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Spasms of larynx

Homeopathy treatment for Spasms of larynx from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Spasms of larynx…

Aconite [Acon]

Suffocating cough, comes on suddenly at night, with hoarse voice and shrill outcry; respiration short and anxious.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Chronic cases. The attack is preceded for several days by catarrhal symptoms. The little patient goes to sleep quietly and the spasm develops itself gradually; respiration short and hissing, when the spasm sets in with sudden suffocation; child breaths freely between spells, but appears weak and is restless; caused by suppressed hives; pale, waxen face; body hot, sweaty and pale; prostration of strength with aggravation between midnight and daylight.

Belladonna [Bell]

The smallest quantity of fluid drunk excites a spasm; larynx painfully dry, yet the child refuses all drinks; larynx feels suddenly constricted; breathing during sleep intermittent and irregular; on falling asleep the child awakes and starts as if frightened; sleep restless, talks and kicks in his sleep; brain excited, face red, eyes injected; convulsions; skin hot and dry or bathed in hot sweat; urine deep yellow or scanty or even suppressed; larynx sensitive to pressure; reflex from dentition or indigestion; oversensitiveness to external impressions.

Bromium [Brom]

ASTHMA OF SAILORS, when they go ashore; tightness of chest; great dyspnoea, (<) at night; sensation as if air-passages were full of smoke; difficult breathing as a sequela of measles; gasping for breath, with whizzing and rattling in larynx; CHILD AWAKES GASPING, HOARSE, CRIES FOR WATER, WHICH RELIEVES; child turns blue in the face, convulsions set in, reflex from dentition, indigestion or enlargement of thymus gland, followed by emaciation; spasmodic closure of glottis, cannot inspire deep enough; constriction in the larynx; more suitable to light- complexioned, blue-eyed children.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Delayed dentition; child sweats easily, especially during sleep; emaciation; abdomen flabby; SUFFOCATIVE ATTACK WHEN CHILD IS LIFTED FROM HIS CRIB; rachitis; diarrhoea; green, hot watery stools; craves bacon.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Sensation of oppression and slight constriction in region of larynx; dyspnoea as from suffocation (larynx feels constricted), with constant irritation to cough; hot sweat on face and head, especially during sleep; child becomes stiff and bends backwards, kicks with feet when carried, screams and throws everything off; staring eyes; child reaches and grasps for something, draws the mouth back and forth; peevish, irritable; (<) from anger, violent emotions and from exposure to cold winds; (<) during dentition, accompanied by “wind asthma;” “liver-grown,” or green, watery, offensive stools.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Spasmus glottidis on expiration, with cough in daytime and profuse perspiration at night; copious mucous expectoration during the violent fits of coughing.

China [Chin]

During sleep snoring during inspiration, and puffing of the cheeks at each expiration.

Chlorine [Chlor]

INSPIRATION UNIMPEDED AND NATURAL, EXPIRATION ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE from a closure of the rima glottidis; inspiration again made is found easily enough, but attended with a slight crowing sound, expiration again impossible; face livid, lungs fearfully distended; spasms followed by partial coma, after its relaxation respiration free and deep sleep. The attack may come on after excitement, during sleep, and is most common from midnight till 7 A.M.

Coffea [Coff]

Child starts from sleep with short inhalation and gaping, wheezing cold sweat, blue face, (<) when put into bath; mucous vomiting.

Corallium-rubr [Cor-r]

On deep inspiration sensation as if the air passing through air- passages was ICY-COLD; crowing during inspiration; inclination to cough, with difficult hawking up of bronchial mucus.

Cuprum [Cupr]

Convulsions, with blue face and lips; short, panting whistling breathing on attempting to take a deep breath; body stiff, SPASMODIC TWITCHINGS, THUMBS CLENCHED; gurgling down oesophagus; attacks come on suddenly and cease suddenly, after fright of mother or child; cold sweat at night; cough (>) by swallow of water.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Long, croupy inspiration, sudden forcible expiration; spasm of glottis, evening, threatening suffocation; breathing frequent; irritative cough, without expectoration.

