Mechanical Dysmenorrhoea is the name give to a class of cases in which the difficulty and consequent painfulness of the menstrual discharge, arises from some mechanical obstruction, such as the partial closure, from stricture or narrowing, of some portion of the cervix uteri. Or these may be actual obstruction lodged in the canal, such as coagula, thickened and hardened mucus, the formation of false membrane in the cavity of the body or neck of the uterus; or finally the obstruction may arise from flexion of the cervix-uteri, as in retroversion of the uterus, and this is no doubt the most frequent and efficient cause of mechanical dysmenorrhoea. These various obstructions occasion painful spasmodic efforts for their removal.

In the treatment of this form of dysmenorrhoea, a sin that of others, we must be governed by the symptoms; and if the cause can be removed entirely, the cure may be complete, as in the case of flexion of the cervix. The other mechanical causes of dysmenorrhoea, such as thickening and turgescence of the lining membrane of the cervix, may also be removed by the remedies selected by in accordance with the indications present. Nor do we believe that even “the cautious introduction of elastic bougies, as advised by allopathic authorities, can ever be necessary or useful in order or remove stricture of the cervix uteri. This stricture, whether spasmodic or otherwise, is the result of inflammation, nervous irritation or some other morbid condition, amenable to medication; and is capable of being completely removed, in time, by the exhibition of the properly selected and truly Homoeopathic remedy to the case. Such as least has been our own experience; as well as that of others.

Dysmenorrhoea from displacements, will be relieved under the proper treatment for displacements, which see; that from constriction, contraction, etc., of the cervix or os uteri, will also be cured by such constitutional treatment as is indicated by the prevailing symptoms and condition. All topical treatment, such as is recommended by the Old School, with bougies, etc., is worse than useless.

Alumina. The menses delay, but finally appear, being too pale and too scanty. Before the menses, she has many dreams, awaking from which she has heat in the face, headache and palpitation of the heart. Abundant discharge of mucus before the menses. During an evacuation of the bowels, before the menses, she has pinching, writhing and pressing like labor pains. Pressing to stool aggravates her symptoms. During her menses, corroding urine is frequently passed day and night. After the menses, she is so much exhausted in body and mind that a little exercise prostrates her.

Ammonium carb. Menses are premature and abundant, preceded by griping, colic and want of appetite; or the discharge is blackish, in clots; and passes off with pain in the abdomen, constipation, tenesmus, paleness of the face, sadness and toothache. Also, colic and pain between the scapulae.

Ammonium mur. Menses premature, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back, the flow being more profuse at night. Passing of large quantities of blood at stool during the catamenia.

Asarum. Violent pain in the small of the back, at the appearance of the menses, which scarcely permits her to breathe.

Baryta carb. Menses very scanty. Before the menses, toothache with swelling of the gums, or colic with swelling of the limbs. During the menses, a troublesome weight above the pubis in any position.

Belladonna. Pressure downwards, as if all the contents of the abdomen would issue through the vulva. Violent pains come on suddenly and disappear as suddenly as they came. Pains that cause redness of the face and eyes, throbbing of the carotids and in the head.

Berberis v. The menses are scanty and very painful, flowing much like grayish serum. The pain is often in the kidneys or down the thighs and calves of the legs; again in the head and sometimes all over the body.

Borax. Stitching pain in right pectoral region before the menses. Pain from the stomach to the small of the back before the menses. During the menses, lancinating pain in the groin.

Bovista. Before the catamenia, diarrhoea and painful bearing down towards the genital organs.

Bromine. Violent contractive spasms during the menses; lasting from six to twelve hours; leaving the parts one. Emission of large quantities of flatus during the menses, with slight pain in the abdomen. Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Bryonia. Tearing pains in the limbs during the menses.

