
Graphites [Graph]

Arthritic nodosities on fingers; stiffness of back of neck; weakness in back and loins when walking; rheumatic burning pains, especially in left shoulders; stiff feeling in hollow of knee, as if tendons were too short; stiffness and contraction of toes; coldness of dorsum of foot.

Guaiacum [Guai]

Follows well after Causticum When there are contractions of tendons, drawing the limbs out of shape, (<) by any attempt at motion, in daytime, (>) by warmth, particularly where there are well-developed gouty nodosities on the joints; pains in all joints, even in chest; tearing, drawing lancinations; followed by exhaustion; syphilitic and mercurial dyscrasia.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Great soreness of affected parts, especially muscles; bruised feeling in muscles of upper and lower extremities; worse from motion.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Rheumatic swelling, with heat, redness and sensation as if sprained; drawing pains in the limbs, especially in the morning when awaking; mercurial rheumatism, especially in scrofulous persons; excessive nervous excitability; intense sensibility to touch and to COLD.

Hypericum [Hyper]

Articular rheumatism, with great effusion around the joint and muddy urine, looking like the settlings of beer; bruised sensation in all joints; EXCESSIVE PAINFULNESS of affected parts, showing the nerves to be attacked.

Ignatia [Ign]

Pains as if contused or sprained, or sensation as if the flesh were loose on the bones in consequence of blows; pains worse at night, diminished by a change of position; pains, which appear while lying on the side, disappear while lying on back; worse afternoon, evening and midnight.

Illicium [Anis]

When sitting down leg feels as if broken, ceases on rising; cramplike drawing, as from a cold, in the left side of dorsal vertebrae; jerking and tearing in bend of left elbow and in palm of hand.

Iodum [Iod]

Chronic arthritic affections, with violent nightly pains in several joints without swelling.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

RHEUMATISM IN SPRING AND SUMMER WITH COOL DAYS AND NIGHTS, rheumatic pains much more severe in winter than summer; RHEUMATISM ALTERNATING WITH GASTRIC SYMPTOMS, one appearing in the fall, the other in the spring; rheumatism or any other disease appearing regularly once a year at the same time; gonorrhoeal rheumatism; pains erratic, (>) in warm room, SMALLER JOINTS SUFFER; pain about fingers and wrists more than in any other part of body; wandering pains of great variety, mostly deep-seated, along the bones and rarely associated with any localized inflammatory process; rheumatic pains in all joints, with cracking in them from least motion; papular eruption of face

and nose.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Sharp stitching pain in lumbar region shooting down from the buttocks into the thighs; empty weak feeling in stomach before eating and bloatedness after; uneasy nervous feeling when hungry.

Kali-cyan [Kali-cy]

Chronic articular rheumatism, (<) from getting out of bed and by motion, without any swelling; painful weakness in back and loins, (<) during morning and forenoon; sharp stitches in right shoulder; rheumatic twinges over right knee.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Especially at the BEGINNING OF THE COLD SEASON; rheumatic pains in bones and joints, chiefly in knees, which are swollen and have a doughy feel, the surrounding skin spotted; gnawing boring pains, (<) at night; sciatica, (<) at night, from lying on affected side. Mercurial and syphilitic affections.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Second stage of rheumatic fever, when exudation takes place around joints, (<) by motion; gray or white-coated tongue.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Acute and chronic rheumatism with pains disappearing when moving about; parts feel stiff on first attempting to rise, improve slowly, but are increased by exertion or fatigue; stiffness and paralytic tendency.

Kali-sulph [Kali-s]

Shifting, wandering, flitting rheumatic pains, (<) evenings and in warm air, (>) in cool air; pains in back, nape and limbs.

Kalmia-lat [Kalm]

Severe pains, UNATTENDED BY FEVER, SWELLING OR OTHER SIGNS OF INFLAMMATION, shift about from one place to another; every attempt at motion is followed by most excruciating pains; tearing pains down legs, extending through entire limb, (<) on motion or exertion, with great weakness (Colchicum); excessive soreness, languor and lassitude in limbs, especially lower extremities; ankles most painful and swollen; neuralgic pains from the nape of neck down the right arm to forefingers; pains suddenly leave limbs and go to heart, especially after external applications to


Kreosotum [Kreos]

Rheumatic pains in joints; stitches, most in hip and knee, with numbness, loss of sensation and a feeling as if the whole limb were going to sleep; left thumb pains as if sprained and stiff.

