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Chill, warmth, external, amel.: Aesculus, Argentum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Cantharis, Caps., Carb-an., Causticum, Chelidonium, Chin-ar., China, Cicuta, Cimx., Cocc., Colchicum, Conium, Cor-r., Eup-per., Ferrum, Gelsemium, Helleborus, Hepar, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali-c., Kali-i., Lachesis, Lachn., Laur., Meny., Merl., Mez., Mosch., Nat-c., Nux-m., Nux-v., Platina, Podophyllum, Rhus-t., Sabad., Sambucus, Sepia, Silicea, Squil., Stramonium, Stront-c., Sulphur, Tarent., Theridion

Chill, warmth, sun, desire for: Anacardium, Conium

Chill, warmth, unbearable: Apis, Camph., Ip., Pulsatilla, Secale, Sepia, Staphysagria

Chill, warmth, wrapping up, amel., followed by severe fever and sweat: Silicea

Chill, water: Aconite, Agaricus, Ail., Alumn., Anacardium, Ant-t., Apis, Aranea, Arnica, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Caps., Causticum, Cedr., Chelidonium, China, Cimx., Clem., Colchicum, Dulcamara, Ledum, Lil-t., Lycopodium, Mag-c., Mercurius, Mez., Natrum mur., Nat-s., Nux-v., Phel., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Sabad., Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Stramonium, Thuja, Veratrum, Verb.

Chill, water, as if: Agaricus, Ail., Alumn., Anacardium, Ant-t., Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Caps., Causticum, Chelidonium, China, Cimx., Ledum, Lil-t., Lycopodium, Mag-c., Mercurius, Mez., Natrum mur., Nux-v., Phel., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Sabad., Spigelia, Stramonium, Thuja, Veratrum, Verb.

Chill, water, as if cold water were dashed over him: Agaricus, Ail., Ant-t., Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum, Baryta carb., Bryonia, Chelidonium, China, Lil-t., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Mez., Natrum mur., Nux-v., Phel., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Sabad., Spigelia, Thuja, Veratrum, Verb.

Chill, water, as if, poured over him: Anacardium, Ant-t., Arsenicum, Baryta carb., China, Cimx., Ledum, Mag-c., Mercurius, Mez., Rhus-t., Stramonium

Chill, water, as if, running down the back: Agaricus, Alumn., Arsenicum

Chill, water, as if, running, from the clavicles across the chest down to the toes, along the narrow space: Causticum

Chill, water, as if, spurted upon the back: Causticum, Lycopodium

Chill, water, as if, trickled down the back: Arsenicum, Caps., Causticum

Chill, water, from getting wet: Aconite, Aranea, Baryta carb., Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Cedr., Clem., Colchicum, Dulcamara, Nat-s., Rhus-t., Sepia, Silicea

Chill, water, from getting wet, when overheated: Aconite, Calcarea, Clem., Colchicum, Rhus-t., Sepia, Silicea

Chill, water, working in, from: Calcarea, Rhus-t.

Chill, wind: Aconite, Agaricus, Asarum europaeum, Camph., Causticum, China, Cimx., Croc., Cuprum, Hepar, Laur., Mosch., Rhus-t., Sambucus

Chill, wind, as if it were blowing cold: Asarum europaeum, Camph., Causticum, China, Cimx., Croc., Cuprum, Hepar, Laur., Mosch., Rhus-t., Sambucus

Chill, wind, as if it were blowing cold upon the body: Asarum europaeum, Camph., Causticum, China, Cimx., Croc., Cuprum, Hepar, Laur., Mosch., Rhus-t., Sambucus

Chill, wind, as if it were blowing cold, between the shoulder blades: Causticum

Chill, wind, as if it were blowing cold, when walking: China

Chill, wind, as if wind blowing upon soles while body sweating: Aconite

Chill, wind, sensation as if cold air were spreading from the spine over the body like an aura-epileptica: Agaricus

Chill, writing, while: Agaricus

James Tyler Kent
James Tyler Kent (1849–1916) was an American physician. Prior to his involvement with homeopathy, Kent had practiced conventional medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. He discovered and "converted" to homeopathy as a result of his wife's recovery from a serious ailment using homeopathic methods.
In 1881, Kent accepted a position as professor of anatomy at the Homeopathic College of Missouri, an institution with which he remained affiliated until 1888. In 1890, Kent moved to Pennsylvania to take a position as Dean of Professors at the Post-Graduate Homeopathic Medical School of Philadelphia. In 1897 Kent published his magnum opus, Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia Medica. Kent moved to Chicago in 1903, where he taught at Hahnemann Medical College.