
Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Is the chronic Rhus, and often comes in where the latter fails. Rheumatism from WORKING IN WATER OR BY A LONG CONTINUANCE IN IT; chronic cases with swelling of joints, (<) with every change of weather; crackling or crepitation of joints, as if they were dry; weakness and weariness of all the limbs; sensation of coldness on

top of head; profuse sweat and cold, damp feet; omodynia in right shoulder or from left shoulder down left arm towards the heart; lumbago; cold feeling in various points, as gluteal region; pains CONFINED TO SMALL SPOTS; gouty nodosities about fingers; ARTHRITIS NODOSA DEFORMANS.

Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f]

Lumbago, (<) on beginning to move, but improving on continued motion, after Rhus, and from warmth; indurated enlargements in fascia and capsular ligaments of joints.

Calcarea-iodat [Calc-i]

Stiff knees, severe pains, (<) in bed; scrofulosis.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Every change of weather to damp cold causes rheumatic pains in joints and various parts of body; rheumatism pertaining to cold weather, GETTING WELL IN THE SPRING AND RETURNING IN THE FALL; soreness of tendons when flexing or extending, (<) in the latter; stiffness of neck, aching and soreness in limbs; pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs, particularly through sacrum and down legs, rending, tearing, shooting, after getting wet in rain; sensation of ants crawling in affected parts; feeling of lameness in flexors and sudden aching of extensors.

Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]

Pains feel as if they would be increased by motion, but they are not; sharp pains, coming and disappearing suddenly, last only a short while; hip and shoulder-joint especially affected.

Caulophyllum [Caul]

RHEUMATISM OF THE PHALANGEAL AND METACARPAL JOINTS (Actea sp.), with considerable swelling also when shifting from extremities to nape of neck, with spasmodic rigidity of muscles of back and nape of neck, especially in CONJUNCTION WITH UTERINE AND OVARIAN TROUBLES; rheumatic and neuralgic headaches; rheumatism alternating with asthmatic affections, panting breathing

oppression of chest, nervous excitement. ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS IN WOMEN.

Causticum [Caust]

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS; chronic articular rheumatism, when JOINTS ARE STIFF AND TENDONS SHORTENED, DRAWING THE LIMBS OUT OF SHAPE, (<) from cold and (>) by warmth; restlessness at night; averse to being uncovered; rheumatism of the articulations of the jaws; great weakness and lameness of lower limbs and trembling of hands; rheumatic aching in shoulder; paralysis of deltoid, cannot

raise hand to head; constant tearing and piercing pains, compelling constant motion, which does not relieve, always coming on in the evening and diminishing in the morning, (<) from dry cold air or snowy weather.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Excessive sensitiveness to pain; with great mental irritability and crossness; pains drive patient out of bed and compel him to walk about, he is almost beside himself with anguish; drawing pains in muscles of upper and lower limbs; joints sore as if bruised and worn out, no power in hands or feet; wants to move the parts continually (Rhus), which are numb and partially paretic; pains in periosteum with paralytic weakness; hot perspiration, especially about head; one cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold; (<) at night; great thirst.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Periodic pains and tightness in chest long the sternum; drawing in nape and occiput; violent tearing pains in back and limbs; FROM LEAST TOUCH and in the morning; sweat without relief; limbs feel heavy, stiff, lame and cold; drawing pain in hips, thighs, legs, feet, more right side; pain in right shoulder and upper extremity from hepatic derangement, often with jaundice; tips of

fingers cold.

China [Chin]

LATER STAGES OF INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM, when the fever has become intermittent in its character, joints still swollen; jerking and pressing pains, excited by merely moving the affected part and gradually rising to a most fearful state, (<) at night and accompanied by a sensation of weakness in affected parts, (<) BY CONTACT MORE THAN BY MOTION; rheumatic pains in metatarsal bones and phalanges; rheumatic gout.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Disagreeable sensation as of an electric shock in any part of body; pleurodynia of right side of chest; wandering rheumatic pains; affecting the belly of muscles; burning, cramping, stitching; excessive muscular soreness and numbness, (<) at night and in cold damp weather; articular rheumatism of lower limbs, with much swelling and heat of affected parts, (<) from motion and extorting screams; uneasy feeling in limbs; causing restlessness uterine disturbances.

