Having decided that Homoeopathy can play a part in treatment the psychosomatic pattern of the patient is obtained by observation and questioning the parents. Hereditary tendencies and the personal history of illnesses are also considered in constitutional prescribing. It would be out of place to deal in detail with this large subject here. There is a remarkable resemblance between the effects of drugs and human personality which makes constitutional treatment possible. The like remedy is chosen because of its likeness to the patient. If the child is of what we term the Pulsatilla type, gentle, weepy, craving affection, changeable, having an aversion to fat and a strong desire for open air, Pulsatilla is the homoeopathic prescription, no matter whether the disease be poor resistance to colds, an anxiety state or asthma. The Arsenicum alb. child is chilly, anxious and restless, may be naturally extremely tidy, putting his toys away in neat rows, and worries especially about school or whenever anything is expected of him. He may complain of weakness which is out of proportion to the nature of the disease and cannot be readily explained. In such a child Arsenicum alb. would be the prescription, no matter what the nature of disease. These are simple examples of constitutional prescribing. This does not mean that other aspects of treatment, general management, rest, exercise, diet, etc., even at times the use of drugs, for their orthodox purposes are neglected. Dr. Tyler’s Drug Pictures is a useful guide to psychosomatic drug relationship. Dr. Borland’s pamphlet on Children’s Types is a valuable introduction to this aspect of prescribing in children.
Prescribing in Chronic Disease
Prescribing in Chronic Disease is based on constitutional treatment.There is a remarkable resemblance between the effects of drugs and human personality which makes constitutional treatment possible….