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Introduction to Veterinary Practice

Many of the objections raised by allopaths against the principles of Homoeopathy fall entirely to the grounds when put to the test upon the animals. The amazing cures in veterinary practice cannot be ascribed to mere imagination or placebo effect….


Common diseases of Cows treated with homeopathy. Find out more about homeopathic treatment of cows and common remedies for common ailments in cows in veterinary practice….


Common diseases of horses treated with homeopathy. Find out more about homeopathic treatment of horses and common remedies for ailments in horses in veterinary practice….


Common diseases of dogs treated with homeopathy. Find out more about homeopathic treatment of dogs and common remedies for common ailments in dogs in veterinary practice….


Common diseases of fowls treated with homeopathy. Find out more about homeopathic treatment of birds and common remedies for common ailments in fowls in veterinary practice….