Ignatia [Ign]

Difficult inspiration, easy expiration; stitches in throat between acts of deglutition, and difficulty of swallowing solid or fluid flood; the more he swallows the better he feels; CAUSED IN CHILDREN BY A CROSS WORD OR NECESSARY CORRECTION.

Iodum [Iod]

Rachitic children, swelling of bronchial glands; tightness and constriction about larynx, with soreness, hoarse voice, etc.; enlarged glands may cause paralysis of laryngeal, tracheal and bronchial nerves; mesenteric glands enlarged and indurated; tendency to marasmus; excellent appetite and yet grows thin, or indifference to food; stools clayey; urine high-colored, scanty; skin yellow; heart’s action feeble and increased by every motion; child unbearably irritable; well-marked painless goitre.

Lachesis [Lach]

Spasms occur during sleep; child, as it were, sleeps into an attack and is aroused, gasping for breath or the paroxysms recur after each nap; external neck, about the larynx, very sensitive to touch; sense of constriction about the larynx, attended with dryness of the whole throat and mouth.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Cardiac affections; child blue, gasps for breath, face even livid; filiform pulse; spasmodic constriction of trachea; dyspnoea, with sensation as if lungs could not be sufficiently expanded and as if pressed against spine.

Mephitis [Meph]

Inspiration difficult, expiration all but impossible; convulsions; bloated face; when drinking or talking liable to get foreign substances into the throat.

Moschus [Mosch]

Spasm of throat, larynx and lungs; sudden sensation of constriction in larynx, as if caused by the vapors of sulphur; difficult respiration; severe spasms in chest, with inclination to cough, after which the paroxysm becomes greatly aggravated; HYSTERICAL CASES with impending paralysis of the pneumogastrics.

Oleum-anim [Ol-an]

Larynx feels as if it would be closed by outward pressure when lying on the back with the head bent forward.

Opium [Op]

Especially after a fright; suffocative attacks during sleep; cough with dyspnoea, blue face, and profuse perspiration over whole body; recent cases.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Child unusually tall and slender; skin clear, transparent, catches cold easily on chest; stridulus inspiration on falling asleep in the evening, nightly suffocative spells, as if lungs were paralyzed; fulness in chest, as after eating too much.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Frequent spasmodic closure of larynx; spasm of glottis, eye distorted, one eye moves independently of the other, thumbs clenched, toes flexed; constant moaning and gasping for air.

Plumbum [Plb]

Closure of the rima; sudden difficulty of breathing and asphyxia; convulsions, during which expiration is suddenly arrested as if a valve closed the glottis; emaciation; stool, with much urging, hard balls.

Sambucus [Samb]

SUPPRESSED PERSPIRATION; the attack comes suddenly; patient awakes from a kind of lethargy, with eyes and mouth open; raises himself in bed, with great anxiety and dyspnoea; respiration oppressed, with wheezing in chest; head and hands puffed and bloated, with dry heat all over the body; no thirst; small, irregular and intermittent pulse; NO COUGH; paroxysms principally from midnight till 4 A.M.; burning in red, hot face, with cold hands and feet DURING SLEEP. On awaking the face breaks out into a profuse perspiration, which extends over the body and continues more or less during the waking hours; on going to sleep again the dry heat returns. Difficult expiration, but not inspiration; on waking cannot catch its breath, as if suffocating, with blue face and lips, from spasm of larynx.

Silicea [Sil]

Rachitis; the head disproportionately large; body emaciated; head and feet sweat, the latter offensively; nervous; excitable; external impressions readily awaken convulsions; retarded dentition (indicated not from local symptoms, but constitutionally.)

Spongia [Spong]

Starts from sleep with contraction of the larynx; whistling inspiration; breathes as through a sponge; breathes with heat bent backward; suffocative attacks, (<) lying down; convulsions.

Stramonium [Stram]

Child arouses sleep frightened, clings to those around; blueness of face; muscles of chest spasmodically affected; violent convulsions.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Attacks come on when dropping off to sleep; sudden jerks of the limbs in sleep; slow dentition, fever, etc.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

Spasmus glottidis, with protruding eyes; great weakness; cold sweat on forehead.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.