Hpathy Needs Your Help!

How to Find the Remedy

That the science of Homoeopathy is exact when applied by the use of the repertory has been proved many times, and it will be my object today to demonstrate this truth….

Having thus far outlined, in a brief way, the homoeopathic philosophy of the first division of our Trinity, we will pass to the second angle, that of finding the homoeopathically indicated remedy.

We believe that Homoeopathy is applicable to every curable case; the great thing is to know how to find and apply it.

If we had nothing but the mass of symptoms as recorded in the materia medica to help in the search for the single remedy which would cover the totality of a complicated chronic case, it would indeed be a gigantic task, and the excuse of many practitioners that they do not have the time to practice straight Homoeopathy would be plausible, but we have in the repertory a valuable help along this line, so that with practice and study the remedy may be found with amazing rapidity.

That the technique of surgery is wonderful in its results when carefully applied in its proper sphere is admitted by all physicians; that there is an equally wonderful technique of scientific Homoeopathy must also be conceded or the reason for our being, as homoeopaths, ceases to exist. That the science of Homoeopathy is exact when applied by the use of the repertory has been proved many times, and it will be my object today not only to demonstrate this truth, but to try and give you an insight into the methods used, so that you may obtain accurate scientific results easily and rapidly.

There are several complete repertories now published and the use of any one of them will be of untold aid in finding the right remedy. When one has become familiar with their arrangement all the time that is really consumed is in the taking of the case.

When you have decided on the repertory you wish to use, confine yourself to that one and completely master its arrangement, for the most rapid work and the best results can only be obtained by the close study and working knowledge of one.

Personally, I can do the best and most rapid work with Kent’s great work, and my demonstration here will be taken from Kent’s Repertory. Before trying to use the repertory in your work read the headings of the general rubrics from beginning to end and thus familiarize yourself with the arrangement of the work, so that no time will be lost in looking for your symptoms. Only by this and by constant use, can the repertory be a companion and helper.

Glen Irving Bidwell