Nausea in the morning with chilliness, fainting turns at the appearance of the menses, with spasmodic pain in the abdomen. Much headache; sometimes in the occiput as if from an ulcer in the brain; sometimes in the sinciput as if the eyes would be forced out. Tearing in the left arm and right hip.

Oleum Animale. Menses preceded and accompanied by cutting in the abdomen and small of the back and sticking in the left side of the head and vertex. Scanty menses, black blood and languor in the hands and feet.

Petroleum. Menses causes an itching in the genital organs. There is heat in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands; singing and roaring in the ears; tearing in the thigh, and spots and the legs painful to the touch.

Phosphorus. Very sleepy during the menses, she can hardly keep awake. Constipation, with a narrow, stiff stool, difficult to evacuate. Stitches in the mammae, sour eructations and vomiting to sour substances. Blue margins about the eyes. Cutting in the abdomen, chilliness and cold hands and feet. More suitable to tall, slim persons.

Phosphoric acid. Meteoristic distention of the uterus. Pain in the liver during the menses.

Phytolacca dec. Very painful menstruation in apparently barren females.

Platina. Painful sensitiveness of the mons veneris and of the vulva. Much threatening of the menses to come on. Finally they make their appearance with pinching in the abdomen, and pressure in the groins alternating with pressure in the vulva.

Plumbum. Cessation of the menses on the invasion of colic, but they reappear after the paroxysm; or not again till the next period. Sensation as if drawing from the abdomen to the back, often with great depression of spirits.

Pulsatilla. Particularly in mild, tearful, yielding temperaments. The pain is so violent that she tosses in every direction, with cries and tears. The blood is thick and dark or pale and watery; flows by its and states. She feels worse in a close, warm room.

Rhus tox. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, the rheumatic symptoms guiding the choice of this remedy; stiffness of the limbs, relieved by walking; stiffness of the limbs before a storm or in damp weather, relieved by a storm. Restless nights, must run often to find a few moments’ rest.

Sabina. Dysmenorrhoea. Violent pain extending from the back through to the pubis.

Sanguinaria c. Dysmenorrhoea. The pain rises into the head from the nape of the neck, and finally into the forehead, as if the eyes would be pressed out, the menses being scanty.

Sarsaparilla. Itching eruption on the forehead previous to the menses. Soreness in the right groin with desire to urinate at the appearance of the menses. Griping in the pit of the stomach in the direction of the back during the menses. Painful conclusion in urinating.

Secale corn. Menses are too frequent and last too long, with tearing and cutting colic, cold extremities, cold perspiration, great weakness, and small pulse. Especially useful in thin, scrawny constitutions.

Sepia. Before the menses; violent colic, shuddering all over the body the whole day, acrid leucorrhoea, sensation as if the vulva were enlarged and soreness in the perineum. During the menses; tearing in the tibia, toothache and obscuration of sight, violent pressure in the forehead with discharge of plugs from the nose. Constipation, the stool being hard, difficult, knotty, insufficient and sometimes mingled with mucus. Sensation as of a heavy lump in the anus.

Silicea. Before and during the menses she is costive. Stool composed of hard lumps, remaining long in the rectum, as if it had no power to expel it. Burning soreness of the vulva and an eruption on the inner side of the thighs during the menses. Repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body at the appearance of the menses, and icy cold feet during the menses.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.