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Tonsils and Adenoids

A common problem in children is frequent colds, often associated with chronically infected tonsils and adenoids and Kent advocated Tuberculinum for chronically infected tonsils and adenoids, and a strong indication for Tuberculinum bov. is very large tonsillar or other cervical glands….

A common problem in children is frequent colds, often associated with chronically infected tonsils and adenoids, or the latter with sinusitis and otitis media. Perhaps the main indications for operation are evidence of a septic focus which, especially when flared up, has a serious effect on the child’s health, such as might be accompanied by loss of weight and / or persistent obstruction of the nose. In a great many cases the indication for operation may not be clear. Constitutional treatment is well worthwhile, even if operation is done later, as it raises the general level of health. It is seldom that dramatic results are obtained in such cases if there is a a septic focus, but when, after operation, improvement is not apparent, constitutional treatment is usually successful, and the impression is that if such treatment has been given before operation the after-effects of surgery are better. There are many remedies which may be indicated in such cases. Kent advocated Tuberculinum for chronically infected tonsils and adenoids, and a strong indication for Tuberculinum bov. is very large tonsillar or other cervical glands such as might make one think of tubercular cervical adenitis.

D. M. Foubister
Dr. Donald MacDonald Foubister B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B., D.C.H., F.F. Hom. 1902-1988, England
He was the Dean of Faculty of Homeopathy London. D. M. Foubister was Assistant Physician, Diseases of Children, to the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital. Circa 1950’s. He authored the following works:
The Carcinosin Drug Pictures.
Constitutional Effects of Anaesthesia.
Homeopathy and Pediatrics.
Lac caninum.
Significance of Past History in Homoeopathy.
Therapeutic Hints For Students.
Tutorials On Homeopathy.