Lac-caninum [Lac-c]

MIGRATORY RHEUMATISM WITH ALTERNATION OF SIDES, as it may attack one ankle one day and the opposite one the next, and back again the next, thus also with any other joint; (<) about 5 P.M., partial paralysis.

Lachesis [Lach]

RHEUMATIC CARDITIS; lacerating, jerking, spasmodic pains in lower extremities, which seize the patient as soon as he falls asleep; stinging or lacerating in the knees; stiffness and curvature of affected parts; swelling of index finger and wrist- joint; bluish-red swelling; NO IMPROVEMENT FROM PROFUSE SWEATS; in open air, during damp warm weather, as in spring or before a thunderstorm, after sleeping, from exertion and evenings; intermitting pulse, with irregular action of heart, valvular murmurs, deathly pallor of face, and anguish.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

Neck very painful on slightest motion and drawn down on one side; tearing from joints upward and downward; burning of palms of hands and soles of feet.

Lactic-acid [Lac-ac]

Perspiration acrid and profuse; urine clear or high-colored and frequent, profuse or scanty; rheumatic soreness in the muscles of the chest, back and extremities; rheumatic inflammation of elbows, knees and small joints of the upper and lower extremities; worse at night and from motion; fever, with headache and flushes of heat.

Ledum [Led]

Arthritic nodosities, with violent pains; growing (<) in evening, or at night when getting warm in bed and last till midnight; gout and rheumatism affecting the smaller joints where cellular tissue is wanting; (<) by motion; PAINS TRAVEL UPWARD; oedema of feet; blisters on heels, acute tearing pains in joints, with great weakness of limbs, and numbness and coldness of surface; rheumatic or gouty inflammation of the great toe, with scanty effusion, which tends to harden into nodosities; (<) at night; from warmth of bed and covering up, (>) by cold; boring pains in bones; stiffness affecting the muscles of back, neck and loins; pains change location quickly, accompanied by little or no swelling; rheumatic pains in joints of arms; emaciation; coldness of affected parts; erythema nodosum, (<) in cold damp weather.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

CHRONIC CASES. Swelling, tenderness, sometimes redness of last joints of fingers, with general puffiness of body and limbs; increase of bulk and with clumsiness in walking at night and weariness in standing; sometimes intense itching of side, feet and hands at night, without apparent cause; debility with or in consequence of joint affections; VALVULAR INSUFFICIENCIES CAUSED BY CALCAREOUS DEPOSITS; mental agitation, causes fluttering of heart, pain in heart when bending forward; jerks and shocks about heart, (>) by urinating; painfulness of feet, ankles, metatarsus, all the toes, chiefly of border of foot and of soles; burning in great toe; pain goes down the limbs (Gettysburg).

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

Inflammatory rheumatism in right knee, swelling and extreme pain; painful stiffness in knees as after a long march; rheumatic pain between scapulae in right shoulder-joint, goes to the left upper arm and around the elbow-joint; pain in right deltoid, sore to touch.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Chronic forms, especially of old people, with painful rigidity of muscles and joints, and feeling of numbness in affected parts, forgetfulness, vertigo, congestion to head, sour belching, early nausea, flatulence oppression of chest, palpitation, etc.; rheumatism of finger-joints or about instep and ankle; drawing tearing in limbs at night and on alternate days, worse at rest and in wet weather, better in warmth; rheumatic tension in right shoulder-joint, in left hip; severe flying pains about the heart, causing him to press his hand there, dread to move or to be moved.

Lycopus-virg [Lycps]

Muscular rheumatoid pains, affecting also articulations and tendons, increased by motion and cold air, not relieved by friction, or cold effusion, or direct warmth, but improving in a warm room or bed; sneezing; dyspnoea; cough and expectoration; wheezing and faucial irritations as from bronchial catarrh; weak heart with cardiac distress and palpitation; rheumatic pains around heart; irregular and intermittent pulse; aggravation towards sunset.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.