All her sufferings are increased by the least motion. Cannot sit up from nausea. Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Calcarea carb. In leucophlegmatic constitutions. Vertigo on going up stains. Menses too frequent and profuse. Involuntary emission of urine on taking exercise. She has cold, damp feet, and is very easily affected by the cold air. A variety of pains during the menses, with the above characteristic symptoms. Bad toothache after the menses. Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Cantharis. Dysmenorrhoea, with the peculiar dysuria of this remedy. Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Carbo animal. During the menses, violent pressing in the small of the back, groins and thighs, with unsuccessful desire to eructate. After the appearance of the menses, she feels so tired that she is scarcely able to speak, with stretching and yawning.

Carbo veget. Before the menses, much itching about the vulva; itching of old tetters, or of the skin about the neck and shoulders. During the menses, cutting pain in the bones as if bruised.

Castoreum. During the menses; pain commences in the middle of the thighs extending over the limbs, and in fact more or less over the entire body. Angry exclamations during sleep.

Causticum. During the menses; pain in the abdomen as if the parts were torn, with pain in the small of the back as if from a bruise and discharge of large of blood. A sticking pain below the left mamma. Face very yellow.

Chamomilla. Violent labor pains and tearing in the veins of the legs, with discharge of dark, coagulated blood. Desire to pass water frequently, it being profuse and pale. Out of humor, even quarrelsome. Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

China. Feeling of distension and fulness, which is not relieved by eructations. In weakly persons who have lost much blood. Ringing in the ears and fainting fits; convulsions, with rush of blood to the head and chest with throbbing of carotids. A good deal of colic, particularly in the P.M., with eructations without relief.

Chininum s. Griping and tearing in the abdomen, extending to the chest with pressing towards the groins during the menses.

Cicuta v. Tearing and jerking in the os coccygis during the menses.

Cinnabaris. A few days before the appearance of the menses and during their continuance, tearing pain in the forehead, sensation of weakness in the eyes, rending in the spine, tearing and cramp in the bowels with diarrhoea and great prostration.

Cocculus. Dysmenorrhoea always followed by haemorrhoids. Abdomen distended, with sharp cuttings or as if sharp stones were in the abdomen at every motion. Her sufferings often cause fainting. Discharge fitful, scanty and irregular. Paralytic pain in the back and weakness in the lower extremities.

Coffea. Exceedingly painful colic; so painful as to drive her to desperation. Continuous pinching pain in the iliac regions. Coldness and stiffness with profuse flow.

Colocynth. Cramping pain, causing her to draw her lower limbs up to the abdomen, with restlessness, moaning and lamenting. These pains are sometimes increased by eating or drinking.

Conium. Dysmenorrhoea with shooting pain in the left side of the chest. Pain in the mammae, which often swell and become hard. Pressure from above downwards and drawing in the legs during the menses. Vertigo during menses, particularly whilst lying down. Intermittent urine during micturition. Painful abdominal spasms during the menses.

Creasotum. Difficulty of hearing, before and during the menses, with buzzing and humming in the head. The menses are usually too frequently and too profuse; succeeded by an acrid-smelling, bloody ichor, with corrosive itching and biting of the parts; with more or less pain during the flow, but much aggravated after it has ceased.

Crocus sativa. Dysmenorrhoea, with dark, stringy blood; sensation of bounding or rolling in the abdomen with other symptoms. Sensation of commotion in the stomach upwards and downwards, hither and thither, during painful menstruation.

Eugenia j. Acne, with pain far around.

Euphrasia. Menses last only one hour; time regular.

Ferrum acet. Pale face and lips, or fiery redness, with scanty discharge of pale blood with violent colic. The menses intermit and then reappear.

Graphites. The menses delay, are scanty; thick and dark, or else serous and pale blood, with griping and abdominal spasms, headache, nausea and pain in the chest. Morning sickness during menses. Constipation previous to and diarrhoea after the menses. Persons most suitable for Graphites are rather corpulent and subject to itching blotches here and there.

H.N. Guernsey
Henry Newell Guernsey (1817-1885) was born in Rochester, Vermont in 1817. He earned his medical degree from New York University in 1842, and in 1856 moved to Philadelphia and subsequently became professor of Obstetrics at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (which merged with the Hahnemann Medical College in 1869). His writings include The Application of the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy to Obstetrics, and Keynotes to the Materia Medica.