Coffea [Coff]


Great nervous agitation and restlessness; pains insupportable and driving to despair, but never the crossness and uncivility of Chamomilla rheumatic neuralgia in upper and lower limbs in paroxysms, (<) afternoon and night, by walking, (>) by pressure; restless and sleepless at night.

Colchicum [Colch]

ASTHENIC SUBACUTE RHEUMATISM in people overworked and subject to poor hygiene, with wavelike erratic pains, travelling crosswise or from left to right. Special affinity for fibrous tissues, tendons and aponeuroses of muscles, ligaments of joints and periosteum; swelling dark-red or pale, with no particular tendency to suppuration and extremely sensitive to touch and slightest motion, so that the least vibration renders pain unbearable; torticollis with paroxysms of anguish, dyspnoea, beating of heart, especially at night; chilliness and copious sweat; urine red and scanty; gastric symptoms before and during attack; yellow spots on face; excessive irritability, very little external impression, as light, noise, strong odors, is annoying. Valvular disease or pericarditis following rheumatism, with violent cutting, stinging pains in chest and SENSATION AS IF HEART WERE SQUEEZED BY A TIGHT BANDAGE; pains are more SUPERFICIAL IN SUMMER AND DEEPER IN WINTER; action more marked on small joints.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Stiffness of the joints following the acute disease; boring pains in the stiff and unwieldy joints; tearing drawing pains in limbs; violent drawing pain in right thumb, as in the tendons, beginning in ball and passing out at the tip; crampy pain in hip, as if it were screwed in a vise, lies upon affected side with

knee drawn up; great tendency of all the muscles to become pain- fully cramped; (>) BY HARD, FIRM PRESSURE.

Conium [Con]

Shooting pains through arms and legs, particularly in elbows and hip-joints, (<) from beginning to move, but (>) from continued motion; coldness of hands and feet.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

When the weather suddenly changes to damp cold, or gets (<) on any little exposure to cold, or when rheumatism follows suppression of a cutaneous eruption, or when CHRONIC FORMS ALTERNATE WITH DIARRHOEA (Abrotanum); sticking, drawing or tearing pains in limbs, with bloatedness of these parts and feeling as if they had gone to sleep; violent fever with great heat; dryness and burning of skin; badly smelling sweat, which gives no relief; restless tossing about in sleep from a painful sensation of swelling in nape of neck and occiput, which does not allow one to keep quiet; drawing pains in head, involving ears; (<) by rest, night air; unilateral pains. Lachesis follows well.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

Rheumatism, especially in aged persons, with sensation of soreness of the bones, leaving the ankles and feet swollen; intense aching in limbs, as if bones were broken; pains come and go quickly; very restless, cannot keep still, though there is a great desire to do so and the pains are not relieved by motion; profuse discharge of clear urine.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

Neuralgic and rheumatic pains, (>) by slowly moving about at night; omodynia, especially left side (Sanguinaria, right deltoid), of a constant drawing, tearing, laming nature, (<) in bed; anaesthesia of affected parts, no swelling; face pale, flushing easily.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Acute inflammatory rheumatism in its first stage, (<) on motion; soreness in every part of the body, especially joints, (<) on motion; lumbago, stiff back; stiff neck from cold; pains more severe at night, preventing sleep; marked stiffness on first moving after rest; pains shooting from one joint to another, exertion painful; wrist and knee affected; copious night-sweats, not relieving; muscular subacute rheumatism of upper arm.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

Rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatic pains in the left arm, from shoulder to elbow; with lameness; pain in all limbs, with weakness and numbness; constant desire to be in fresh air, it does not fatigue him.

Formica-rufa [Form]

Articular rheumatism, coming on suddenly, with excessive restlessness; patients desire to move, but motion aggravates; PAINS RELIEVED BY PRESSURE; sweat without relief; right side more affected than left.

Gelsemium [Gels]

RHEUMATIC NEURALGIA, myalgia; pains from spine to head and shoulders; aching pains in back, particularly in lumbar and sacral region; deep-seated, dull aching pains in upper and lower extremities and joints generally; rheumatic pains in upper and lower extremities, induced by cold, with laming sensation; DEEP- SEATED MUSCULAR PAINS, wants to lie still; excessive irritability of mind and body.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.